Evelys' Trans/Queer/Sexuality/Kink/Etc. thread

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Molten Core Raider
Because you know; this community attracts all of them here

For all of you who are posing as the opposite gender, just come out in this thread.

We won't bite...

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
While I can understand how role playing can transfer out of an MMO, and into forums, and that people would get a kick out of keeping the lie going, I just don't understand why Evelys didn't just come clean when busted and admit he was pretending to be a woman for the lulz. Was he really in that deep that he would tear down the work of so many (albeit only a few days worth) to avoid facing the music? Maybe not putting Millie's name on forum sections is a step in the right direction to letting people know we don't endorse mangina worship




Molten Core Raider
There's a couple different versions of my role in the whole Evelys debacle going around, so I'll go ahead and try to clear it up:

Evelys and I have been friends (internet only) since about 2009. We chatted through gmail, mostly on Sunday's during football season. I had always been suspicious of Evelys due to his posting style, sports fanaticism (especially for baseball stats...I mean wtf?), and love of single player RPG's. Also Evelys was conveniently deaf, and couldn't do a voice confirmation because of that. She had contracted some infection that took out both of her ears and nearly killed her. She also had cancer 3 times and told me all kinds of other crazy stories (I never heard the rape one, and I never saw that post back on FoHguild...I only look at threads in the General section every so often). Genjiro and I used to make jokes about it all of the time, actually, but lacking any solid proof, that's all we could do.

Anyway, I got laid off from my job at a large tech corporation in May 2011. Evelys had been at Apple for about 6 months at this point, so I asked for some help getting my resume around and getting an interview. Evelys said np and asked me to send my resume to an email other than the Gmail account, as she/he would be able to access that email from work, while Gmail was blocked. Np, I sent it along.

About a year later (I think it was May 2012), I was sending an email to a friend whose first name starts with the same two letters of Evelys' actual RL name. I type these letters into the send field, and two names came up; my friend's and Evelys'...but it didn't say "Jill" it said "A man's name (gonna leave the name out...other people are throwing a name out all over the place so whatever)." I wasn't too shocked, but I did go ahead and ask Evelys about it. "Why does your email say '(a man's name)' on it?" Evelys came back with, "Oh, that's my twin brother." "Orly?" "I'm really busy with work right now, ttyl." (We wouldn't have another chat that lasted more than 2 minutes until the day Morenetz went up, so he was basically gone from chat for 6+ months).

Later on (maybe that night...either May or June of this year), I was chatting with Genjiro and I brought this up. I went ahead and did a search for "(Evelys' man name)" on Facebook, and was able to find him using the name + his current city. Amazingly, his FB was wide open. I could see his hometown (which he had told me about...we're both from Southern California), his current city (known to me through our chats), and about 10 years worth of work history (which he talks about all the time...anyone who knows him from the boards would be able to recognize it...it was to a T...specific companies and cities, all over the US). It was obviously Evelys, and Evelys was obviously a dude.

Genjiro and I Rolf'd for a bit, and I brought Ham n' Cheese in on it too. Ham also knows Evelys pretty well from FoHguild and from our various Fantasy Football Leagues, so I wanted to bring in a 2nd "knowledgeable" opinion. Ham concurred, and did some googling around a bit and found some pretty hilarious shit. Evelys had been running this delusion for a long ass time. I can't find the links anymore, but I think Ham might have saved them.

Ham wanted me to expose him, but I wasn't sure. He made promises of internet heroism on the scale of Erronius, but I didn't really see the point. Evelys and I had never had any issues, and he was a pretty small player as far as the forum went. He posted in the political thread and the sports forum, for all I knew, and it just didn't seem worth it. Had there been some drama surrounding him (that I knew about), or some bullshit between us going on, I might have thought differently. I did, however, PM Requiem (somewhat ironic) at the time, asking him about the legality of exposing him. This was right around the time of "Citten! This is your life!" and I wasn't sure what was kosher or not, so I asked Req. Req never got back to me. The indecision is also what kept me from confronting Evelys with it (after the initial "wtf?" chat we had). I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, and Evelys was never on gmail anymore, so it eventually slipped my mind. This is when I told LadyVex and Grimmlokk about him while we were playing D3, though.

