V Rising


<Prior Amod>
Frostmaw is a legit gear and skill check and is designed to be that way. Hes a pain in the butt. I got him with pets.
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<Silver Donator>
I haven't done Frostmaw on brutal yet.

I think on normal I one or two shot him, don't remember him particularly. I did use pets on normal though, I basically used the same 2 spells for most of the game, the bolt that summons skeletons on hit(with a jewel that summons 2 skeletons at the same time which I found off the same boss I got the spell) and Blood Rage, and then used a variety of melee weapons. Pets are definitely OP other than the couple fights where they're a liability. I'd usually always get skeletons up and then capitalize on openings with blood rage, and used a recovery setup with brute blood and lifesteal gear. Optimally though using a block skill would have made a lot of things safer, I often had to kite like a bitch at low hp cause I couldn't commit to meleeing with my dodge on cooldown and stuff, while with a block you can alternate them and keep melee uptime a lot more.

Not using a gamepad no, it didn't look like the type of game for gamepad use to me, I'm awful at aiming with a gamepad in general(get better over the years as I'm forced to in some games but still awful), while it's a very obvious fit for keyboard+mouse since it often plays like Diablo and other top down games.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Controller would be great except for the unbelievably retarded decision to make panning the camera use Y+triggers. Aiming ranged attacks and spells was pretty godawful too.
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<Gold Donor>
Having a great time with this, but using controller you have to play a bit differently... Aiming and camera controls are indeed frustrating and not particularly fun. But, summoning and kiting works great with controller.
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<Silver Donator>
So far I can't tell what Brutal does on a lot of these fights. I'm in act 3 now and I'd say a good 70% of the bosses don't feel like they have any new patterns, just more damage/health from the basic mods? Maybe they do and I just didn't notice because I only killed them once on normal and sometimes I one shot them so I didn't get to see mechs much but yeah. A few seem to have new things entirely, and some I think have slight changes(like more projectiles per volley kind of thing) but a lot just seem to be exactly the same which is weird. I was expecting a lot more new moves kinda like Terraria does difficulties, bit disappointing. I'm killing most bosses in 3-5 tries atm with a few taking like a dozen but it's been pretty smooth going(including Terrormaw mentionned earlier, killed him on 3rd pull).

I'm about to begin the cursed forest bosses atm so still early in act3. Got a nice 100% rogue slave since I'm not doing a melee smoothbrain build so don't need brute anymore. I am kinda tempted to try to find a 100% scholar to do a caster build at some point too, I feel there's some decent potential there, just wish they had an actual caster weapon, it's weird how they designed every weapon to basically be for physical damage dealer and not a single one with magic damage on it. Pistol is probably the closest to one since the skills are situational so it's basically just autoattack power. Slasher too fits that to some extent.
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Avatar of War Slayer
they always intended a more hybrid play. no pure mage builds. players gravitating towards that was def not the intent. even if they have added more and more support for it.

I've not tried brutal. not sure if normal is nerfed from normal, or what. Im clearing normal pretty easy. easier the prior clears. but clearly much slower then you guys. ha. Im only at level 60 or so atm. just cleared the cursed forest.

I do play as pure mage as much as possible. new bow is pretty solid. Q is a solid large aoe. paired with condemn on hit, its great. the E is high dps as well, great for boss killing. you don't need to charge the basic attack. just tap, stack focus, and hit e for 125%+50+50+50= 275% damage.
some people do like pistol as well.
Reaper was classically the OP pve weapon. that throw for passive aoe damage is nuts.
dual axes solid as well. q is a large aoe, that buffs attack speed. great for those bosses that need dps burns. and the E throw has some nice range/damage too.

wolves and aftershock are my go tos. chaos barrage ult. wolves are ok raw damage. but stack up phantasm. aftershock is one of the best aoe skills. largest aoe, hard to miss.
bow Q aoe, with condemn on hit pairs with aftershock well. damage buff, and skeletons on kill. any boss with adds this devastating.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah bow is what I'm using atm as it's just good all around with no real weaknesses, E does good single target damage, Q does good aoe and is a quick click for single target also and the primary can be cancelled early so it doesn't force you to commit too much, while also allowing to draw longer for max range kiting.

I've been mostly playing ranged during this brutal run, Crossbows on some bosses/early game but the primary forces you to commit for a long time and you end up having to space out of it too often imo, the skills otherwise are great and the ramp up power is strong if you can keep that 21% atk speed buff going.

