

Tranny Chaser
If I found myself having to run an open table I'd 100% murder bitches but goddamn does that sound unappealing. I guess as a favor as part of a promotional thing for a store? I've played in a few long running "anyone who walks in the door" type of campaigns and they can have some charm but running one is a hard pass.


Potato del Grande
I played a few sessions of the Firefly RPG, my only experience with anything like D&D other than the Forgotten Realms PC games.

I semi min maxed my character to be a really good shot and spent my money on a rifle. Clearly I wanted to do some combat and be good at it.

The GM thwarted every attempt I made to use my skills to solve problems in the game. There was even an assasination mission in a skyscraper where we snuck into an adjacent building and all the glass was fucking bulletproof. Later we got captured in between sessions so no gun.

You have to go with what your players want to do so they have fun, sure try introducing them to new things you think they may enjoy, but don't be stubborn and force them to play the game in the exact way you designed it to play out.

If they want to be murderhobos, design the game to both enable it and challenge it. The law showing up or the revenge expert hunter NPC someone posted about sound really fun. Why not dangle a carrot in front of them and have a temple with a magic item you know they'll steal, give it an inventive curse or a challenging combat situation, but why outright kill then to discourage them?

It's a fucking game.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah you could start a separate thread on God Complex GMs. Different issue with several permutations, but the end lesson is that everyone should be having fun, players and DM alike, but the responsibility for that mostly falls on the DM to play to the audience. Deliberately frustrating your players is about the worst thing you can do as a GM.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
In the game I mentioned previously, the hardest part of dealing with murderhobos in an appropriately challenging way was coming up with min-maxed small parties of enemy murderhobos to pose an actual challenge. It was fun at first but as the game progressed above level 15 it started to strain credulity and also was just a lot of work to build interesting enemies. By the end of the campaign it ended up being like a Final Fantasy game where you had to get heavy handed and demonstrate that the actual main storyline big bads of the world were on the cusp of attaining godlike power/whatever and had to be imminently stopped so this campaign can finally end and I can stop inventing more and more random murderhobos to try to murder you.
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