So nothing else happened between about June and November 30th. Evelys IM'd me on Gmail and told me about Morenetz. As soon as it was clear that Morenetz was for real, and that Evelys was the new Moses, I decided to tell Tuco everything I knew. This was to give him a heads-up that he should try to work out a contingency plan in case anyone did expose Evelys. Unfortunately this shit all cratered way sooner than we ever expected. You guys know what happened from here.

Anyway, I learned a few lessons in this. First is that I should have confronted Evelys more directly as soon as I figured the shit out. Second is that, failing #1, I should have talked to him before Morenetz launched, as this has been total bullshit. Had he come clean from the launch of Morenetz, none of the bullshit would have gone down and today wouldn't have happened. Third is that I probably should have just exposed him from the start and cashed in on my +internet payday.

If anything isn't clear, feel free to ask. I won't give out any of Evelys' personal info, though...sorry.

Edit: To clear up the Requiem part, I never told him who it was. I was vague about it. Requiem did not know that Evelys was a guy (at least he never heard it from me).


Silver Knight of the Realm
Reposting this here, I think it is a fitting place.

Evelys rape post from the old political thread.
political thread post 56881_sl said:
Originally Posted by Elurin
Do you think all male OB/GYN's shouldn't be allowed to practice either? I bet they know a hell of a lot more about your reproductive system than you do.

I don't see how that's relevant, since there's a large difference between medical knowledge and treating someone. An OB/GYN isn't going to talk about how my body can magically tell the difference between a "forceable/legitimate" rapist's sperm and that from consensual or "gentle/illegitimate" rape, and he's far less likely to legislate health issues on morality than on medical fact...I'd hope.

Originally Posted by zzeris
I may not know how it feels to be raped but the hate I have for that behavior is real. Some understanding of the loss women face is there without having to personally face it. Sure, it's not a walk in my shoes type of situation but that doesnt mean I cant understand the fear,etc a woman would go through.

I appreciate the sentiment. But I've sat here and I can't even come up with a situation that you'd experience that'd come close to what I and a quarter of the women out there have gone through. Because it's not just the act itself, as abhorrent as it is, that we have to go through. It's everything else afterwards. Frankly, I'm not sure that the Political Thread on the a gaming forum is best place to discuss this shit, but here it is, since the cat's out of the bag already.

Mods, feel free to delete whatever if this ain't the place for it.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
It's being afraid to report it because it happened at a party with X going around (of which I had partaken), and not wanting to admit to a crime to report a crime or sit through the trial where the defendant's lawyer is going to do his damndest to make me look like a vindictive slut to get his client off the hook.

It's dropping out of college because you saw the guy that did it every day on campus and had a panic attack every time he looked your way.

It's going to your pastor about it because you have to talk to someone, and getting a lecture about how if I were a better Christian woman, I wouldn't have even been in that situation in the first place, and that God gives us all trials and tribulations that we have to deal with.

It's about having every single second of it come flooding back to me when I'm late and that fucking tests showed two lines.

It's about having to go to Planned Parenthood and showing up on a day when a protest was happening, and having words like slut, whore, baby-killer, etc. thrown at me when I was already hating myself, because I couldn't shake the idea that this was my fault.

It's about losing contact with some of my more religious family because in their eyes I killed a baby, and what led to it isn't as important as the fact that I'm a murderous slut in their eyes, never mind that I had been a good little virgin up until that point and the only reason I was pregnant was because some asshole thought that I just didn't know how good sex was on E when I was telling him no and I was too afraid to make a scene.

It's having to always have a bar of Xanax on me in case I encounter a trigger so I can stop reliving it, and being unable to really have a rational conversation about the topic without being very, very careful with my words and position lest I set myself off.

