NSA has infiltrated this website

Why yes it is. Quite a bit.

The first cunning stunt, is that this war, the invasion, is simply squeezing the last bit of juice. The military, I mean. The entire integrity of the Russian Army. Used, burned through, skimmed to death. Get some more artillery contracts too! China is buying oil, friends! That's all money!

What scale of public expenditures are we talking about here? You say the destruction of the military is itself a useful goal if the new pop-up monarchial state is to re-established as part of the settled negotiation following it's destruction. That might be so, but what is then left to compete against the coming Romanov / ROC post-war setup? Funny you should ask.

The model, has been done with nearly every aspect of Russian life. Even vodka, 33% of it is "state owned."

But just to highlight how shameless this crew is, how total New Jack City these folks are, consider the Russian Space Program. It has been unpleasant. Rank with corruption. It went to the top:


Putin was right to fire him!
Dmitri Rogovin is that Head of the once-proud Roscosmos, Russian claim on real space exploration. The rogue.

Wait? He was disgraced?

Why would the dimissed Head of Roscosmos, the corrupted gem of Russia's space program, still be padding around in a wind breaker at the cosmodrone, the botching of which, and corruption surrounding which, is exactly what he was dismissed for?

Russia: diagnosis: terminal state-scale parasitism. Prognosis: aim is to establish a quite wealthy Russian royal "house" that will consist of the remaining oligarchs, Putin if he is alive, ROC, and the IHR. But what will *not* be part of this invented neo-feudal state are the things it no longer needs. Like a space program. That has been looted. Or military, so much. That too, is being used up.

Those who use it up, are part of the circle. They are not disgracing themselves at all. It's how they eat.

To generate the required global disgust for Russia that will allow this solution to be sufficient for the end of the war, and the new Imperial Russia to commence, this very demolition, and continued final skimming, of the Russian war machine is both pretense and execution of the plan. Soon, the entire world including China will get tired of this slowly churning, oil-money fed butchery all so this woman

Can get the ball a'rollin, feed the people some Monarchial Soul Love Muther! and then this guy

Settles Russia, guarantees they are but peaceful folk, back into the feudal funkytown road to chill. Peace is needed, treaties are signed.

Meanwhile, Putin *singlehandedly* pulled off the most massive designed wealth transfer in world history. Likely never to be repeated.
Some guys are into that. They call it "gremlin'," as in "Oh man I picked up this chick last night nice and sweet as could be, we get home we into it, and she starts gremlin' on me! I sprayed her with water, it was an hour dude, I swear."


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I think Sadre has finally convinced me he is maybe crazier than Jasker. Definitely crazier than Sox.
  • 1Solidarity
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I think Sadre has finally convinced me he is maybe crazier than Jasker. Definitely crazier than Sox.
That's patently false.

Jasker offered no proof, just babble. He was larping the "they got me controlled by the HAARP again!" stuff. Boring. Well, sort of funny. But kind of tasteless to larp being schizo.

Everything I said about the IHR is facts. Verifiable even. Those are all quotes from their own sources. I mean, I'm not going to link to the.ru site b/c maybe this site does not want that. It's riddled with nasties. Very impressive looking. Want to see the current front page? It's very ... Muscovy.

The part about the end-game -- the "plan B" -- of this dreadful war is my own speculation. Which again, is in play. Putin and the Duma want to re-establish ancestral lands for ... do I have to post his mug again?

As with the Trump fiasco, I say to you, ONCE MORE


It's a lot of push-ups.
It's not complicated, Putin controls the ROC, naturally. And, he can use this as the backstop for any attempt to dismantle his regime. HE can always bring the Romanov's out. The ...Romanov's. They're all dead. That was the big deal. This current "House of all the Russias" (ALL of them??) is less than 20 years old. There are always people trying to figure out how to get Russia back into a monarchist groove.

Probably the best those poor blighters can manage, truth be told. They have no concept of citizenship, just subjection and obedience to "the big people."

The rhetoric of Putin's people and media, is always full of references to Russian-speaking, Russian people, Russian culture, imperial history, dreams of the Rohirrim, you know. This is the internal politics of this, moving forward. This is, I believe, the plan B.

We shall see, right?
They intend to place "holy markers" in Crimea asap. Can't ask a church to move, right?

The "imperials" are on the right. Giving their blessing to this "new chapter." But that one fellow! That's the Golden Cape of Holy Rites. That's an ae +100 bullshit counter on every zone the Holy Guy enters. And he's in Crimea. Serving God and Country and
This war so far. Such disasters. Entire ranks of elite soldiers, dead. The best officers, used up cripples. Decades of military assets, gone! Putin must be crying tears!

