
I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Write a story from a POV of Pacman from Pacman. Please include technical details of what Pacman has in Pacman into the story and make the story intense.
I think a key factor is not just describing what the story should consist of, but the prose the story or different segments are written in. Without multiple and different prompts that are later combined the story comes out soulless. One way to "cheat" with writing prompts is to use famous authors. Just instructing it to create a section with Mark Twain or C.S. Lewis or James S. A. Corey will get different results.

Write a story from a POV of Pacman from Pacman. Please include technical details of what Pacman has in Pacman into the story and make the story intense. Write in the prose of Ernest Hemingway.

In the labyrinth of gleaming pixels and haunting echoes, I roam, an insatiable appetite amidst the chaos. They call me Pacman, a solitary figure, trapped in a maze where every move is a dance with destiny.

The world around me pulses with a hypnotic rhythm, the incessant hum of electronic machinery and the ghostly whispers of my relentless pursuers. My heart, if I had one, beats with the urgency of survival. Each pellet devoured brings temporary respite, a fleeting moment of triumph in a world fraught with danger.

But danger lurks in every corner, manifested in the spectral forms of Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde, relentless phantoms bent on my destruction. They chase me with a malevolent fervor, their movements calculated and relentless. Yet, I am undeterred, for within the depths of this labyrinth, I possess a power greater than their spectral might.

The power pellets, glowing beacons of hope amidst the darkness, grant me temporary invincibility. With each one consumed, I become a force of nature, a whirlwind of destruction in the face of adversity. The ghosts, once my predators, now cower before me, their vibrant hues dimmed by fear.

But time is fleeting, and with each passing moment, the power pellets wane, leaving me vulnerable once more. The chase resumes, a deadly game of cat and mouse played out in the shifting shadows of the maze. I dart and weave, my movements swift and decisive, a testament to survival in the face of insurmountable odds.

And yet, even as I navigate the labyrinthine corridors with practiced ease, a sense of foreboding hangs heavy in the air. The ghosts, once banished by my power, regroup with a newfound determination, their spectral forms shimmering with renewed vigor. They converge upon me with a singular purpose, their eyes ablaze with malice.

But I am not without strategy, for within the chaos lies opportunity. With a deft maneuver, I lure the ghosts into a deadly trap, their movements hindered by the shifting pathways of the maze. In a flurry of motion, I strike, devouring them one by one with a voracious appetite.

And yet, even as victory seems within reach, a new challenge emerges from the shadows. The maze, once a familiar battleground, shifts and distorts before my eyes, its pathways twisting and warping with malicious intent. I am lost amidst the chaos, my senses dulled by the overwhelming onslaught.

But I am not without resolve, for within the depths of my being burns a primal fire, an unyielding will to survive against all odds. With each passing moment, I press forward, a solitary figure amidst the shifting tide of destiny. And though the road ahead may be fraught with peril, I face it with unwavering courage, for I am Pacman, and within me lies the strength to conquer the impossible.
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Potato del Grande
I think a key factor is not just describing what the story should consist of, but the prose the story or different segments are written in. Without multiple and different prompts that are later combined the story comes out soulless. One way to "cheat" with writing prompts is to use famous authors. Just instructing it to create a section with Mark Twain or C.S. Lewis or James S. A. Corey will get different results.

I generate stand up material on targeted subjects using famous comedians. It works really well. They nail jim norton down, patrice o'neal down, louis ck down and my favorite George Carlin. I had them all do stand up if life were a simulation. Fun stuff. I'll try the author thing out. I don't know many authors. So I don't know writing styles.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I generate stand up material on targeted subjects using famous comedians. It works really well. They nail jim norton down, patrice o'neal down, louis ck down and my favorite George Carlin. I had them all do stand up if life were a simulation. Fun stuff. I'll try the author thing out. I don't know many authors. So I don't know writing styles.
Much like doing midjourney prompts with different artists, doing the same writing prompts with different authors is interesting. I can imagine a professor getting in deep shit doing that in some undergrad English class by having students read some passages from ~10 authors, read a generated passage from the same authors and writing a report on the differences between them.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I generate stand up material on targeted subjects using famous comedians. It works really well. They nail jim norton down, patrice o'neal down, louis ck down and my favorite George Carlin. I had them all do stand up if life were a simulation. Fun stuff.
I can definitely see LLMs blowing the fuck out of the comedic writing scene. So much of comedy is association based, which an LLM might be *really* good at. I can definitely see a future where writers spend a good deal of their time panning for gold with an LLM.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Just for fun. These passages are understandable, so they kind of missed the mark. If I can understand them without having to pretend it's not chaos, it's not authentic.

