Autonomous Systems

Would you ever own an autonomous vehicle?

  • Hell yeah Bring on our robotic overlords!

  • Fuck you! I'll keep my Indepenence

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Karazhan Raider
Every other day I come across another story about these things and I have to keep asking myself....What is the point of this shit?

Who is asking for these?

Why in the hell would I ever want to sign up for this?

The idea of hurling down a road doing 75mph with nothing more than a Macbook pro in control of the vehicle seems comical at best.

What are you going to do when circumstances demand any level of improvisation? Some of the proposed ideas I've seen for these things don't even include steering wheels or peddles.

Is this really something that society is clamoring for and people really want?

What really worries me though, is this eventually going to be forced onto us?

How will I outrun the police if they can just log into my car and drive it strait to police department HQ?
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Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
For someone that commutes an hour at minimum every day this would be a godsend. Being able to do my work and be productive instead of mindlessly sitting in traffic would be amazing.

Then there's the drunk driving which I think at least in urban areas Uber/Lyft is already cutting down on to a degree. The thought of being able to go out with my wife and friends and enjoy myself and not worry about it is pretty nice. Instead I'm usually counting the drinks and the time before I need to cut myself off and wondering did I cut myself off in time or not before I get behind the wheel.

Working properly you'll see better traffic flows due to the cut down in accidents and people actually being able to be productive, seems like a win win to me.
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Murder Apologist
Every other day I come across another story about these things and I have to keep asking myself....What is the point of this shit?

Who is asking for these?

Transport and logistics industry for now. Everyone who wants a flying car eventually. The only way the FAA will let you own a flying car, is if you're never allowed to pilot it.


Karazhan Raider
For someone that commutes an hour at minimum every day this would be a godsend. Being able to do my work and be productive instead of mindlessly sitting in traffic would be amazing.

Seems like the bus might be just as good for your purpose.
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what Suineg set it to
This poll is bad and you should feel bad.

It should have a few points along the path of technological maturity, IE:

> Preorder the first one
> Will buy gen 2/3 once bugs are worked out
> Will buy once widely adopted
> Will buy only when I have no choice
> Fuck robots I'd rather walk

I'd be willing to buy a car with an autonomous mode after a few generational work-throughs, but I'm 100% against mandated autonomous autopilot or being the guinea pig.


Millie's Staff Member
fuck that. when i can no longer drive then i will take one of these russian roulette machines. for now, me and my pre computer age convertible got some more miles to go.
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I'll be the first to hop in a car of this nature. I'm lazy, don't like paying insurance, and want to masturbate on the way to work. And "driving" drunk is nice too, if I still went to bars.


NeoGaf Donator
The only way I'd ever jump in one of these is if every other car on the highway was self driving too.

It'll be interesting to see how the legislative measures start coming out about robot cars.


Trakanon Raider
Can't wait for truly autonomous vehicles. I spend a fair amount of my weekends and vacations driving long distances to get to the mountains, and it would be fucking awesome to be able to sleep, read, get drunk, jerk off, or whatever along the way instead of sitting there, staring at the white lines. Not to mention there'll be a huge safety benefit, as well. And I enjoy driving, for the most part. Just not when it's 4-16 hours at a time.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Can't wait for truly autonomous vehicles. I spend a fair amount of my weekends and vacations driving long distances to get to the mountains, and it would be fucking awesome to be able to sleep, read, get drunk, jerk off, or whatever along the way instead of sitting there, staring at the white lines. Not to mention there'll be a huge safety benefit, as well. And I enjoy driving, for the most part. Just not when it's 4-16 hours at a time.

I fucking haaaaaaaate traveling long distances via car but I love to travel, It's exactly why I want one as well. My only concern with autonomous vehicles is that they will dramatically increase the amount of travel people are willing to do and in doing so increase pollution. Any time movement is made easier more people are willing to do it. Without some sort of electric vehicle revolution I can't see it not dramatically increasing car pollution.

On the note of flying cars, there is a lot of working being done to produce a small drone that could carry people. Flying is easier to make autonomous than cars, there is a lot more vertical space than there is ground level space so there are a lot of reasons that it's appealing. Supposedly Google among others have invested hundreds of millions into a few small firms producing these things and they seem ripe to disrupt the car industry. So a flying car may not be that far off in the future (5-10years? maybe)


Low and to the left
<Silver Donator>
Can't wait for truly autonomous vehicles. I spend a fair amount of my weekends and vacations driving long distances to get to the mountains, and it would be fucking awesome to be able to sleep, read, get drunk, jerk off, or whatever along the way instead of sitting there, staring at the white lines. Not to mention there'll be a huge safety benefit, as well. And I enjoy driving, for the most part. Just not when it's 4-16 hours at a time.

