How do you find people to play games with/deal with woke guilds/etc?

My title is a mash of things because I'm not really sure how to articulate this.

I tried to join a few guilds in an mmo, only to see the person answering invite requests is a man pretending to be a woman. Or that the guild's discord asks for pronouns and is plastered with "no transphobia, no religion, no patriotism, but here's our LGBT+ section". Or other things like that, that are obvious signs I won't be among people I could relate to, that I feel deeply uncomfortable around, and where it's obvious people aren't allowed to speak freely without being banned. I'm not even talking about being incendiary or overtly offensive, like calling people trannies and freaks. I mean, wanting to discuss Jordan Peterson's lectures, whether I agree or disagree, western culture, current events... and wanting to avoid having to see a caricature of a woman being presented as "this is what women are; if you don't like that, you're the 'wrong kind of person' and no one wants you here."

How do you deal with this? I know many probably would laugh or shrug it off but I'm dealing with my own problems and being able to at least socialize could make that easier. I think most people probably want an online environment where you can casually participate in conversation with random people, slowly get to know the people around you, and even try to reach out to individuals and form some kind of connection with them if you realize you've got something in common. I feel like that's impossible and hopeless now.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Parse higher, all talented hard working guilds are filled with Conservates they are the only people who excel at anything. So preform at a level commies get left behind. Also if you are having issues with a personal life drop gaming, go out doors, hit the gym, go to church, find a productive hobby that enhances your life.. all these will lead to conservative value people.

TLDR version: Git Gud.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Stop playing video games, or at the least cut way way back, and get IRL hobbies with the same goals.
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WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Make fun of them and get banned if they are actually gonna do anything about it, what are you even losing by not getting to hang out with dick chopping freaks. Could also be that they are bluffing, then you can give them shit right to their faces.
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Parse higher, all talented hard working guilds are filled with Conservates they are the only people who excel at anything. So preform at a level commies get left behind. Also if you are having issues with a personal life drop gaming, go out doors, hit the gym, go to church, find a productive hobby that enhances your life.. all these will lead to conservative value people.

TLDR version: Git Gud.
Stop playing video games, or at the least cut way way back, and get IRL hobbies with the same goals.

I know these aren't really intended to be real replies. But there are obviously reasons why people sometimes can't find other people they can relate to wherever they're living. Some have disabilities and illness that make them housebound, some live in isolated areas with populations less than 3k people, others live in very liberal or conservative leaning cities and don't fit in with the values expressed in their communities.

In cases like that, it was once common to turn to the internet to find like minded people interested in and wiling to have real conversations.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I know it's gauche on this board to actually offer constructive help, but here goes!

I completely understand not wanting to spend time with people that you don't share opinions with, but it's also one of the biggest problems with the human race. We focus on what makes us different and find ourselves an echo chambers to hang out in. You don't want to spend time in an MMO guild because of all the things that make you different instead of realizing the one thing that brought you together in the first place, the enjoyment of the game you are playing.

Personally I get really irritated when people avoid me once they find out I'm a conservative Christian. You obviously weren't bothered by me before you found that out, but all of a sudden you pigeonhole me into what YOUR perception of who I am is and you suddenly can't stand me? That sounds like a you problem.

One of my closest friends is a liberal atheist. On paper we should have nothing in common but we never focused on those things and get a long great. When I come into town to see her, she takes me to an LGBTQ bar that a friend of hers owns. It's absolutely not anything that I'd go to under any circumstance, except that I'm hanging out with one of my best friends and I'm supporting her decisions.

I'm not active in any current mmo's but my friend and I started a wow guild back in vanilla and ended up inviting all kinds of different people. It was pretty regular to have a pastor, a pornstar, a kindergarten teacher and a witch all in the same group. We didnt talk about the things that separated us, we talked about what brought us together.

Tl;dr, you are NEVER going to find a group of people who all 100% share your opinions and you probably should avoid looking. I'm not saying you should join an LGBTQ guild, but joining a guild that happens to have LGBTQ members shouldn't scare you away either.
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Molten Core Raider
I've been having the same problem for a long time now. It's gotten far worse recently because game companies are getting involved now. New World, for example, has a problem with banning players because someone got butthurt-- or not really, but claimed to be. It's fucking insane.

And I'm really, really tired of hearing I should be "more grown up about it" and learn to control my words. Fuck that. It's not "being an adult" to keep your beliefs to yourself. It's allowing yourself to be oppressed by people who can't form a logical defense of their lifestyle and can't handle that fact being brought to their attention. I will discuss Politics and Religion, because those who disagree with me are getting to "celebrate" their side openly and without getting Banned, etc. Came out the closet? Let's hear all about it and celebrate you. Oh, you're straight? Get the fuck out. Staying silent is losing, and I don't like losing.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
My title is a mash of things because I'm not really sure how to articulate this.

