Diablo Immortal


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Just remember if you see an SEA player on your server with 5k reso and wings-- he didn't earn it.

He's not whaling.

He's frauding and buying black market gift cards.


Trakanon Raider
The fraud doesn’t bother me that much because I never took this game seriously. I just can’t. It’s a diablo IP that’s ”competitive/pvp” focused but the IP has never been about being competitive nor pvp. People in world chat brag about smashing others in things like vault while 5k+ reso and I just have to shake my head and laugh at how absurd it is. I want to hate blizzard for this trash but a part of me is super jealous and proud of them for getting idiots to spend thousands and thousands of dollars for pvp on a fucking diablo phone game that probably won’t even be around 9 months from now. Blizzard may have ceased producing quality games, but they still have the market covered on fully exploiting fools with cash.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
i think ive finally given up on DI. Paragon 160, CR4.8k, 2430 reson. Im just not enjoying it any longer and i cant get motivated to play the game. I've never had any issues finding 4 people to group with so the dungeon change is meaningless to me. It just the same thing over and over and over again.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah I wanted to get a 6 set first but seeing how long it takes to get one half decently rolled piece I'm looking for os infuriating...

No way do I have the patience to do it 6x. We need doible the amount of dungeons and some tiers where you can up the difficulty for better rolled gear or something. Could've been a decent game but this isn't it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The Fractured Plane was genuinely challenging in a way that stupid linear stuff like Path of Blood or Challenge Rifts could never be.

It was the first time I had fun in probably a month.

That said, it qualifies as mid-game content and there is a big demand for endgame content.

They need to get serious about adding some currency systems and additional paths of progression. And Fractured Plane probably needed to reward at least 3 to 5 legendary crests in addition to the legendary item reward for floor 15.

If they can further develop ideas like Fractured Plane and also borrow some POE endgame I think it could hold a playerbase till D4.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Serious concerns i have are Fractured Plane is being promoted as a "temporary event", when it should be part of the core game experience.

If their plan is to use the Plane as a token content update event they do once a month-- then count me out.


Ancient MMO noob
There is nothing particular interesting about this game. It's meme time

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Without a gem fragment currency system added people have very little incentive to log on or do any activities outside of the shadow war. I'll clear dailies today, but I haven't logged in all last week. We log in for the shadow war but are unwilling to grind or continue playing through H4 since we all hit near-max H4 Combat rating 2 weeks ago. There's no incentive to grind for drops beyond a fraction of a chance to improve a piece, that you can't control. Probability is too low overall to incentivize players to grind.

Getting a 4 set in good quality is nice, but we've seen the metrics for 500 runs. The chance is 15% and that doesn't guarantee a good roll. Now farming a currency system for direct rolls against a certain set piece from a vendor? That'll keep people logging in and grinding. Same goes for gem power.

Two currency systems are needed to keep people feeling some sense of reward. Failure to add these two currency systems will result in death of the game, as there is no current endgame ala POE.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
A 3rd currency system can also be added for "tuning" gear with the Reforging stones. Remove the paid forging stones from the cash shop only, create a currency system for them. Allow people to tune their gear who are FTP or light spenders. Even whales who are done spending can benefit from these proposed systems.

Expand the Reforging stones system a bit, add some depth and levels to it. Add 3 separate ranks to the Wildfire Stones Jolt stones et al. Add RNG to whether it rolls a rank 1 rank 2 or rank 3 tuning upgrade. Add a currency system to obtain it.

All very simple MMO 101 changes to make this game a game. Instead it remains a mediocre mobile game compared to other mobile games in the space.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, i purposely dropped from 4200 cr to 3970 just to have a 4 piece grace set, still meed hands from caverns and second ring from DE and I'm shelving my character.

Ive been doing a handful of dungeon runs every day and logging out, pretty certain h5 CR isn't attainable at the current state of the game without twice the resonance amd fuck that.

Every drop I actually need rolls so horrible it is mund boggling. Almost EVERY other set item has much better stats but its for the wrong set. Infuriating!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
My guildleader is at 5.4k CR. I think a lot of whales are going to end up feeling ripped off if the game falls off suddenly as people get bored with h4. h5 like you said isn't realistic progression.

The shadow war doesn't fill up anymore. We only have a top 8 ranking now, instead of a top 10 guilds ranking. Someone tried to say its a bug due to bracket system when a certain number of guilds don't enter.

Then someone pointed out what the intended participant number was for the shadow war bracket system, which is 40 guilds.

40 guilds at launch, maybe that's fine. 40 guilds now? No chance. We barely have 10 guilds and only 3 of those guilds can fill a 50 man roster to compete. The other 3 guilds are Immortals. So only 6 semi "legit" guilds remain on my server.

People are starting to complain the market system is faltering also. Gems are drying up. The market implementation as it stands relies on whales to spend a lot of money. Someone said longterm, 1 year from now, gems will be worth platinum amounts that players can't reach at all. I picked up my BSJ 3 star for 81,000 plat which probably won't be possible for players in the future. No whales means no market.

Currency systems is really the only way to save the game. Let us roll directly against a specific set piece after we earn enough dust, or allow us to titanforge roll against a set piece we already earned. That's probably a good solution. A currency to earn direct rolls against set pieces we already own, ala tuning. It's also a great gacha mechanic. I don't understand why there aren't more gacha RNG systems in the game? Blizzard's inexperience in mobile gacha is glaringly obvious.
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Molten Core Raider
Yeah it's crazy that random people can come up with so many great solutions which could've been implemented already, yet Blizzard just doesn't seem to care.

I'm sure they made a ton of cash but I really don't see how it'll last beyond another month or two, tops.

What's worse is, it really is one of the best mobile games I've played, or at least it could have been.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah it's crazy that random people can come up with so many great solutions which could've been implemented already, yet Blizzard just doesn't seem to care.

I'm sure they made a ton of cash but I really don't see how it'll last beyond another month or two, tops.

What's worse is, it really is one of the best mobile games I've played, or at least it could have been.
Maybe DI is run by a Chinese company instead of Blizzard?


Potato del Grande
Yeah it's crazy that random people can come up with so many great solutions which could've been implemented already, yet Blizzard just doesn't seem to care.

I really cannot believe you still have not gotten the memo yet. The entire game was made to be one big cash grab. Period. People holding out hope for this game are likely the same people that will be surprised when Google shutters Stadia.
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Molten Core Raider
I really cannot believe you still have not gotten the memo yet. The entire game was made to be one big cash grab. Period. People holding out hope for this game are likely the same people that will be surprised when Google shutters Stadia.
No, you're absolutely right and its becoming more and more obvious every week.

Curious how many people stopped playing already......I know my playtime went way down and I'm admittedly ashamed I even lasted this long.


Potato del Grande
No, you're absolutely right and its becoming more and more obvious every week.

Curious how many people stopped playing already......I know my playtime went way down and I'm admittedly ashamed I even lasted this long.
The sad thing is that all the F2P people leaving means less server costs, as long as the whales stay in the maze then profits are up!!

I still think that long term, a good reputation and battle passes from many more people vs exploiting whales would net more money.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
No, you're absolutely right and its becoming more and more obvious every week.

Curious how many people stopped playing already......I know my playtime went way down and I'm admittedly ashamed I even lasted this long.

I'm doing 1-2 days a week at best, and it's a struggle. The falloff in the guilds 4 through 10 bracket is tremendous. We even lost a former allied guild who is fully merged into our guild.

It's dying at a breakneck speed I think due to lack of good endgame loops.