Pistols I tried on a couple of bosses but not a fan, mostly because the range isn't as long as xbow/bow so you have to be more mindful of the spacing which I find annoying. Reaper has the same issues since E has limited range, but it is a melee weap so makes sense.

I'll say overall weapon balance is pretty solid, I think every weapon has some interesting choices, at least for pve. The ones I dislike the most are whip(primary is kinda slow, E feels pretty bad to use in general, Q is good but if I'm gonna do medium range I want a more snappy primary like pistol) and Spear, which I find clunky since it's basically melee range but no swing aoe and the actives feel like shit on bosses cause they're immune to the CCs. Everything else I've used at some point in my normal run and liked it, although axes were my favorite as an allrounder weap since it has gap closing+burst and ranged aoe+CC so it does everything pretty well.

For spells in my brutal run I've been mostly using Aftershock for damage and Ward of the Damned for blocking, and if I don't need to block Death Knight for more damage/summon. I really like aftershock cause it ignores issues like trash mobs blocking the way or bosses countering, since it's a ground effect. Makes it very reliable to get damage out of it. As for ward of the damned that shit's pretty broken, blocks in general are super strong but this one spawns skeletons per block and can be reused to do a little bit of dmg+condemn(15% increased dmg) so it does a bunch of things in one single skill.


<Silver Donator>
Alright finished the game on Brutal, the last 4 bosses were pretty interesting, Adam took me a long time(maybe like 5hours or so) but felt like a really nice fight overall, Solarus was kinda annoying until I got the strat right, Talzur was a big joke I think it took me like 3 or 4 pulls to kill him, but Dracula, damn was that fight dumb. Not as hard as Adam at all, in fact pretty easy once you're used to the mechs in comparison, but the brutal only phase is absolutely fucking stupid.

After wiping a bit to it and not seeing any way I was gonna do it I checked internet to see kills and it seems most people just change their skills mid fight during phase transitions to deal with it, and indeed that made the phase a joke, which is really fucking stupid. It's so gimmicky and skews heavily towards certain things, just really shitty design imo. Making a DPS check while also forcing you to slot specific spells in to deal with the bullshit mechanic is just horrible design that favors attack builds a ton. I had been playing caster since around lvl 70 or so and the fight was a big middle finger to that. Pretty dumb way to end like that.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Which is doubly hilarious given how trash attack/melee setups are for the first ~55 levels of the game or so. Trying to hit anything with a sword is just a recipe for frustration until you have access to the right spells/jewels/gear to get enough leech to just not always be dying to random militia or whatever.


<Silver Donator>
Which is doubly hilarious given how trash attack/melee setups are for the first ~55 levels of the game or so. Trying to hit anything with a sword is just a recipe for frustration until you have access to the right spells/jewels/gear to get enough leech to just not always be dying to random militia or whatever.
Well you don't necessarily need to melee, I meant attack builds like with the speed/crit armor sets, pistols and whips are great for that for example, I played rogue blood bow early on and it worked fine for example I just switched to a caster setup cause I wanted to see how it worked. But yeah on that last phase melee also works well and if you have attack based armor with phys crit/speed it's a lot better than if you try to do it with a caster build, because you can slot 2 counters and not worry about the bullet waves part while holding LMB and melting the boss. Which is also likely true for every boss, once you unlock pistol/whip running double counter and phys dmg probably is the easiest way to play since you have perfect defense with iframes and high damage output with medium range.

Anyway still fine game, but doesn't get the need to try to play it again like I did with Terraria and different builds because the builds aren't properly "split" in this.


Avatar of War Slayer
im playing normal. adam was cake. its dracula thats kicking my ass atm. not even close yet. couple ok attempts, but then red fire cross vomiting the tracking projectiles.
idk, maybe swap to shield. but duration seems too long for that to be the answer.

bow, ice veil, spirit wolves, void, and chaos ult. 91% scholar blood. chaos ult nearly useless. his dodge makes it very hard to land.. or save it for that last phase, I suppose.
void was a powerful replacement for aftershock. 2 charges. good jewels make it stronger then aftershock.

same setup for adam, but chaos ult does work on him.

valencia is the only other one to give me problems. she took like 20 attempts. started under leveled, ended up 3 levels over iirc before finally beating her. I think she was the one I swapped to void for.