Pro-Putin or pro-Russia people cry out the beacons are lit, and say, "No that's not true! Russia is winning!"


Mr. Orchestra please? A one, a two...

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
So let me get this right:

Putin controls the Russian Olympic Committee which he's using as a 'backstop' to bring the Romanovs back from the dead through a descendant from the actual Romanovs and the bolsheviks spent the last 100 years failing to kill and that no one knew about until 20 years ago. This is because the Nationalist rhetoric the Putin administration has been using is actually an elaborate but thinly veiled scheme to return Russia and all of its ancestral lands to a monarchical system because Russians are so simple minded that its the only system of government that they can understand. "Big Man" African culture but with more snow and oil, in essence.

That's the objectively verifiable part, according to you, because you read it on a Russian website with lots of malware(??? I'm guessing here what you mean by 'Muscovy'). The speculative part is that Putin is using this war to bring all of this about by either intentionally losing it or accidentally losing it, which would naturally encourage people to embrace a new monarchical government and increase Putin's power at home which is naturally what happens to national leaders after they lose an existential war.

This is also tangentially related to "The Trump Fiasco" -which we're supposed to guess at which Fiasco you're referring to- but the mere existence of this Fiasco presumably proves your perspicacity and FoH's collective idiocy for not recognizing it and/or cheering on or facilitating it.

Do I have that right?
  • 1WTF
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  • 1Wow!
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<Gold Donor>
So let me get this right:

Putin controls the Russian Olympic Committee which he's using as a 'backstop' to bring the Romanovs back from the dead through a descendant from the actual Romanovs and the bolsheviks spent the last 100 years failing to kill and that no one knew about until 20 years ago. This is because the Nationalist rhetoric the Putin administration has been using is actually an elaborate but thinly veiled scheme to return Russia and all of its ancestral lands to a monarchical system because Russians are so simple minded that its the only system of government that they can understand. "Big Man" African culture but with more snow and oil, in essence.

That's the objectively verifiable part, according to you, because you read it on a Russian website with lots of malware(??? I'm guessing here what you mean by 'Muscovy'). The speculative part is that Putin is using this war to bring all of this about by either intentionally losing it or accidentally losing it, which would naturally encourage people to embrace a new monarchical government and increase Putin's power at home which is naturally what happens to national leaders after they lose an existential war.

This is also tangentially related to "The Trump Fiasco" -which we're supposed to guess at which Fiasco you're referring to- but the mere existence of this Fiasco presumably proves your perspicacity and FoH's collective idiocy for not recognizing it and/or cheering on or facilitating it.

Do I have that right?
Nice To Meet You Nicolas Cage GIF by Nordisk Film Finland
  • 2Worf
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ROC. Gold capes. Read back. The Russian Orthodox Church *always* working in tandem with the IHR -The Imperial House of Russia. Today's post noted a regular feature: members of this "Royal House" at some ROC event, conferring this and that in the name of God and "All the Russias." These sorts of events happen monthly, and always have to do with religious and monarchial linkage/connection/fabrication of some history that does not exist anymore. But this time, the money of an entire state, and eventually the remains of the Putin regime if not Putin, will take flight in it.

All these snippits in the graphics are from legitimate and findable sources. First of all, here she is again:

The imperial house . org. It's not janky, just don't dowload stuff from them lol.

So, She is the presumed head of the current Romanov "dynasty." The other fellow I posted pics is, guess?

There has always been a network os alleged Romaov descendents -- all "morganitic" of course.

This particular group is the favored group of both the Kremlin and the ROC. And, Putin. The Lady was in the ceremonial first car when the Ukraine bridge opened in 2014. "I have always in my heart known Ukraine is part of the Fatherland." she said then, and said last year.

Putin is ready to activate this contingency if needed. It would be part of his peace settlement. And all the titled people, and their wealth, is now the wealth of the new Imperial House of Russia. Untouchable trillions, Putin's gift to his country. This guy:

As I said above in the spoiler:
Meanwhile, Putin *singlehandedly* pulled off the most massive designed wealth transfer in world history. Likely never to be repeated.
I'm bored.

This will hash out fine I'm sure. You can ask the Russian gentry, this plan is pretty elementary...

And *nobody* loses. The money all stays in Zurich. As it must.
One of Putin's favorite quotes:

‘You, gentlemen, are in need of great upheavals; we are in need of a Great Russia.’

Somehow, "We got Donetsk!" does not seem to add up, does it? The almost deliberate debasements of PMG Wagner -- a government could not design a better agent to ruin it's own miltary establishment's legitimacy. The operation is designed to fuck that legitimacy, that is why. This is called, "creating the legitimacy vacuum."

It is, one of the greatest McGuffin's in history.

We are all witnesses.