It's about crying while I type this out at work and telling my coworkers that my allergies are fuckin' killing me.

It's about the absolute rage and venom I can't stop myself from feeling when I hear some asshat like Todd Akin, Ron Paul, or Paul Ryan describe my rape as not legitimate because I apparently didn't fight hard enough to prevent it to make it "forcible" or "legitimate", or that my body somehow knew I wasn't raped and let me get pregnant.

It's about me seeing your joke, knowing it's a joke, knowing that I have no reason to be angry with a joke like that, that it's completely irrational to do so, and that I still had to step out for a cigarette and calm the fuck down before I wrote this out so I didn't make even more of an ass out of myself, because my pastor actually implied that me being raped was my fault.

It's having to live with the knowledge every single day of my life of the choice I made, and having it bear on me even more so when later unrelated medical issues made it so that the pregnancy I aborted would be the only one my body would ever carry.

It's all those things and more. It's not just the act. The assault is just the beginning. It's the losing the ability to remain in control of my emotions and have rational thought about a serious topic in this country, and knowing that it was ripped away from me by someone else...and he's got a wife and kids and a good job and may not even think he raped me because I was too cowardly to make a scene and assert my right to keep his dick the fuck outta me.

There are not many guys, no matter how good they are, that will ever understand that perspective, and people who haven't experienced it should thank everything they hold dear that they will never, ever, ever be able to fully understand how little perspective they have.

And now each and every one of you had better be responding to this with a fuckin' PMS or rape joke, or I'm gonna lose my faith in FOH.





Lord Nagafen Raider
Wow, I was checking MoreNetz pretty religiously since the move, and I still miss all the drama!


Molten Core Raider
Can you elaborate at all on what hilarious shit you found? Too much personal info?
Seriously hardcore roleplaying forums for one (I hope Ham saved the links). Another was some crazy drama on an EQ2 board (EQ2flames, maybe?) where people questioned his gender. I think there were one or two more sites we found, but those two were the funniest.

PigBenis: I'm not into neckbeards




Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I can sit on a secret like a boss.
You did the right thing. Do you realize how much more epic this story got because you showed restraint? Well done sir. I would give you nets, but apparently we don't do that around these parts.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So when you found out he was a dude did you want to cyber more or less?
I'd have doubled down. Bitches can't write proper sexy for men, you just end up with 50 Shades of Grey bullshit. Now a hairy dumpy neckbeard? That dude will rock your world, he knows what you want.


<Gold Donor>
I dont understand what the big deal is. You played a bitch for years and you got outed, so fucking what? Laugh it off and move on.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Thanks for the info Adam12 - it feeds our morbid curiosity well. I concur you did the right thing (only for a different reason) in not saying shit. Really no reason to break out the big guns until someone crosses you, and even then, measured response and all.

I do honestly wonder how many more shemales we have running around here, but then again there really aren't that many other regular "female" posters other than Etoille and Rav.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I dont understand what the big deal is. You played a bitch for years and you got outed, so fucking what? Laugh it off and move on.
This. 100% this. If I was him I'd have done this as soon as morenetz launched. 1st thread in screenshots would be about sexy pics of me, and it would be my sad pasty ass posed like this with a "Welcome to Morenetz" sign.


Who wouldn't just laugh along with it?




Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I dont understand what the big deal is. You played a bitch for years and you got outed, so fucking what? Laugh it off and move on.
Especially with all the people that kissed his ass. Could have just had the crying game auto-play in the thread he got outed.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Also Evelys was conveniently deaf, and couldn't do a voice confirmation because of that. She had contracted some infection that took out both of her ears and nearly killed her. She also had cancer 3 times and told me all kinds of other crazy stories (I never heard the rape one, and I never saw that post back on FoHguild...I only look at threads in the General section every so often). Genjiro and I used to make jokes about it all of the time, actually, but lacking any solid proof, that's all we could do.
I seriously LOL'd at this. Shit, the whole ear infection thing would have set off any alarm if someone had told me that story over the internet.
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