I tried to join a few guilds in an mmo, only to see the person answering invite requests is a man pretending to be a woman. Or that the guild's discord asks for pronouns and is plastered with "no transphobia, no religion, no patriotism, but here's our LGBT+ section". Or other things like that, that are obvious signs I won't be among people I could relate to, that I feel deeply uncomfortable around, and where it's obvious people aren't allowed to speak freely without being banned. I'm not even talking about being incendiary or overtly offensive, like calling people trannies and freaks. I mean, wanting to discuss Jordan Peterson's lectures, whether I agree or disagree, western culture, current events... and wanting to avoid having to see a caricature of a woman being presented as "this is what women are; if you don't like that, you're the 'wrong kind of person' and no one wants you here."

How do you deal with this? I know many probably would laugh or shrug it off but I'm dealing with my own problems and being able to at least socialize could make that easier. I think most people probably want an online environment where you can casually participate in conversation with random people, slowly get to know the people around you, and even try to reach out to individuals and form some kind of connection with them if you realize you've got something in common. I feel like that's impossible and hopeless now.
Which MMO?


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
Probably the biggest reason I haven’t gone to try and socialize more in FF14 or join a more active FC. On the surface, community’s really nice, but when every single FC is advertising themselves as LGBTQ friendly, I can’t help but imagine that joining one is going to constantly have me bombarded with them talking about this shit.

Guy I play magic with sometimes, probably a tranny, but dunno because it’s never actually come up and they could just as easily be weird. But it also doesn’t matter, because we just play magic and that’s what gets talked about. No issue there. If every game, there was talk of tranny shit? Probably wouldn’t want to play magic with him anymore.

I don’t really give a shit what people want to identify as or whatever (though I may silently judge them for it or respect them less) but it’s definitely made me not want to bother even searching for online communities these days because it really seems like this bullshit is just front and center everywhere. It sucks, because I miss the days of hopping on vent just to shoot the shit with fellow nerds every day, but my old groups are gone and doesn’t look like I’m going to be finding any new ones at this rate.
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FoH nuclear response team
I don't deal with them. I play with chill/fun people or I'm out.

You shouldn't walk on eggshells for anyone, otherwise you're doing yourself a disservice.
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<Gold Donor>
Parse higher, all talented hard working guilds are filled with Conservates they are the only people who excel at anything. So preform at a level commies get left behind. Also if you are having issues with a personal life drop gaming, go out doors, hit the gym, go to church, find a productive hobby that enhances your life.. all these will lead to conservative value people.

TLDR version: Git Gud.

This. Got lucky to get pugged into a few speed runs by some good guilds. They care more about smoking parses than distracting TransBBQ+ bullshit.
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Trakanon Raider
If you join a guild and upon entering the discord all the channels are rainbow colored, and they got BLM flags flying just leave. I have no problems hanging out with a gay dude etc as long as we are just hanging out playing cards, enjoying the game, its all good. If I join a guild and its about indoctrination and telling me I'm phobic if I don't like sucking dongs well my phobic ass is walking. I haven't played WoW in awhile and I am sure its gotten worse since I have but surely not every guild is what you are describing?


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
We like to think we were all MMO rockstars back in the day who only guilded with people we were tight with, but thats some nostalgia shit. The reality is we put up with all sorts of degenerate and antisocial fucktards to get our dopamine hit of EQ. Here is a mental checklist of toxic people that every guild has had:

1) RL female loot whore who plays a cleric and still sucks at it, but gets a pass because vagina and complete heal.
2) Asshole who causes fuckloads of server drama, but gets a pass because they are always online and/or a raid leader in the guild.
3) Bored housewife or forever alone dude that flirts with anything and everyone who will give them attention.
4) Socially disfunctional asshole who plays a critical class (usually main tank) but only cares about their alts.
5) Complete idiot who gets carried and loot because they are a friend/relative/slam piece of the leader/officer of the guild.
6) Thx epic guild hopper
7) Well geared older member who skips all the hard work of new content but is magically around when the new loot finally starts dropping, only to vanish once they are geared up again.
8) Burned out guild leader past their prime who only hangs around to cyber some randos and live on past glory.
9) Forum warrior who pisses off everyone on the server by antagonizing other guilds and alienating potential recruits.
10) Our own damn selves skipping work, personal health, and hygene just to camp a fucking Yak, ancient cyclopse, or FBSS.

Even Sam Da Man had a guild at one point.

