Fate is plotting the ultimate downfall of this forum


<Prior Amod>
There is an underground forum that Miscers are in, that you have no idea about. There he's been busy recruiting a secret task force, who plan to infiltrate under burner accounts and conduct reconnaissance while blending in with the locals. When the time is right they will "take the entire fucking swamp down".
wheres the link?


Mr. Poopybutthole


Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
He is a blasphemer of Christ.

The Amod Amod High Council has sentenced him to permanent banishment, along with his co-conspirators. They desecrated one of the most Holiest of gaming sites on the Imperium Internet with their vile tongues and demonic behavior. Their only nature is to defile and destroy.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Is he a pajeet, or what (a Jew maybe, especially considering the Einstein thing)? What is with all of his screeching about MAGA/"White Trash"/similar shit?

He seems like an even bigger faggot than I first thought (I mostly ignored his posts on the Misc).
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Bro you have any idea how many people have tried this and how many iterations this forum has been through? The level of autism that’s tried attacking this forum hasn’t broken it yet
Straight Face Trying Not To Laugh GIF
  • 1Worf
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
These misc fucks are such low effort retard folders.
I love how I’m now the minimum bar new members should at least meet. I guess that’s progress.
  • 4Worf
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Bro you have any idea how many people have tried this and how many iterations this forum has been through? The level of autism that’s tried attacking this forum hasn’t broken it yet in its latest iteration thanks for @Lightning Lord Rule and those lazy janitors over at Amod Amod . If anything this loser will make Amod Amod have to do a little work for once!
Honestly, I laughed at the idea that the forum could under attack by any level of autism. That's like attacking the Borg. FOH will just assimilate your own unique flavor of autism into the collective.

Resistance is futile.
  • 1Moron
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Potato del Grande
He always annoyed me on this misc because hes this notorious ADD poster that uses an Albert Einstein picture for his avatar. I told him to change it because it gives Albert a bad name. I'm biased. I had Albert as one of my voices and in my dreams. But he gives Albert a BAD NAME. I dont want to associate his posts with that image.
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Potato del Grande
You are a fucking soyboy you always were. You should hear yourself in your FoH posts. You sound like a pathetic little kunt.

Maybe you should just crawl right inside LLR's asshole so you can be closer. Slack jawed faggot.

By the way. Everquest was fucking gay. Rogue Spear players fucked the prom queen on MPlayer and The Zone.

JDF Seal

I noticed a trend among my nerd friends from EQ, CS and WoW. A lot of them got into lifting. Like I did. I kinda assumed that was the path to go for most of us gaming nerds. We all eventually get into steroids. Lol.


Log Wizard
He's a big fat queer bastard and we don't need him gayifying up the place like he did over on the misc.

The mods are definitely more based here.
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