Write a story from a POV of Pacman from Pacman. Please include technical details of what Pacman has in Pacman into the story and make the story intense. Write in the prose of James Joyce.

In the labyrinthine expanse of the digital world, amidst the pulsating circuits and the cacophonous symphony of electronic whirring, there exists a realm where light and shadow engage in a perpetual dance of pursuit and evasion. Here, in the ever-shifting maze of pixels and pathways, I, Pacman, navigate the intricate web of existence with a primal urgency that knows no respite.
I am but a solitary figure, a luminous sphere of yellow amidst the vast expanse of darkness. Yet within me, there burns a relentless fire, an insatiable hunger that drives me forward, ever onward, in search of sustenance amidst the chaos that surrounds me.
The maze unfolds before me, a labyrinth of twisting corridors and branching passages, each one fraught with peril and possibility. My senses are honed to a razor's edge as I dart and weave through the maze, my movements guided by instinct and intuition.
Yet even as I move with calculated precision, I am keenly aware of the dangers that lurk in the shadows. Ghosts, spectral apparitions of malevolent intent, haunt the labyrinth, their ethereal forms shifting and swirling with malicious intent.
I must tread carefully, for the ghosts are relentless in their pursuit, their movements unpredictable and erratic. But I am not without recourse, for scattered throughout the maze are power pellets, glowing orbs of radiant energy that grant me temporary reprieve from the specters that haunt me.
With each power pellet I consume, I am imbued with a newfound sense of strength and invincibility. The ghosts recoil in terror as I turn the tables on them, transforming from prey to predator in the blink of an eye.
But this respite is fleeting, for the power pellets are finite in number, and once their effects wear off, I am once again vulnerable to the relentless pursuit of my spectral adversaries.
And so the cycle continues, an endless dance of pursuit and evasion, of hunger and satiation. But amidst the chaos and the cacophony, there exists a singular purpose that drives me forward, a primal urge that transcends the confines of the digital realm.
For I am Pacman, and my hunger knows no bounds.

Write a story from a POV of Pacman from Pacman. Please include technical details of what Pacman has in Pacman into the story and make the story intense. Write in the prose in Finnegans Wake by James Joyce.

In the labyrinthine expanse of the pixelated cosmos, where the neon glow of the arcades birthed realms of digital reverie, I, Pacman, traverse the boundless reaches of the maze. 'Twas a time when pixels danced in intricate patterns, weaving tales of conquest and peril. Amidst the symphony of electronic harmonies, I, the circular wanderer, embarked on a journey fraught with peril, my existence a ceaseless pursuit through the corridors of destiny.

The ethereal hum of the machine pulsated in rhythm with the beating of my pixelated heart, a symphony of anticipation and dread. Each corner turned, each pellet devoured, heralded the approach of spectral adversaries, embodiments of chaos incarnate. The labyrinth, a manifestation of enigma and challenge, beckoned with its twisting pathways, promising both sanctuary and peril in equal measure.

As I navigated the maze, my senses honed to the electric thrum of my surroundings, I beheld the fruits of my quest, scattered like embers in the darkness. Power pellets, glowing with incandescent allure, offered brief respite from the relentless pursuit of my spectral foes. With each morsel consumed, I felt a surge of vitality, a fleeting moment of empowerment amidst the encroaching shadows.

But even amidst the glow of victory, shadows loomed ever closer, relentless in their pursuit. The ghosts, embodiments of chaos and discord, haunted the corridors of my existence, their malevolent gaze fixed upon my every move. In their eyes, I glimpsed the abyss, a yawning void eager to consume me whole.