The whole autonomous cars deal goes out the window as soon as you have to mix it with human drivers on the same roads. I dont care how powerful a computer they slap on that sumabitch because as soon as it gets on the same road as some of the morons i already see driving its going to be toast.
Maybe if they added separate lanes with concrete block in between autonomous traffic and regular traffic and maybe open them up every few km for line merges and highway exits then we can talk.
Oh and automatic executions of anyone caught driving manual in these lanes.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'm not against autonomous vehicles as long as you have the option to drive. Just today I read Ford said they will have vehicles by 2021 with no steering wheel. I guess I'm odd man out. I can think of a lot of shit I do that a computer couldn't do jack shit. I'm sure it's great for parking at the mall but not worth a damn in an area with no parking spots, driving down a muddy ass road and making sure you keep on the high side, hooking up a trailer and all kinds of shit. Not to mention the near suicide hits I put on bump gates when I have my grille guard on, which serves two purposes. It opens the gate and I get the joy of ramming it at 20mph.


Murder Apologist
That's all true and many jurisdictions are planning for autonomous-only lanes anyway. More importantly once the infrastructure and the regulatory framework for autonomous cars happen, it'll escalate as fast if not faster than smartphone adoption since it's utility is even more IMMEDIATE than the introduction of the smartphone category had.

Hell Uber is already bringing their fleet of autonomous Volvos to Pittsburgh next month. This shit is HAPPENING folks.



Sparkletot Monger
Its going to put millions of truckers, cabbies, mailmen, bus drivers, delivery men, and others out of work, but it will make good and services much, much cheaper.

I imagine this working really, really with an Uber like service. This would basically make having a car unnecessary. Unless you want to hire it out as a uber car while you are sleeping or at work.


Murder Apologist
The regulatory framework and the infrastructure is an absolutely necessary step for the adoption of autonomous drone delivery and eventually flying cars.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
A few key points from someone in the industry:

1. We're very far from 100% autonomous vehicles being mass marketed to the consumer. As in decades away. So don't worry about 100% autonomous vehicles whether you want them or hate them. It's like worrying about the license process to get a flying car.

2. We've already got autonomous vehicles at different autonomy levels and they're doing very well. Google's car is prolific and amazing. Tesla has thousands with super-cruise in the hands of the consumer. Bosch, Delphi and other tier 1s are putting their super-cruise systems into new luxury class vehicles. Ford is leading the big 3 in some very cool things. To the detriment of taxi drivers, Uber is also doing some cool things.

3. Autonomous vehicles will reduce injury and death dramatically or they won't be given to consumers. So don't argue against them from a safety perspective if you want to have a sensible discussion. It's like arguing against seatbelts. The truth we don't want to recognize is that driving is dangerous. Oh well.

4. Nobody really knows how autonomous vehicles will change our daily life, but it's going to happen gradually. The tech will improve slowly, adoption will increase slower.


Sparkletot Monger
Heres something else that wont exist in a decade.. humans cutting your lawn.

Think about landscapers that primarily just cut lawns these days. Lets say a landscaper has a pretty decent sized business, has a few dozen lawns, a few trucks and crew of guys. Whats that cost? 30 bucks a week at most?

How would he compete against a guy who has an autonomous driven truck, with mowers that use pretty much the same technology as Roomba, that can go 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (super quiet electric powered mowers), no meal breaks, no health insurance, no breaks, no sick days... nada. You just show up at a customers house, take some measurements, feed that information into the computer, then go back to shitposting at ReRe while the money flows in from your robotic minions.

Shit, you want to stop mexican immigration? You don't need walls, you just need robots. No Jerbs, No Immigrants.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Heres something else that wont exist in a decade.. humans cutting your lawn.
This is completely false. Lawn care is a pretty complex problem and few people will pay big bucks to take care of a subset of that problem with a robot.

It's like saying the existence of the roomba has removed the market for vacuum cleaners.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Its going to put millions of truckers, cabbies, mailmen, bus drivers, delivery men, and others out of work, but it will make good and services much, much cheaper.

I imagine this working really, really with an Uber like service. This would basically make having a car unnecessary. Unless you want to hire it out as a uber car while you are sleeping or at work.

Long term I wouldn't be surprised if some of these ride hailing services just become free. Watch a 30s advertisement every 10 minutes or something of driving and they can earn the cash back for the ride. It's not really feasible with gas powered vehicles, maintenance costs are simply too high but electric vehicles can be incredibly reliable and require little maintenance because they're so simple to build in comparison and have fewer parts that can fail.


Murder Apologist
You can already get a free cabride to any of the major tittie bars from anywhere in Vegas during certain hours. The principle already exists but those costs would have to be DRIVEN DOWN, they won't come down by themselves.

It'll prolly be closer to getting free rides to a Best Buy during Black Friday or Target/Walmart promoting free rides to their stores to compete with e-retailers.