Pit bulls - The Breed of Peace


Karazhan Raider
Anyone want to try to defend these worthless fucking animals? I'm not in favor of banning them outright but people need to start being held strictly liable for the actions of these fucking things. If the dog commits an act of violence and attacks someone, from a legal standpoint, it should be no different than if the owner themselves committed the action.

Police: Owner used metal bar to pry pit bull off of 8-year-old girl
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'm not an expert, but everytime I see this argument come up the only publications on the peacefulness of pitbulls vs other dogs show that pitbulls are middle of the road in terms of aggressiveness.

However because pitbulls are muscle-bound, ferocious monsters, anytime they attack it's devastating. I don't think pitbulls are dogs waiting to snap and murder everything, but I don't see the point for people to get a family dog whose ass they couldn't kick.
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I think a dog that could hurt you should be treated no differently than any other dangerous wild animal. If you want to have a 15lb dog that I could stomp into the ground if it goes feral, fine, but I will stomp you into the ground right after it. When your dog goes feral and kills a kid, you need to go to prison as if you did it yourself. It was your choice to bring the fucking thing around kids.
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Trakanon Raider
I live in a condo. The dog argument is like debating abortion in the building. You can't win either way.

Don't even get me started on the fact people keep large dogs (75+ pound) dogs in a 800 sqft unit with no yard. Fuck that is just cruel.
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what Suineg set it to
Oh, this isn't about Muslims breeding in the UK. I hope they save that poor dog, it was only doing what was normal for it, it'd be very insensitive to claim it is violent just because it lashed out at a white girl for oppressing it.


They were first bred to hunt large game, then tokill male bulls for the meat industry, and later to fight each other for sport.


Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Pitbull owners will argue until they're blue in the face just how peaceful/loving their dogs are, how it's the owner and not the dog, etc. I see no reason not to put these losers in prison when they're proven wrong by their own stupid animal. There are 100+ dog breeds to choose from, most of which don't have the size/ability to do any real damage even if some crazy feral instinct kicks in and they attack. If you're so gung ho on choosing a breed that has the strongest bite of all dogs, prepare to reap the consequences-- including an ass-pounding in jail, for your conceited stupidity.
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Tranny Chaser
For like a year now every chihuahua I've ran across has been friendly as fuck. I used to think of that breed as evil filthy diseased yippy biters but I haven't run across a shitty one in forever.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
For like a year now every chihuahua I've ran across has been friendly as fuck. I used to think of that breed as evil filthy diseased yippy biters but I haven't run across a shitty one in forever.
And even if they go Full Cujo they're basically ankle-biters. Shit ton of annoying Chihuaha's in Texas though, every ex-cheerleader has at least one or two. They're generally not aggressive, but usually nervous as fuck and bark at everything. Whenever I start dating a chick and she mentions she has a chihuaha, that's a major red flag for me.


<Gold Donor>
Pits are like any other breed. Only as good as their owner trains and disciplines them. The issue with pits specifically is that all the trashy fucks think it's cool to own a dog like that. They can barely rear human children properly, much less a dog they think of as a weapon.

I am a long time dog owner, i cant even see myself living without dogs. We will never own a pit. Not because my wife was attacked by one when we were in college together, only because we just dont like the look of them.

Blame the humans for the pit problem, not the dog. Although i wouldnt shed a tear if the breed was heavily restricted/banned. Not like that will do much good, tho.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I always wanted a rottweiler. How is their general reputation?

I doubt I'll have a dog anytime soon. And if I do it'll by a non-shedding hypoallergenic dog like a mini schnauzer.


Trakanon Raider
Don't even get me started on the fact people keep large dogs (75+ pound) dogs in a 800 sqft unit with no yard. Fuck that is just cruel.
Depends heavily on the breed. Some large breed dogs actually do better in apartments than much smaller breeds because their exercise requirements are lower.

Hell, my two dogs are just over and under 100 lbs respectively, have a giant yard to play in, and prefer to be left inside to sleep all day.
This is the main reason I won't own a dog over 25 pounds. Too much liability. When's the last time you heard of a fatal YorkiePoo mauling?

Also, their poops are much, much smaller...


Trakanon Raider
You really can't correlate a dog's size with its penchant for attacking anyone. I'm fairly sure I could smear an infant in peanut butter and bacon fat around my dogs and it would be in less danger than asleep alone in a crib.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Depends heavily on the breed. Some large breed dogs actually do better in apartments than much smaller breeds because their exercise requirements are lower.

Hell, my two dogs are just over and under 100 lbs respectively, have a giant yard to play in, and prefer to be left inside to sleep all day.
Yeah, my English bulldog is pushing 70 pounds and I pretty much have to roll the lazy fucker out of his bed in the morning and drag him outside. He's so fucking lazy that sometimes he just stops mid-walk and makes me carry his ass back home. He much prefers his bed and a cold room over the outdoors. Some large breeds like mastiffs don't like exercise/outdoors.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, my English bulldog is pushing 70 pounds and I pretty much have to roll the lazy fucker out of his bed in the morning and drag him outside. He's so fucking lazy that sometimes he just stops mid-walk and makes me carry his ass back home. He much prefers his bed and a cold room over the outdoors. Some large breeds like mastiffs don't like exercise/outdoors.
Mine are big babies. They like going outside with people fine, but they don't want to entertain themselves. They'd rather hang out in the office while I'm on the computer, or just sleep on the couch while we're out.

Get em near a swimming pool, though, and it is ON. Can't keep the lab out, and the other one panics because he doesn't understand why anyone would be crazy enough to get in water voluntarily.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Growing up we always had dogs. We even had a pit a couple of times and he was one of the friendliest dogs we had, would let strangers pet him with no problem, while the little chihuahua would bark and snap if someone tried to pet it.

What's odd is the most violent dog we had was a chow chow, who was perfectly fine until one day he snapped. He bit me on the arm(left puncture wounds and still have scars) because I went out to the backyard's front gate to tell him to stop barking at the people at the street and when my dad came home he went to swat him on the butt with newspaper and he snapped jumped at him also. We had him put down right after. The other chows we had(at same time and different times) never had a problem.

The bad thing with pits is when they do go violent the result can be much worse because of their jaws and body types(mostly always a lot of muscle).

I do agree owners need to be more responsible for their pets. Especially if there is any evidence it was brought up to be violent.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
This is the main reason I won't own a dog over 25 pounds. Too much liability. When's the last time you heard of a fatal YorkiePoo mauling?

Also, their poops are much, much smaller...
How heavy is the average golden retriever.

They'll maul you with love and snuggles.