Note Millie


Silver Squire
I don"t understand why Millie thought anyone would care enough to warrant such a long good bye post. Just post "I"m out bitches" and be done with it.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Kreugen said:
I think it is entirely plausible that Millie could have had a sex change to become "Alyssa." It"s the only sane theory at this point. His parents certainly have the money, and he"s damn sure crazy enough.
So just to set the story straight, given that FoH people knew Millie -- whatever sex it is -- to be a insane, why was s/he vested with so much power on these boards for so long?


A nice asshole.
I"m am not bitter at all, it is just time for the truth to come out. On a personal level I never had a run in with Millie, but I also knew what topics to avoid. Now that I don"t have to deal with him being able to ban me I can share the truth.


Ancalagon said:
So just to set the story straight, given that FoH people knew Millie -- whatever sex it is -- to be a insane, why was s/he vested with so much power on these boards for so long?
We don"t really know - you"d have to ask Requiem. But hey, he sure gave us a lot of laughs with his batshit insane behavior. Thanks, John!


Molten Core Raider
Sean said:
We don"t really know - you"d have to ask Requiem. But hey, he sure gave us a lot of laughs with his batshit insane behavior. Thanks, John!
The thing that always surprised me is.. he acted like a girl even when he wasn"t on the boards... even when he was talking on vent or sending messages he did it from a female perspective... I just never really understood all that... pretending to be a woman on a forum is one thing but to go so completely into the role when the people you are talking to KNOW you aren"t a female.. yeah just fucking nuts.


Tranny Chaser
The pics are a collage of a FoH get together from years back and the chick in the middle is a pic Millie claimed was of her but was debunked. I forgot who she actually is.


How can it be a few years back when Wii Fit is there?

Anyway, I knew this was IBTR, but I didn"t want to be the one to ruin Millie"s feelings and say IBTR


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I always figured Millie must be a woman because of the sensitivity to meaningless issues and the power wielded without any repercussion - i.e. must be fucking someone.

If Millie is really a dude, he"s a weird one, and how he had that power over the forums is a mindboggler..


Tranny Chaser
I didn"t explain it well enough. The pics of the dude are from like 2000 while of course the pics of the chick are recent. That thread is, naturally, long gone and likely resulted in a few people getting permanent vacations for pointing out that the woman was indeednotnamed Alyssa Flynn and was instead some gaming spokesperson.


I"ve never understood why you all give a fuck what gender Millie is anyway. Get a life.

I"ll email you Millie, I still want to get together to hang out in LA sometime.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah that"s John. The one on the left and the one on the right are the 2 I had.

lol One of the times Millie banned me was when Brit posted those pics and they were deleted but I didn"t know it and reposted them...


Molten Core Raider
Cuppycake said:
I"ve never understood why you all give a fuck what gender Millie is anyway. Get a life.

I"ll email you Millie, I still want to get together to hang out in LA sometime.
Again see my post. It wasn"t US who made the big deal out of it to begin with it was HIM. If it wasn"t such a big deal why did so many people get banned over it? Why did I get banned multiple times because of it when I never even SAID anything in a post about it? He told me to message him so we could talk about it and bam I was banned. I posted the pics of him on a thread where it was asked for and bam banned.. as a matter of fact I think he banned me one other time too for telling people to STFU about his gender... so defend him all you want but for once I am not in the wrong on this one. Never once did I troll him. Never once did I post blatant disrespectful things about him. Yet I was banned by this ego manic 3 times?
Fuck him.

I thought you were better than that tbh Cuppy.


Camerous said:
I thought you were better than that tbh Cuppy.
No, I thought you guys were. Maybe he"s transgender? Maybe it"s considered harrassment when you guys post pictures of him pre-transition? Sometimes you guys can be so fucking insensitive that it"s ridiculous. If I"m an admin on a board, and people are being insulting towards me - you"re damn right I"ll ban them. Nobody owes it to you guys to let you hang out here.


Cuppycake said:
No, I thought you guys were. Maybe he"s transgender? Maybe it"s considered harrassment when you guys post pictures of him pre-transition? Sometimes you guys can be so fucking insensitive that it"s ridiculous. If I"m an admin on a board, and people are being insulting towards me - you"re damn right I"ll ban them. Nobody owes it to you guys to let you hang out here.
ruh roh


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I"d just like to say that I will be the first one to make fun of someone if I find out they are "transgender." I"d be all over that shit like white on goddamn rice.


Molten Core Raider
Cuppycake said:
No, I thought you guys were. Maybe he"s transgender? Maybe it"s considered harrassment when you guys post pictures of him pre-transition? Sometimes you guys can be so fucking insensitive that it"s ridiculous. If I"m an admin on a board, and people are being insulting towards me - you"re damn right I"ll ban them. Nobody owes it to you guys to let you hang out here.
Or just maybe he was a crazy fucker who used this board to get his kicks banning people for daring to talk about how he was pretending to be a girl all the time? I"m sorry but saying that it was OUR fault that he went ape shit and started banning people for talking about his gender is stupid beyond words of mine to describe. *shakes head*


Elisha Dushku
Hatorade said:
I would list the insane things Millie has done to keep the whole I am really a women thing convincing
There are many much worse things in this world.

* * *

I enjoyed the one or two debates we had in the movie house and really couldn"t give a shit about the online transgender thing.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Cuppycake said:
No, I thought you guys were. Maybe he"s transgender? Maybe it"s considered harrassment when you guys post pictures of him pre-transition?
I"m pretty sure Millie posted pics to begin with? I don"t think Camerous was stalking him RL and taking pics through the dining room window.

Cuppycake said:
Sometimes you guys can be so fucking insensitive that it"s ridiculous. If I"m an admin on a board, and people are being insulting towards me - you"re damn right I"ll ban them. Nobody owes it to you guys to let you hang out here.
C"mon, surely you must agree this board isn"t all rainbows and unicorns and pixies and kisses...and shit. I"d be fucking HELLA surprised if there is any mod/admin here that hasn"t at the very least had a snarky -internet comment or flame post at some point, and everyone else seems to get by. Hell, I"ve left some -net comments on folks who could ban me back to the stone age, and I didn"t go through what some people here have.

But whatever. I"m sorry to see Millie go (albeit I never ran afoul of him/her), and I had a hunch the thread was going to go to shit. I missed most of this drama in the day and avoided what I saw, so /shrug.