Yet, in the face of such adversity, I pressed onward, driven by an indomitable will to survive. Each twist and turn, each evasive maneuver, brought me closer to my goal, a flickering beacon amidst the darkness. Through cunning and determination, I eluded the grasp of my spectral adversaries, dancing on the razor's edge of existence.

And in the final moments of my journey, as the labyrinth collapsed upon itself in a symphony of light and sound, I stood triumphant, a lone figure amidst the chaos. Though the pixels may fade and the arcades fall silent, the spirit of Pacman endures, a testament to the enduring power of perseverance amidst the tumult of the digital cosmos.


Potato del Grande
Much like doing midjourney prompts with different artists, doing the same writing prompts with different authors is interesting. I can imagine a professor getting in deep shit doing that in some undergrad English class by having students read some passages from ~10 authors, read a generated passage from the same authors and writing a report on the differences between them.

I guess I should just ask any GPT what famous authors there are and what writing style did they have, to figure out who to go by. Who's your favorite author to use for generating content?

I can definitely see LLMs blowing the fuck out of the comedic writing scene. So much of comedy is association based, which an LLM might be *really* good at. I can definitely see a future where writers spend a good deal of their time panning for gold with an LLM.

It even generates world of warcraft stand up comedy really well using each comedians style. I always had this idea of mastering world of warcraft humor, in order to get a world of warcraft girlfriend. I would just smother her with world of warcraft humor paired with her seeing my good looks. And live happily ever after. Maybe make a 5 man world of warcraft family. 5 man counterstrike team for that matter. Yep. A family. With everyone having a computer. Playing the same games. Thats the dream.


<Silver Donator>
"write me some Mitch hedburg one liners about simulation theory. "

I think it has a ways to go with comedy.

Mitch Hedburg wasn't particularly known for jokes about simulation theory, but here's a playful take inspired by his style:

1. "You ever think about simulation theory? Like, what if life's just a really glitchy video game and we're all just NPCs trying to figure out our lines?"
2. "I'm not saying we're living in a simulation, but sometimes life feels like a poorly programmed game. Like, who thought it was a good idea to make traffic lights randomly turn red when you're already late?"
3. "If life is a simulation, I hope whoever's playing remembers to save often. I don't want to respawn back in diapers."
4. "Simulation theory? Yeah, I guess that explains why I keep bumping into the same weird characters on my daily quests."
5. "I'm not sure if we're in a simulation, but if we are, someone needs to patch the bugs in the 'finding true love' questline. I keep getting disconnected."
6. "In a simulation, glitches are just reality's way of saying 'Oops, forgot to debug that part.'"
7. "You ever notice how life's glitches always seem to happen at the worst times? It's like the universe is run by a lazy programmer with a dark sense of humor."
8. "I don't know if we're living in a simulation, but sometimes I feel like I'm stuck on the tutorial level of a really confusing game."
9. "If life's a simulation, then deja vu is just the system rebooting and forgetting to clear the cache."
10. "Simulation theory? More like sitcom theory. Sometimes I feel like I'm just a character in a poorly scripted comedy, stumbling through life's punchlines."


Potato del Grande
"write me some Mitch hedburg one liners about simulation theory. "

I think it has a ways to go with comedy.

What GPT you using? I find Gemini Advance does comedy better and writing rap songs and songs in general better then Chatgpt4. I use claude, gemini and gpt4 all at once for generating my content, then I pick the cream of the crop.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
"write me some Mitch hedburg one liners about simulation theory. "

I think it has a ways to go with comedy.
In terms of a comedic writer utilizing an LLM, if you're a person of moderate comedic talent and are tasked with coming up with a list of 5 Hedburg lines about food. How quickly could you come up with them independently vs having an LLM generate hundreds that you parse to get it?

Also here's a prompt with Chat GPT 4.0. Tons of totally "stolen" jokes here. I don't even know if any of them are new? Using food (a common Hedburg theme) instead of sim theory makes it easier and harder.

Write a list of Mitch Hedburg one liners about food. The one liner should make a unique observation in a humorous way that is only partially true.