So TLDR version, the only way to not have a toxic guild is to build it up yourself person by person, hopefully with mostly RL friends or people you have years of experience with in other games. You can't escape the woke otherwise, because the faggots are literally everywhere and they always were.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Unfortunately nerd hobbies are like 90% degenerates. My MTG discords I used went from useful strategy/deck building discussion to everyone uwu'ing and making twink/dickgirl fan art over 6 years as trans mods replaced the old mods
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<Gold Donor>
A bunch of my old guildmates from EQ started a private Facebook page a few years ago, and once I got a chance to view their profiles and interact with them outside of the game, I realized the vast majority of them are liberal faggots and/or completely worthless pieces of shit. It is crazy how most of them kept fairly quiet about that shit in game, but apparently once you log into Facebook the damns are opened and you just HAVE to tell everyone what your political leanings are. I would imagine it is a lot different today, with guilds being just another version of Facebook opinions now.

I haven't been on Facebook in years, but so many of the interactions (even the nonpolitical ones) were so fucking cringe that it was all I could do not to sperg out on them daily. It is funny how many of them Phazael nailed in the post above. #3 in particular. There were those guys that never had their actual picture anywhere on their profiles (because they were land whales I'm sure) but still flirted with all the females (married or not) like they were just the coolest, funniest guys ever. You could practically see the creepiness dripping off the posts, and feel the cringe as the women half-heartedly laughed, probably so they didn't end up in a pit putting lotion on their skin.


Molten Core Raider
My friends and I have been together for about 35 years now. We all met playing a LARP game called Amtgard. (I was also involved in SCA, but that was a different group of friends.) Anyhow, game has a few Facebook pages and some other folks, outside my friend circle, are still going out to those events with the kids. My friends and I were on the website to keep up with old acquaintances since we don't hang out with those folks anymore or get involved in Amtgard stuff, but we had to drop all contact shortly thereafter for exactly the same reason you pointed out: the fucking cringe.

I mean, it's one thing that these grown ass adults apparently have to hang out with kids to meet their social needs, but these folks still have meetups at places like Panchos after gaming. For those that don't know, places like that are all-you-can-eat-for-cheap type restaurants. Perfect for the young, teenage crowd, ya know? So imagine our surprise to see these grown ass adults asking for a ride to the next meet because they can't afford a car, or declining all-together because they can't fit the cost into their budget. You gotta pick the company you keep, and we had to make the not-so-but-kinda hard decision to separate ourselves from old friends because they turned out to be the low-quality sort who amounted to not being able to afford a $15 all-you-can-eat buffet. Cringe, indeed.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Parse higher, all talented hard working guilds are filled with Conservates they are the only people who excel at anything.
Make fun of them and get banned if they are actually gonna do anything about it, what are you even losing by not getting to hang out with dick chopping freaks.
This is my current path.

Got called a 75 iq cave dweller albeit not in normal guild comm channels but in our more or less anything goes disc channel. Tied parsing #2 in Ulduar tonight, only behind a warlock.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I used to be pretty close(online speaking) with my old EQ guild as well, but when I finally quit and went on with life I pretty much lost all of my gaming connections.

I do still talk gaming with this one dude I work with, but he plays different types of games so we don't play any together for the most part. I also can't(don't want) to join a serious guild like in the EQ days because of my sporadic play times. One week I'm on every night and then I'm gone for a week due to life and work. Not really conducive to a regular guild thing.

Anyway if there are FoH groups on Steam or random games I'd love to join. Happy to play different stuff and just pick up and join whenever opportunity presents.

Steam: HoppyMushmellow - Steam Community :: HoppyMushmellow

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
This is my current path.
Well looks like this was a short path.

So mentioned in politics thread but server owner and guild gm put up a politics channel. Dont call people American Inventors but more or less free for all dont get butthurt etc. Well yesterday he gets butthurt and shuts it down, makes it private. Whatever no big deal liberals gonna liberal but they allude its due to how bad i am.


This evening I notice the channel is back up and has posts in it so I look at it. Its locked, so everyone who has been posting in it is an officer with permissions. Pretty much all of the posts where shitting on me and laughing at me. Of course being locked I cant call them the retards they are for falling for clear as day troll posts I made.


So I call them out in the general channel of the discord, if theyre gonna publicly shit on me Im gonna publicly shit on them and let them know how much they are being pathetic children by doing what they did. Ends with one of the officers essentially saying lets just delete everything and pretend this didnt happen.


So i think thats enough of this for me.


Log Wizard
Well looks like this was a short path.

So i think thats enough of this for me.
I quit talking to people in games years ago. I never got into this Discord shit or even interacting with people outside the game.

People are retards. Every game should be single player only.
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