Recent content by Gravel

  1. Gravel

    Curb your Enthusiasm

    I've been rewatching Seinfeld for the first time in like 25 years, and it's amazing the amount of callbacks they do to that show. I also didn't realize how close to Seinfeld's finale that Curb started. Just a two year gap between them. Granted, Larry stopped working Seinfeld at season 7...
  2. Gravel


    I don't think that's a K2 specific thing. In vanilla SE, the crushed/powdered naquium recipes both make both products just in different ratios. And then naquium crystals also shit out more of them. They also shit out a bunch of the byproducts from other outposts, that are also used in the...
  3. Gravel

    Investing General Discussion

    Did he already blow through $30 million and needs to pump this shit some more?
  4. Gravel

    Investing General Discussion

    Shit, lemme go open a Robinhood account. What could go wrong?!
  5. Gravel


    I like it because the young person is undeniably obnoxious.
  6. Gravel

    Roguelite Enemy Hell/Bullet Heaven/Survivor catch-all

    Went and bought one of those bundle things with Brotato and Death Must Die. My first impressions were that Brotato is way more fun, but I keep coming back to Death Must Die. It seems to have much better replayability with the talents and Diablo-esque gearing. About 8 hours in and I just beat...
  7. Gravel

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    It's going to take 15 years of development and most players will quit within 2 months.
  8. Gravel


    I went with delivery cannons. Rockets just became too annoying. I processed everything into ingots (or vulcanite blocks) on the outpost and sent them with delivery cannons. Think I had like 7 receivers/cannons for vulcanite blocks.
  9. Gravel

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    Meanwhile everyone in this thread is like "yeah, but I'll still play it." You all keep giving your money to companies pushing stuff you say you hate, and you keep getting more of it. It's a real mystery what's happening here.
  10. Gravel

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    Stephen's dad probably molested him, and the cycled continued with him molesting his own son. Tale as old as time.
  11. Gravel


    Oh, and I'm only on 10 planets. Nauvis nOrbit Outposts for holmium, cryonite, iridite/vulcanite, beryl, vitamelange, the asteroid belt, star orbit, and naquitite.
  12. Gravel


    I also started with 1-4 trains. Switched everything to 1-1 a little bit before unlocking the space elevator. For me it was because trying to figure out city blocks with massive input resources accommodating 1-4 trains was stupid. For instance, I've got multiple blocks that have 7-9 inputs into...
  13. Gravel

    Helldivers II

    That's the sad part. This whole thing shouldn't even be a story, but they've mishandled it so poorly that they've screwed themselves.
  14. Gravel


    Like with everything Factorio, once you get further you'll start getting fuckloads of scrap and it'll pump out a pretty significant amount of resources. You've gotta do something with it all or it will pile up massively.
  15. Gravel

    Helldivers II

    This is how you crater a company. This will be the last successful release for Arrowhead.