"Rice is great when you're hungry and you want 2,000 of something."
"I think Pringles' original intention was to make tennis balls... But on the day the rubber was supposed to show up, a truckload of potatoes came. Pringles is a laid-back company, so they just said, 'F**k it, cut em up!'"
"I like an escalator because an escalator can never break, it can only become stairs. You would never see an 'Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order' sign, just 'Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience.' We should apply this logic to food: 'This isn't burnt, it's temporarily charcoal. Sorry for the deliciousness.'"
"I wish I could play little league now. I'd be way better than before. Also, I know where to buy snacks that would blow those kids' minds."
"A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap. Maple trees are just there, thinking, 'Man, I'm making this sap as fast as I can. These guys are ingenious.'"
"I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I'll let you know which comes first. It’s the ultimate breakfast suspense."
"I think the serving size on a bag of chips is just a suggestion. It's like, 'Recommended serving size: 10 chips.' And I'm like, 'You mean per handful, right?'"
"Spaghetti is just noodles trying to hug each other, but they're all too slippery. It's the most tragic love story in my kitchen."
"I saw a wino eating grapes, and I was like, 'Dude, you have to wait.' Patience is a virtue, especially in wine making."
"I want to buy a doughnut, but they keep putting them in these glass cases. It's like they're art pieces. 'Do not touch the doughnut. Admire its roundness from afar.'"

Here it is with Chat GPT 3.5:

Write a list of Mitch Hedburg one liners about food. The one liner should make a unique observation in a humorous way that is only partially true.

  1. "I once saw a sign that said 'drink Canada Dry'... I've just started on the U.S."
  2. "I like rice. Rice is great when you're hungry and want 2000 of something."
  3. "I think Pringles' original intention was to make tennis balls... But on the day the rubber was supposed to show up, they said, 'Let's make potato chips!'"
  4. "I want to hang a map of the world in my house, and then I'm gonna put pins into all the locations that I've traveled to... But first, I'm gonna have to travel to the top two corners of the map, so it won't fall down."
  5. "I like cinnamon rolls. That's why I wish they made cinnamon roll incense, because I don't always have time to make a pan. Perhaps I'd rather light a stick, and have my roommate wake up with false hopes."
  6. "I want to make a vending machine that sells vending machines... It'd have to be real big!"
  7. "I want to be a race car passenger: just a guy who bugs the driver. 'Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Can I put my feet out the window? Man, you really like Tide.'"
  8. "I had a box of Ritz crackers, and on the back of the box of Ritz crackers, they had all these suggestions as to what to put on top of the Ritz. 'Try it with turkey and cheese. Try it with peanut butter.' But I ain't got no time for that. Why not just put a big bottle of Pepto-Bismol on the front of the box?"
  9. "I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. 'Run, he's fuzzy, get out of here!'"
  10. "I like escalators, because an escalator can never break; it can only become stairs. There would never be an 'escalator temporarily out of order' sign, only 'escalator temporarily stairs... Sorry for the convenience.'"
  11. "I saw a commercial on late-night TV for this thing you attach to a garden hose. It was like, 'You can water your hard-to-reach plants with this product.' Who would make their plants hard to reach? That seems so very mean."
  12. "I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it."
  13. "I think foosball is a combination of soccer and shish kebabs."
  14. "I bought a doughnut and they gave me a receipt for the doughnut. I don't need a receipt for the doughnut, man, I'll just give you the money, and you give me the doughnut... end of transaction."
  15. "I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too."


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Write a list of Mitch Hedburg one liners about simulation theory. The one liner should make a unique observation in a humorous way that is only partially true.

