Recent content by Fogel

  1. Fogel

    Health Problems

    Everything I've read shows that we're not getting enough sodium in our diets now ever since the now apparent misguided war on sodium was launched, combined with the "hydration" push. Drinking straight water only makes the issue worse since we're now filtering out more electrolytes without...
  2. Fogel

    You know you're getting old when.....

  3. Fogel

    The Video Thread

  4. Fogel

    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

    Have you dabbled in the survivors genre yet? Vampire survivors, Brotato, Hall of Torment, Nordic Ashes, Death must Die, etc
  5. Fogel

    The Animated GIF Thread

  6. Fogel

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  7. Fogel

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    And then they all clapped
  8. Fogel

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  9. Fogel

    The Video Thread

    When the beat hits hard
  10. Fogel

    The Video Thread

    Bro was set up
  11. Fogel

    The Video Thread

    When pspspspsps goes wrong
  12. Fogel

    Home Improvement

    Hold old is the unit and how old is the warranty? I'd also look and see if there's been any issues with that model. I had a similar issue with my Civic and when I researched it, even though the warranty expired, they ended up extending the warranty due to the issue, so I'd check on that. If I...
  13. Fogel

    The Video Thread

  14. Fogel

    The Video Thread

    In today's episode of How I got fired
  15. Fogel

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    The issue is, that outside of the fact that there is plenty of cannon about what these gods looks like, these artistic "interpretations" always go one way. Interpret white gods as blacks and you're stunning and brave and so diverse and inclusive. But if a dev studio took a game centered around...