Eve Mobile


Molten Core Raider
I am all in on this, running 4 accounts. Made enough isk the first 3 days and converted it all to plex basically as soon as i made it. Sitting on over 8000 plex. Hopefully the price continues to rise on it.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Watched a stream for a minute or so. He was running it on an emulator. Might try that.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Jumping in on this, runs well on phone so far. What emulator runs it the best if anyone knows? Also does anyone have any decent corps recruiting?


Buzzfeed Editor
Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I have no idea wtf I'm doing in this
  • 2Worf
Reactions: 1 users


Potato del Grande
Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I have no idea wtf I'm doing in this
I would focus on Encounters to start with, refresh them every 30 mins for ones you haven't done. Maybe focus on one faction too.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ya work through the advanced tutorials, using encounters to fill the optional requirement. Join a random casual corp that auto accepts people to grab the 500k free sp (leave it right after or stay if you want), but don't spend it for now, I'd save it until you have a better idea what you want to do and fly.

Browse through the ship trees to see what's out there, and look at all the skills available too. There's some good Youtube guides as well. It may be mobile but it's still EVE, and it's pretty complex, and that's without a ton of features still right now they haven't added yet.


<Bronze Donator>
Jumping in on this, runs well on phone so far. What emulator runs it the best if anyone knows? Also does anyone have any decent corps recruiting?

From other mobile games I play, Bluestax appears to be the defacto standard for phone emulation.

This still checks out. I really really want to get in on this--been waiting years to finally get in on the ground floor--but at this point in my life, I don't think there's any way I can commit the time required. Or would it be worth it to get in, just because a lot of the skill-up activity is time-gated? Essentially play it like an idle game.


Buzzfeed Editor
From other mobile games I play, Bluestax appears to be the defacto standard for phone emulation.

This still checks out. I really really want to get in on this--been waiting years to finally get in on the ground floor--but at this point in my life, I don't think there's any way I can commit the time required. Or would it be worth it to get in, just because a lot of the skill-up activity is time-gated? Essentially play it like an idle game.
Dunno, same boat, I've flirted with real EVE a few times for up to 6 months at a time but I'm not a college kid anymore nor do I work from home.


Molten Core Raider
So I lost my first ship... how do I get another? I need someone to hold my hand apparently.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Did you have insurance for it? Not sure if they payout ISK or give you another ship in Echoes. Otherwise any new ships you want you buy from the market.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Travelling through lowsec and null seems pretty safe right now, has anyone been ganked yet?


<Gold Donor>
I have seen people complaining that they got ganked. Seems that the piratey types are hanging out in the busier low sec systems. I have yet to see anyone even target me in low sec, just tooling around in anoms in a catalyst.

That said, my old Eve habit of having the scanner open and mashing it when local pop changes (and the lack of a scanner in echoes) is giving me anxiety.


Potato del Grande
Did you have insurance for it? Not sure if they payout ISK or give you another ship in Echoes. Otherwise any new ships you want you buy from the market.
Travelling through lowsec and null seems pretty safe right now, has anyone been ganked yet?
Warp Scramblers are very rare drops and going for 8 Million ISK so nobody has them yet. As people get higher tier ships and run higher tier anomalies I expect the price will come down.

I don't think that Warp Bubbles are in the game yet either, so there should be almost no way to get ganked just travelling in a regular ship.