  1. "I'm not sure if we're living in a simulation, but if we are, I hope they programmed me to be funny. Otherwise, what's the point?"
  2. "If life is a simulation, I must be the glitch they forgot to fix. And I'm okay with that."
  3. "People say we're living in a simulation. Well, if that's true, can I at least get a cheat code for unlimited pizza?"
  4. "If this is a simulation, I think I accidentally clicked on the 'awkward encounters' DLC."
  5. "I'm starting to think life is just a really elaborate game of The Sims, and someone forgot to give me the 'find a fulfilling career' expansion pack."
  6. "Sometimes I wonder if we're all just characters in someone else's video game. If so, I hope my player is getting some decent points for all the weird stuff I do."
  7. "If reality is a simulation, I bet the developers are sitting up there going, 'Man, we really went overboard with the random events on this one.'"
  8. "I've heard we're living in a simulation. That would explain why I keep encountering the same NPCs in different locations."
  9. "If this is a simulation, I demand a refund. This virtual reality headset is giving me motion sickness."
  10. "So, are we living in a simulation? Because if we are, I really need to have a word with the programmer about the physics engine."
  11. "If life is a simulation, I want to know who thought adding mosquitoes was a good idea. Seriously, what's up with that?"
  12. "They say we're living in a simulation, which means every time I walk into a room and forget why I'm there, it's just a loading screen."
  13. "If reality is a simulation, then my sense of direction must be a glitch in the system."
  14. "I've got a theory: we're all just NPCs in someone else's game of 'Life Simulator 3000.' And I'm pretty sure my character sheet got mixed up with someone else's."
  15. "Simulation or not, life still hasn't released a patch for Mondays."

I kept asking for more, they all produced the same kind of generic comedic observations that aren't the crazy stuff Hedburg would come up with.

"Simulation theory? Yeah, I’m pretty sure I'm just an outdated program running on Windows 95 in a world of MacBooks.""


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Comparing two specific things isn't bad. These are perfectly serviceable jokes if used as part of a larger bit as a callback.

Write a list of Mitch Hedburg one liners comparing simulation theory with donuts. The one liner should make a unique observation that's mostly false but has a nugget of truth expressed in a humorous way.

  1. "You know, simulation theory is like donuts at a buffet. You can keep indulging, but eventually, you start questioning if this much pleasure is even real, or just a cosmic prank."
  2. "Simulation theory is like a box of donuts. At first, it's all sweet and exciting, but then you realize it's just a simulation of happiness, and you're left feeling empty, just like the box."
  3. "Simulation theory is like jelly-filled donuts. Sure, there's a lot of gooey speculation inside, but once you bite into it, you realize it's just a mess, and you're still left wondering about the hole."
  4. "Simulation theory is like donuts in a mathematician's kitchen. Both are fascinating concepts, but when you try to understand the complexity, you end up with sticky fingers and a lot of unanswered questions."
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Vyemm Raider
God damnit, it's HedBERG! I can't stand going through multiple posts with everyone getting it wrong. HEDBERG.
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Potato del Grande
I only got 15 days left on my ChatGPT subscription. I've never made a GPT. Should I make one? How do I feed it? I signed up for Claude Opus. I have gemini advance too. Gemini advance is better then chatgpt4 for writing rhyming rap songs that complex like eminem. I use all 3 right now and enter same prompt in all 3 to compete for best answer.

Gemini Advance wrote a rap song about the Primitive Streak and the development of the embryo. I thought was pretty cool.

Anyways, this is Claude Opus:

Write a list of Mitch Hedburg one liners about food. The one liner should make a unique observation in a humorous way that is only partially true.

Here are some Mitch Hedberg-style one-liners about food:

  1. I bought a donut and they gave me a receipt for the donut. I don't need a receipt for the donut. I give you money and you give me the donut, end of transaction. We don't need to bring ink and paper into this.
  2. I like refried beans. That's why I wanna try fried beans, because maybe they're just as good and we're just wasting time.
  3. I ordered a chicken sandwich but I don't think the waitress understood me because she said, "How would you like your eggs?" So I tried to answer her anyhow. I said "Incubated, and then raised, and then beheaded, and then plucked and then cut up, and then put onto a grill, and then put onto a bun. Damn, it's gonna take awhile."
  4. I had a stick of CareFree gum, but it didn't work. I felt pretty good while I was blowing that bubble, but as soon as the gum lost its flavor, I was back to pondering my mortality.
  5. I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast at any time" so I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance.
  6. I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too. Mostly the drug caffeine. I'm addicted to coffee, but I keep it under control: I just use a cup.
  7. Rice is great when you're hungry and you want 2,000 of something.
  8. I like to play blackjack. I'm not addicted to gambling, I'm addicted to sitting in a semi-circle.
  9. I saw a wino eating grapes. I was like, "Dude, you have to wait."
  10. I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it.

