Beach vacation

Aychamo BanBan

Need help with a beach vacation for June. I have 6 days to travel (5 nights off). Romantic trip with girlfriend.

Not a real budget but don't want to be insane.

We were looking at Turks & Caicos, but the all inclusives (Beaches, etc) are like $1300+ per night. That puts me in at around $10,000 for the whole trip, which is just insane for 5 days. Even like the Ritz Carlton is $900/night and you're on your own for food etc.

And to be honest, I don't know if I could do 5 days on a beach. I like the beach but I can't sit in the sun all day and melt and do nothing, and sure swimming is fun for a couple of hours, but I like to do some shit and see some shit too.

Other thoughts:

San Juan
Great Exuma

I've never been to the Virgin Islands, and don't know anything about them.

We even looked at like 2 nights in San Juan, and then 3 nights on an island, but we'd get there late the first night, and then leave in AM after the second night so only one real day there, then that travel day to location #2 is gone also.

Thoughts on a trip itenerary?

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
I've had great experiences with all inclusive packages in Cancun and Cabo San Lucas. They're a little more middle class than the locations you listed, but they cost less than half as much and if you pick the resort carefully you can still get some really excellent food. I'm too old and don't have time to scout and transit to my own restaurant itinerary. I want to have a good meal, a few glasses of wine, and roll into the pool/beach/bed without packing up and waiting around.

Plenty to see and do around those areas. Beaches, watersports, historical sites, etc. In particular, swimming in the Yucatan cenotes and cave diving is a bucket list item IMO.


<Gold Donor>

All of these I’ve stayed at and all were excellent. The best hotel in the Caribbean Caneel Bay was in St John and a hurricane destroyed it a few years ago unfortunately but the the above are classy and beautifu.


Avatar of War Slayer
Need help with a beach vacation for June. I have 6 days to travel (5 nights off). Romantic trip with girlfriend.

Not a real budget but don't want to be insane.

We were looking at Turks & Caicos, but the all inclusives (Beaches, etc) are like $1300+ per night. That puts me in at around $10,000 for the whole trip, which is just insane for 5 days. Even like the Ritz Carlton is $900/night and you're on your own for food etc.

And to be honest, I don't know if I could do 5 days on a beach. I like the beach but I can't sit in the sun all day and melt and do nothing, and sure swimming is fun for a couple of hours, but I like to do some shit and see some shit too.

Other thoughts:

San Juan
Great Exuma

I've never been to the Virgin Islands, and don't know anything about them.

We even looked at like 2 nights in San Juan, and then 3 nights on an island, but we'd get there late the first night, and then leave in AM after the second night so only one real day there, then that travel day to location #2 is gone also.

Thoughts on a trip itenerary?

Dominican Republic could be an option, I have heard good things about the area around Puerto Plata; as in, three or four big name resort/hotel companies were looking at building out properties in the area (before the Wuhanic Plague hit).

I would rather go skiing on a mountain than sit on a beach, so I will never visit there, but if that's your thing, take a look at the various resorts along the northern coast of Hispaniola (sans Haiti).
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
If you can swing transportation, go to Cuba. So much good food, so cheap, beautiful beaches, fun things to do.


<Gold Donor>
Not sure if this is useful, but my favorite beach vacation of all time was a small (~12 passenger) cruise in the galapagos. I did a tour of most of the island, was something like 16 days, ran me a bit north of 10k between getting there and and the trip. The main city in the islands is absolutely stacked with hot rich girls from europe blowing dad's money in the bars.

Going to sleep at one island and waking up the next day for breakfast was just enjoyable. Lots of time to admire the view, sit on the beach, snorkle and hike. Some nights ended at the house of some random dude on the island. The tour guide was a PHD who lived there his whole life, and the chef was excellent. I could order the swabs around to do shit like fetch me things or make me booze. At one point the made one go pull out a floating dead giant squid the captain spotted, which was badass.

I got to see orcas fucking shit up, penguins in the northern hemisphere, And by the end of it I had worked out so much I was rocking a six pack. Once in a life time experience.

In finishing: Spending 10k for 5 days at some beach resort, they better include some lit drugs or experienced 'entertainment'. I'd go the cabo/cozumel route. I'm sure they have just as many things to do.