World of Warcraft: Current Year


Blackwing Lair Raider
Kinda blows my mind that shit like flying mounts are still gated in WoD, this expansion is horse shit enough as is. Just give me a flying mount so it's a little less shitty to do anything in the game.
If I had to guess as soon as the prepatch goes live I bet everybody gets WOD flight and the old achivement becomes a feat of str.


Got something right about marriage
You still cannot fly in MoP without the heirloom item so I doubt it.
Well, you can buy it at level 90 from the trainer. But that's just how it always worked, you can buy it once you reach max level for that expansion initially.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I should have been more clear, I meant for leveling purposes. Maybe they will make it trainable at 100 (they haven't on beta I don't believe), but I doubt they will.


Got something right about marriage
Funny thing about those grimoires on the BMAH. I end up getting them for like 1100 gold and can use them at 85 instead of having to pay 2500 at level 90.

I love the BMAH. Best thing Blizzard ever added.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Funny thing about those grimoires on the BMAH. I end up getting them for like 1100 gold and can use them at 85 instead of having to pay 2500 at level 90.

I love the BMAH. Best thing Blizzard ever added.
NICE, I gotta start doing that.


It's still fucked.

You can train flying for Outland at 60, Northrend flying at 68, Cata flying at 60. Then you hit 85 and the fucking spellbook says you can train Panda flying, so you make the trek to Panda city, via teleport or passenger in someone's flying mount if you're lucky, the long way around on foot if you're not, and the goddamn trainer says to come back in 5 levels. So you go to the BMAH to buy the grimoire, and have to deal with the usual BMAH bullshit: Day 1 - No grimoire. Day 2 - Grimoire's up, make a bid. Day 3 - You were outbid, no grimoire today. Day 4 - At this point your character is probably 90 already. Oh and up until patch 6.1 the book was bugged and DIDN'T WORK UNTIL 90.

So now with some planning you can of course have a supply of 2-3 books in the bank, ready for future alts. But God forbid you trust the game to be consistent, you're s.o.l.

As for WoD flying, I would guess they will remove the achievement requirement but require level 100 to train it. On the plus side, I really doubt they would take away the account-wide status it currently has, so all future alts will effectively get it at 90.


Blackwing Lair Raider
One thing I have noticed in my testing of various class/specs doing their intro stuff and artifact quests is that they are all pretty interesting. They are all not set at the exact same period and sometimes doing one of them shows you how the events in a different classes quest happened. If you have level 100s I would recommend even if you don't intend on fully leveling them until later in the expansion run through the various artifact intro stuff they are all pretty neat.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
By the way do we have any WoW UI and/or TSM pros here who wouldn't mind assisting getting some shit set up. If I am going to play this shit I might as well get it raid ready before legion.


Vyemm Raider
By the way do we have any WoW UI and/or TSM pros here who wouldn't mind assisting getting some shit set up. If I am going to play this shit I might as well get it raid ready before legion.
I just use Elvui - it pretty much did everything i liked and more with a few addons to make raiding primo.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I just use Elvui - it pretty much did everything i liked and more with a few addons to make raiding primo.
Yeah ElvUI seems pretty solid, I have been using it a bit and still modding the shit out of it to get everything as smooth and clutter free as possible. It feels like there is way more shit on screen than there used to be of course that could just be me though. Either way I am just trying to clean it up and get the last few things tweaked.

Thankfully some people go apeshit with Tradeskill master and I found some files to import 99% of that shit.


Read that dps class breakdown a few pages back for Legion, but it was pretty grim. I'll probably stick with frost DK out the gate but anyone have anything good to say about any of the other dps specs? I'm leaning towards Warrior, Warlock or Rogue, but might try druid or monk.


what Suineg set it to
Is there any hope in getting beta access before launch? Kind of want to test DH to see if I will tank on that or something else. You know for the first month or so before the content is done again.


Is there any hope in getting beta access before launch? Kind of want to test DH to see if I will tank on that or something else. You know for the first month or so before the content is done again.
Blizzard has said that they are not sending out any further invitations. You can still try and win one from Wowhead or MMOChampion or some of the other fan sites.


Got something right about marriage
Is there any hope in getting beta access before launch? Kind of want to test DH to see if I will tank on that or something else. You know for the first month or so before the content is done again.
Should be able to play DH in the pre-launch patch anyway right? Which is usually about a month before the expac releases. That's how it worked for Monks, can't remember if they did that for DK's though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Nah DKs were only day 1 of release for the xpac, not during the pre-release invasion stuff. It's why Hellfire penninsula was absolutely stuffed with level 70s who didn't have the xpac (on pvp servers) griefing the shit out level 58 DKs hah. The entrance to Ramparts looked like a tsunami went through a cemetary.


Read that dps class breakdown a few pages back for Legion, but it was pretty grim. I'll probably stick with frost DK out the gate but anyone have anything good to say about any of the other dps specs? I'm leaning towards Warrior, Warlock or Rogue, but might try druid or monk.
So far I've really enjoyed Fury War, Marks Hunter, Arcane Mage, Affliction Lock, Boomkin, and the Demon Hunter's dps spec (I'm never gonna get their real names straight). Frost DK is actually one of the blander specs right now. It's just the exact same thing as live but with fewer buttons, and Killing Machine only affects Obliterate. Oh and Remorseless Winter is now baseline for Frost only as an aoe, damage over time replacement of Death and Decay, so that's neat I guess.