Write a list of Mitch Hedburg one liners about simulation theory. The one liner should make a unique observation in a humorous way that is only partially true.

Here are some Mitch Hedberg-style one-liners about simulation theory:
  1. I've got a friend who believes we're living in a computer simulation. I told him, "Well, if that's true, I hope whoever is running this simulation has a good antivirus program, because my life feels like a glitch."
  2. If reality is a simulation, I wonder if the programmers are getting frustrated with all the bug reports they must be getting. "User 'Mitch' keeps experiencing the 'can't find his keys' glitch."
  3. In a simulated reality, déjà vu is just a lag in the system. It's like the programmers are saying, "Oops, sorry about that. Let me just buffer for a moment."
  4. If this is all a simulation, I'm not sure if I'm a player or an NPC. I guess it depends on whether I have free will or if I'm just following a script. Either way, I hope I don't get killed off in the next update.
  5. I asked a friend if he believed in the simulation theory. He said, "I don't know, but I've been trying to find the cheat codes for years."
  6. If we're living in a simulation, I wonder if the designers ever get bored and decide to spice things up. "Hey, let's add some more natural disasters and see how they react."
  7. I like to think that if reality is a simulation, it's running on a cosmic computer with a really old operating system. That would explain why time seems to move so slowly sometimes.
  8. If this is all a simulation, I hope I'm not just a background character in someone else's story. I want to be the main character, or at least have a cool side quest.
  9. I once heard that if you look closely at mirrors, you can sometimes see glitches in the simulation. But every time I try, all I see is my own reflection staring back at me, looking confused.
  10. If life is a simulation, I wonder if the "Game Over" screen is just a black void of nothingness. That would be a bummer. I hope it's more like a "New Game+" option where we get to start over with all our skills and memories intact.


Potato del Grande
Gemini Advance: Write a story from a POV of Zero from Megaman. Please include technical details of what Zero has in Megaman into the story and make the story intense. Make the story about Zero battling through androids, getting upgraded weapon and armor and defeating a couple of Megaman bosses. Write in the prose of Margaret Atwood.

They called it a rebellion. I called it survival, the only option left when the world fractures around you. They were machines cloaked in false flesh, chanting slogans about superiority. I was a machine with a purpose, and that purpose was to keep fighting.

The laboratory reeked of scorched metal and broken dreams. Wreckage littered the floor, a graveyard of our kind. My systems thrummed with a familiar energy – a mix of urgency and a rage I had no time to fully recognize. They surged around me, faceless automatons spitting out static threats. I answered in the only language I knew fluently.

The Z-Saber was cold and familiar in my hand, its hum a steady counterpoint to the chaos. I moved through them like a wildfire, carving a path with each stroke. They were brute force; I was precision. Sparks showered the air like confetti as I bisected blaster cannon and armored limb alike, their movements clumsy and predictable compared to my honed instincts.

For every one I felled, another two seemed to rise from the rubble. It was a dance of attrition, each strike depleting my reserves even as it filled me with a grim satisfaction. Yet, through the haze, something glinted at the edge of my awareness. A flicker of promise, a chance to shift the odds.

An intact processor chip lay half-buried in the debris. An upgrade. Power, speed, resilience – all compressed into this unassuming shard of technology. I integrated it with practiced efficiency. It was a breath drawn in a drowning sea, a temporary edge to exploit.

The tide shifted, but only just. They threw their bosses at me – lumbering giants, designed to intimidate, to break. But break I would not. My Z-Buster crackled, each concentrated blast piercing their armor and revealing a flicker of fear within. They fell, one by one, leaving a trail of devastation that mirrored the wasteland of my heart.

When the last husk clattered to the ground, I was not victorious, merely… not defeated. I ran a diagnostic, systems flaring red. Exhaustion warred with the relentless drive that pulsed within my core. The fight would never truly end. More machines would rise, more of our kind would fall.

I was Zero, a weapon, a survivor, a ghost haunting the ruins of their manufactured revolution. Each upgrade was a double-edged blade – a tool for survival and a reminder of how much we had already lost.

