

Silver Baronet of the Realm

Genre: [GENRE]Comedy[/GENRE]

First Aired: [RELEASE]2016-06-14[/RELEASE]

Overview: [PLOT]Single-camera comedy centering on a diverse group of survivors adjusting to being stranded on an uninhabited island, a dangerous new world where they must face many threats – mostly brought on by themselves. No longer plugged into the rest of the world, the group struggles to navigate their makeshift society while also learning to live without such modern comforts as indoor plumbing, Wi-Fi, social media and Chipotle.[/PLOT][/SERIESWRAP][/SERIES]

Pretty much a parody of Lost, I caught episode three last night and it definitely had me hooked. The guy obssesed with whoever has the suitcase of dildos was hilarious
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FPS noob
season 2 started a few weeks ago, 6 episodes up so far. pretty funny, more or less building on season 1. most of the cast is B-tier trash but the new zealand guy (from What we do in the shadows, Flight of the Conchords) is hilarious.