Fury has a lot of the same abilities as on live, but reworked to make the rotation flow feel pretty fun. Bloodthirst is your standard core ability; crits with it trigger Enrage. Furious Slash replaces Wild Strike as the 'I got nothing else' filler, except it costs no rage so you actually want to use it, AND it buffs Bloodthirst's crit chance by 15%, stacking until your next BT crit. Enrage is much stronger than on live; with mastery just from starter gear + artifacts it's at 60% increased damage, plus 100% increased attack speed as a baseline bonus. Raging Blow is freely usable in Enrage instead of having charges, and builds rage instead of costing it. All of this is building up to your rage spender, Rampage, which costs 85 rage, does big damage in a 5-hit combo, and triggers Enrage so you don't have to save it til you crit with BT. Overall, you spend more time Enraged, which is stronger, and you're constantly managing your rage bar, which feels meaningful for the first time in a while.

Marksman's rotation is based on proccing Hunter's Mark on your targets, which enables a single use of Marked Shot, a high damage shot that hits all marked targets and debuffs them, increasing some of your other shots' damage on them. It's pretty satisfying applying a mark on whole groups at once with Multi-shot, then causing massive destruction with a single Marked Shot. The animation fires one projectile at a time, even if you're hitting several targets at once; it just fires them very quickly. I think they were going for a 'mark & execute' style shot, like you'd see in games like Red Dead Redemption. You also get increased range based on mastery, which feels broken outdoors but pretty frustrating inside. Between the range, high burst damage, mobility (Disengage is the same, Aspect of the Cheetah is now a 12s sprint on a 3 min cooldown, no longer dazes you), anti-mobility on the mobs (Concussive shot is the same, Scatter Shot is back with an added knockback and called Bursting Shot, unfortunately no traps but some CC options as talents), and survivability (Deterrence was renamed Aspect of the Turtle for whatever reason but is pretty much the same, there's a new baseline heal for 50% hp that refreshes quicker when you kill mobs, about 3-4 kills will completely refresh it), it really feels unnecessary to have a pet. It's a shame they put Lone Wolf back as an optional talent instead of baseline.

Arcane Mage is probably not that different from on live, but I haven't played one in a while so couldn't say. What I can say is they are pretty fun in Legion while their playstyle in the past has usually annoyed me. Arcane charges are now a resource with their own bar on your character portrait; besides being easier to track without using an addon, this means they have no expiration date and you don't have to worry about refreshing their duration. They will decay out of combat though. The damage increase also scales with mastery; starter gear and artifact put me at about 79% as opposed to the static 50% on live. Evocation no longer consumes charges and just acts at the power of 4 charges as baseline now. This means you can pop Evo to extend your burn phase even longer, instead of ending it. Arcane Power is stronger but works the same (30% dmg, -30% spell cost, compared to 20% dmg, -10% cost on live). I think the best change to the spec is the mastery: besides the aforementioned arcane charge scaling, it also increases your max mana pool and passive mana regen. letting you use your burn phase longer and more often. Better yet, it doesn't have that FUCKING RETARDED mechanic of doing less damage the more mana you spend. In Legion, you get to spend shittons of mana and feel good about it, and it all comes back pretty quick.

I'm getting sleepy with all this typing so I'll keep the rest short.

Affliction rotation is actually pretty crappy. Talents can change it a LOT, maybe I just haven't found the right combination. Still, the damage is good, healing from Drain Life/Soul is pretty powerful, and the Seed of Corruption talent is absolutely fantastic, makes it worth playing affliction just for that.

Boomkin is vastly improved simply by virtue of them removing the Balance Cycle mechanic. Same spells otherwise. Moonfire, Sunfire, Wrath (renamed Solar Wrath), and Starfire (renamed Lunar Strike) all fill a bar called Astral Power, Starfall and Starsurge spend it. Moonfire and Solar Wrath are single target, Sunfire and Lunar Strike have aoe splash damage. Starsurge buffs both Solar Wrath and Lunar Strike, 1 charge for each, so you're encouraged to alternate casts once in a while and not just spam one thing based on the number of targets.

The best part about Havok Demon Hunters is their mobility. Double jump and glide are tied to spacebar. Double jump is completely client side so the responsiveness feels great; glide is server so it may lag a bit. Havok mastery increases run speed, a little over 20% with starter gear + artifacts. They also have a small quick dash and disengage-like backflip, both can be done midair. The rotation itself is extremely simple, but I don't have access to most of the talents yet.

I intended to try out every single spec during the beta, but it turns out that's kind of exhausting. Not to mention you have to repeat the introduction scenario on every single character, and even the first time it was kinda boring and a pain in the ass. About 20 times through it at this point and I usually just AFK til it's over. If I find any other specs that feel good, I'll mention it.

I'd say overall it's 50/50 whether any particular spec is changing for the better or for the worse, the worst cases being ones that are just more boring versions of what they are now. If you have 1 or 2 main characters you are deadset on sticking with in Legion you may be disappointed, you may not. But if you're willing to switch it up and play something new, there are plenty of really fun specs.