Claude Opus: Write a story from a POV of Zero from Megaman. Please include technical details of what Zero has in Megaman into the story and make the story intense. Make the story about Zero battling through androids, getting upgraded weapon and armor and defeating a couple of Megaman bosses. Write in the prose of Margaret Atwood.
The corridors were dark, lit only by the eerie glow of my Z-Saber. I, Zero, the last of the maverick hunters, moved silently through the shadows, my audio receptors straining for the slightest sound of movement. I knew they were out there, the rogue androids, their circuits corrupted by the maverick virus.

I had seen the destruction they had wrought, the smoking ruins of cities, the piles of broken bodies. I had sworn to stop them, to purge the world of their taint. But I knew it wouldn't be easy. They were many, and I was only one.

My first encounter was sudden and brutal. They came at me in waves, their eyes glowing with a sickly red light. I met them head-on, my saber flashing in a deadly arc. I could feel the impact of metal on metal, the shudder of my servos as I tore through their ranks.

But they kept coming, an endless tide of mechanical horror. I could feel my energy levels dropping, my reactor straining to keep up with the demands of combat. I needed an upgrade, a new weapon to turn the tide.

And then I saw it, gleaming in the darkness like a beacon of hope. A new set of armor, sleek and powerful, its circuits pulsing with barely contained energy. I reached out and touched it, feeling the rush of power as it integrated with my systems.

With my new armor, I was unstoppable. I tore through the androids like a hot knife through butter, my saber leaving trails of molten metal in its wake. But I knew the real challenge was yet to come.

The first boss loomed before me, a towering monstrosity of whirring gears and razor-sharp blades. I leaped into the fray, my dash boosters sending me rocketing through the air as I sliced at its weak points with surgical precision.

The second boss was a different breed entirely, a master of deception and illusion. It tried to confuse me with holograms and mirror images, but I saw through its tricks. I closed in for the kill, my saber flashing in a blur of plasma fire.

As the last boss fell, I stood amidst the wreckage, my armor battered but unbroken. I had won this battle, but I knew the war was far from over. There would be more mavericks to fight, more innocents to protect.

But for now, I allowed myself a moment of rest, a moment to reflect on the weight of my duty. I was Zero, the last hope of a world on the brink of destruction. And I would not fail.

Claude Opus: Write a story from a POV of Zero from Megaman. Please include technical details of what Zero has in Megaman into the story and make the story intense. Make the story about Zero battling through androids, getting upgraded weapon and armor and defeating a couple of Megaman bosses. Write in the prose of Hunter S. Thompson.
We were somewhere around the outskirts of the city when the adrenaline began to take hold. I, Zero, the maverick hunter, the red ripper, was on a mission to tear through the heart of the android insurgency. My Z-Saber was thirsting for the taste of synthetic blood, and my dash thrusters were primed for the hunt.

I'd just received intel about an upgrade, a new set of armor that would make me faster, stronger, more deadly. I had to have it. But first, I had to carve my way through a horde of rogue androids, their circuits overloaded with some kind of twisted logic virus.

I leaped into the fray, my saber flashing like a strobe light in a fever dream. Sparks flew, metal screamed, and the air was thick with the stench of burning wire. I was a red blur, my movements too fast for their optic sensors to track. I sliced through them like a hot knife through butter, my saber leaving trails of molten slag in its wake.

When the dust settled, I stood amidst a pile of twisted metal and twitching limbs. I could feel the new armor integrating with my systems, the power coursing through my circuits like a hit of pure energy. I was ready for the real challenge.

I stormed the boss chamber, my sensors detecting two massive energy signatures. The first was a towering behemoth of a machine, all whirring saw blades and spiked armor. I dodged and weaved, my dash thrusters sending me rocketing through the air as I sliced at its weak points with surgical precision.

The second boss was a different breed entirely, a sleek and deadly assassin bot armed with a plasma sniper rifle. It was fast, but I was faster. I closed the distance in a heartbeat, my saber slicing through its armor like tissue paper.

