Most memorable comic book moments


Mr. Poopybutthole
This is about the only part I liked about World War Hulk. Its Black Bolt versus the Hulk. The Hulk ends up owning him. Previously, Black Bolt was depicted as ridiculously overpowered and more powerful than the Hulk. In the past, Black Bolt incapacitated the Hulk with one whisper. Black Bolt also knocked out Magneto in one shot (easily penetrating his force field). He has the mutant power to magnify sound; a mere whisper would destroy a mountaint and a yell would destroy a planet. How do they stop him from snoring or talking in his sleep?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Galactus versus the world:This is one of my favorite childhood storylines. I mean, what could be cooler than a skyscraper-tall purple clad deity who needs to eat planets to live? Depending on how recently he has eaten, Earth"s mightiest heroes are beneath his notice. Thor and the Hulk would have trouble even being a minor annoyance to him when he"s fully fed (but this is different when he hasn"t fed in awhile).


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I can"t really think of much that would fit this bill. We all know nothing in comics is forever - some writer will come along later and undo just about anything. That said, I really enjoyed the Infinity Gauntlet mini-series, very well written. Best "normal" story (outside of such treasures as Watchmen, etc.) was Fall of the Kingpin. Daredevil 296-300. After having the Kingpin utterly ruin his life and just moping around a bit, Daredevil said enough, and actually took his ass down. Certainly one of the most memorable moments to me was the end of that arc. Far less a commercial story than say Death of Superman or any of that crap.


Lyrical said:
I am going to leave the Ultimates pic alone. I realize that some of you are younger than I am
Well while Batman outplaying Darkseid is far more impressive, visually Hulk tearing wolvering in 2 is incredibly badass.

The "Skrull" invasion is by far the most retarded spin-off i could imagine.

Oh ! Hulk defeated everyone, but they were super powered skrulls, with
the same powers as the original heroes, that didnt even know they were skrull.

I mean "fucked up" has it limits, this cant even be described.
So as a comic book nerd who"s never actually read any comics, where should one start? Phoenix Saga and work my way through? I"m mostly into Marvel, I should say. I recently bought the Infinity Gauntlet softcover and really enjoyed it. I"d like to pick up some more of those.

Also, is there a better place than Amazon to order these online? Or a good place to download?


i like the scene from infinite crisis with superboy prime in the green lantern prison with the Superman symbol carved into his chest.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Saban said:
i like the scene from infinite crisis with superboy prime in the green lantern prison with the Superman symbol carved into his chest.
The run up to that when Superboy Prime was killing everyone was pretty good.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The Death of Martian Manhunter:This one kind of pissed me off. It happened in May "08. Martian Manhunter"s been around forever. I know that DC has tried to make him the 2nd most powerful being on the Earth (behind Superman) and they wanted to give him more of a spotlight. I guess they gave up trying to have a green clone of him. He"s been around since the 1950"s, and I wouldn"t expect DC to unceremoniously kill him like this.


Haha that artwork is pisspoor. That guy on the left in the final pane of the Manhunter death has the dumbest fucking look on his face.


Potato del Grande
Asmadai said:
Haha that artwork is pisspoor. That guy on the left in the final pane of the Manhunter death has the dumbest fucking look on his face.
Looks like he is taking an epic shit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Asmadai said:
Haha that artwork is pisspoor. That guy on the left in the final pane of the Manhunter death has the dumbest fucking look on his face.
The point behind "Final Crisis" is that in this crossover, supposedly the villains will win. The Earth villains are being lead by an old cheesy villain who has only had one appearance in the DC Universe named "Libra." He wants to balance the scales towards the villains" side. Back in the day, he was shown to have enough power to make the JLA look stupid (he punked Superman back in his overpowered Pre-Crisis days - back when Supes could move planets and fly through time).

Anyway, I suppose the cheesy look is driven by the fact that Libra is back to make the villains" dreams come true and to help them get revenge on their arch-nemesis. So that explains the looks on their faces - the villains are somewhat enraptured with the possibility of getting even. He"s promising them that their dreams can come true.

All-in-all, the premise of "Final Crisis" is lame.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Spidey beats a herald of Galactus way back in Amazing Spiderman 269 and 270 (in 1985, man I am getting old). Firelord is on the same power level as Silver Surfer.

/mourn for Captain America

The Ancient_sl

Lyrical said:
Firelord is on the same power level as Silver Surfer.
Meh I don"t know if I"d say this. They are likely in the same ballpark, but Surfer is a high salary all-star and Firelord is warming the bench, making league minimum. The difference between them is appreciable.