I don't think anyone else took more then 2 tries on normal. even the new ones.


<Silver Donator>
First full playthrough for me. Getting close to finishing. Pretty solid game. No real complaints except we need slaves to put shit away for us.

Caliane Caliane what sort of pleb uses 91% blood endgame? Go farm some nuns.


<Silver Donator>
adam was cake.

valencia is the only other one to give me problems. she took like 20 attempts.

My experience so far is the opposite. I killed Valencia first attempt but I think my gear was level appropriate. Adam, though, WTF? How are you supposed to deal with that shit? The crisscrossed lines of electricity really inhibits mobility. He seems pretty tanky too. I have yet to do much damage to him.

I've made about 5 attempts and have not gotten very far. Weird because I'm maxed on gear and have most of the passives. All other bosses have been challenging but I can usually get them in 1-2 attempts. Adam seems to be an outlier.

I am using void/wolves with T5 gems. Might try switching that up.


Avatar of War Slayer
normal or brutal? I was on normal.

wolves and void are both great on him. wolves chaining between lightning gen, and him. hes not super mobile and the lightning gens are not at all. easy void targets.

you did notice you can kill the lightning generators right? they do respawn, but taking them out makes the fight alot easier.


<Silver Donator>
normal or brutal? I was on normal.

wolves and void are both great on him. wolves chaining between lightning gen, and him. hes not super mobile and the lightning gens are not at all. easy void targets.

you did notice you can kill the lightning generators right? they do respawn, but taking them out makes the fight alot easier.

No, I didn't notice that you could take out the generators but I did read it after my first few attempts. Generally I have tried not to read any spoilers and have just figured out each boss as I encounter them but Adam seemed much more difficult.

Also, I don't know if you have killed Dracula yet, but one thing you can do to help out is go to the monastery in Dunley and farm it for scholar blood. Just take a couple of holy potions with you. Massacre nuns until you get a 100. Or, you can get something high 90s and roll the dice on the irradiated gruel. Take the alchemy thingies so you can fly them back and capture a few high 90s at a minimum, ideally a 100.

After about an hour, I had multiple high 90s and a 100.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, I had been hitting the 4 chapel/churchs every time i ran by. no luck. decided this evening to try and farm dunley, the chapel just south of it, and flew over to siverlight while they respawn. couple hours. no luck.


<Silver Donator>
I did like 5 more attempts on Adam last night. Got him pretty low in his 2nd phase a few times but can't finish him. Feels like it is tuned pretty hard for single player. Basically, you have to execute the whole fight perfectly.


Avatar of War Slayer
got my 100% scholar. but drac is still kicking my butt.

phase 2 tracking bolts even figured out. just back up to the wall and walk one direction, and cut back. easy... but still getting poked to death from drac. might need to swap weapons. I think the bow might be failing here. not 100% on any of the spells either. his erratic movements, make the skillshots/ground effects miss too much. chaos volley ult almost has no chance.
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<Silver Donator>
On drac I used void as my dmg spell, a block(I think the ice one is what I settled on in the end, can get good damage out of eating his projectile spam shit), pistols and scholar blood. Ult was spider, cause it's fire and forget(also condemn debuff for free). Pistol is nice because you get burst damage and movement, and it has very good sustained too without much commitment. Imo most of the skills are pretty easy to dodge in his 2nd phase as they feel slower than the first phase stuff, for the tracking projectiles yeah go left/right until you can turn around and just keep moving that way until it's over sadly can't greed much dmg. Also ignored the crystals cause they have way too much fucking hp, although they are killable if you have a build that does more damage than I did, for me it wasn't worth it, I just dodge through the circles as needed or followed the crystals.
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<Silver Donator>
got my 100% scholar. but drac is still kicking my butt.

phase 2 tracking bolts even figured out. just back up to the wall and walk one direction, and cut back. easy... but still getting poked to death from drac. might need to swap weapons. I think the bow might be failing here. not 100% on any of the spells either. his erratic movements, make the skillshots/ground effects miss too much. chaos volley ult almost has no chance.

That's why I have sort of settled on Void and Wolves. Void hits pretty fast and is less of a skill shot since it is AoE. Wolves, if you can't hit the boss due to mobility, you can at least bounce to them off of an add.

With Adam, I found that I was actually doing better by swapping out Void for Sanguine though. Extra heals helped get me further into the fight.