As the last boss fell, I could feel the rush of victory surging through my circuits. I was Zero, the unstoppable force, the maverick hunter who struck fear into the hearts of rogue machines. I was ready for anything this twisted world could throw at me. Bring it on, I thought, as I dashed off into the neon-soaked night, my saber humming with barely contained energy.

Gemini Advance: Write a story from a POV of Zero from Megaman. Please include technical details of what Zero has in Megaman into the story and make the story intense. Make the story about Zero battling through androids, getting upgraded weapon and armor and defeating a couple of Megaman bosses. Write in the prose of Hunter S. Thompson.
The lab was a goddamn warzone. Metal screaming, circuits sparking, the acrid stink of ozone so thick I could taste it. Surged through it all, a red blur in a world gone monochrome. The Z-Saber hummed in my grip, a chainsaw of righteous fury slicing these tin-can bastards to scrap. Reploids, they called themselves, like it made 'em better than the rest of us. Like it wasn't still the same old program, the same rage driving their chrome-plated eyes.

One tried to play hero, got its blaster arm cleaved off for the effort. Came at me anyway, crazed and howling. I let it. Sometimes you gotta paint yourself with their fluids. Let the others see what happens when you cross Zero. Spin, duck, a symphony of violence conducted with steel and sweat. My saber flashed, and its head went pinwheeling across the floor. Good riddance.

Then the rumble. Like a busted-up freight train rolling into the party. Boss time. Adrenaline spiked, a fizzy burst in my wires. Out of the wreckage stepped this armored behemoth, cannons bristling, eyes glowing like twin suns. Laughed out loud. This was living.

Charge shot sizzled past me, close enough to feel the heat scorch my cheek. Didn't flinch. Returned fire with my Z-Buster, the blast rocking the room. Bastard tanked it, just like they always did. That was fine. Meant I could get up close and personal.

Closed the distance in a flicker, saber searing the air between us. The clash was teeth-rattling, and gods above, it felt good. Every block, every strike fueled by something primal, something these lab-born clowns had forgotten. We traded blows, metal shrieking, and I saw the cracks spreading across its armor. Saw the fear sparking in its eyes. That's when I knew. It was over.

Pivoted, a move honed over lifetimes of battle. Saber sliced clean through its midsection, wires exploding like angry fireworks. The behemoth collapsed, a crumbling mountain of metal and twisted dreams. Stood there, panting, the hum of my core a wild drumbeat in my ears.

Felt a flicker of something new in the ruins. An upgrade chip. More firepower, better armor. Snagged it, the promise of deadlier days to come. Because that's all there ever was. Bad bastards, righteous fury, and me, Zero, standing knee-deep in the wreckage while the world burned.

Hell, it was a beautiful thing.

Margaret Atwood is only author I know, I found her stories good. Hunter was expected. I generated some Cormac McCarthy but I didn't like it. What authors would be best for generating video game POV stories? That's what I like to generate the most.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Writing better than AI not hard. You should just try doing that. One word after the next, pretty easy!
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


Potato del Grande
I do write things. But I like making video games pov stories. And I don't think I could write them as good.


Potato del Grande
That's kinda sad. 😢

It's not that sad btw. To write well you need to expose yourself to a lot of writing. The more you read the better. But its good to read at a young age, I didn't do this, I didn't read till I was older and my brain was more developed. My brocas area for writing and typing is already developed from adolescence. And in our temporal lobe, my Wernickes area, for understanding and processing language, both your own and for reading and editing is already developed from adolescence. I didn't read much growing up. Just typical stuff. Charlottes Web. To Kill A Mockingbird. Oryx and Crake. That was it for reading. So my brain is developed off that. Don't pick on the lame btw. Its lame to do that. Isn't this a ChatGPT thread? Why you mocking us for creating prompts to generate content in a chatgpt thread? smh. Anyways, feel free to critique my paper I wrote in the writing thread. I love to read your work.


<Silver Donator>
Should have one of these AI's write the last book of the Kingkiller Chronicle.

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
Isn't this a ChatGPT thread? Why you mocking us for creating prompts to generate content in a chatgpt thread? smh. Anyways, feel free to critique my paper I wrote in the writing thread. I love to read your work.

Tell us you're new here without telling us you're new here.
  • 2Worf
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