Planetside 2

Lost Ranger_sl

Here we go again!




Silver Knight of the Realm
So yeah, as expected, I logged in last night and died about 80000 times. But! I had fun, so that doesn't matter. Took a while to get the hang of things a bit, and I started getting some kills later on. Trying to decide between heavy and infiltrator - heavy seemed to be more of a go-to, as with Infi I would find a sweet spot to set up and snipe, and then no one would come anywhere close, or I'd get sniped by someone with no clue where from.

the later it got over night, the more fun I ended up having. Probably a combination of learning how to play, and then I also got involved in some smaller scale skirmishes, like 10 on 10 or so, and it seemed a bit more enjoyable for a newb like me.

Lost Ranger_sl

Infil has been really hit and miss for me (heh), but I just can't seem to stick with it. When I want to keep my distance the medic is capable of getting a 7x scope. When I want to get in the thick of it the medic still does awesome, or I can go engy and bust out my new shotgun. Which is a monster in close quarters. Both classes bring invaluable utility to the battlefield as well.

Hard losing the ability to res, or restock/repair people in battle.


Played last night for the first time -- it was a fair bit of fun (go go bombing runs!). I played mostly LA, which is an ass kicking (especially with the base weapons, which are quite lacking), but drove a tank and sniped as well. I think I'll give medic a go next round based on LR's experience ... seems quite worthwhile. FWIW, I rolled with PRX's server because I had some friends there (I am not a member of PRX, and don't particularly intend to be). There seemed to be some reasonable cooperation/coordination going on -- def. a fun time


Vyemm Raider
For everyone joining this thread for the third time... The official, unofficial FoH,MoreNutz, Rerolled server & faction is Terran Republic on Jaeger. That server is essentially where a lot of people are making TR alts. A Lot of other people from the boards seem to be on Mattherson Playing all three factions it seems.

I am Tagas (TR) on [Jaeger] and Morgrim (NC) on [Mattherson]

I am still not sure what the FoH/rerolled outfit is called. Post your names and servers if you like and maybe people will come by and shoot the shit with you.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Well, finally got around to installing and playing this.

I was a huge fan of PS1. Played it pretty religiously every weekend with buddies, until BFRs came out and ruined it. I'm really not quite sold on PS2 yet. The combat, while fun at times, is way too frantic/fast paced compared to what I remember. I'll take a few more weeks of messing around with it before I make a final verdict.


I'm over on Waterson -- haven't played in a few days because of school

Name there is Cosine. Hit me up if you want to roll bitches or something

Maybe once SC becomes account-wide I'll jump over to the official FOH server or something


Trump's Staff
Had my first bit of group play last night; was WAY more fun than running around clueless and solo (no surprise there). Definitely liking Heavy Inf more than anything else; I signed up for 1 month Premium and used that 500 SC + 600 I had to buy the CARV 1 or whatever that other heavy inf rifle is called. Red dot on that and I'm already up to a 2.0 k/d again after only 3ish play sessions and months without playing an FPS. Slowly getting what little skills I had back!

Also, it is super fun being a bomber in those Libs, haha.

PS. Like I said at morenetz, where the fuck is the "Read first unread post" button!?


<Silver Donator>
Reminder since old forums died but later today, at 9AM PST, they're starting a double xp weekend until monday 9AM. Stacks with other boosts, good time to level up shit. They'll probably have a SC sale around december 20th too if you want to save up some money until then.

Played around a bit more on my VS to use Magriders, but I really hate the fact I don't have shit for certs or any guns unlocked. Don't like their system, wouldn't mind in a traditional MMORPG where you'd relvl a char and shit but the investment in time and money are on way different scales. Think I'll just forget about the smooth tanks and just go back to my TR char.

Oh and they overnerfed AT mines and they're overnerfing ESFs too(already nerfed them a bit and more nerfs coming next week). Seems they don't know how to balance as usual.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It looks like they at least will be making it so stuff you unlock SC wise will be unlocked across all your characters. I am kinda surprised they did not do that right off the bat but at least they got the dose of sanity fast and its high on their to do list.

Lost Ranger_sl

It looks like they at least will be making it so stuff you unlock SC wise will be unlocked across all your characters. I am kinda surprised they did not do that right off the bat but at least they got the dose of sanity fast and its high on their to do list.
That is a big plus for me. The last time I tried EQ I took advantage of the crazy SC deals they were doing. Was like triple SC all weekend. I had a bunch of it left over and spent it on guns in PS2. Ended up changing servers and was pissed to see I didn't keep the guns. I am fine with stuff you unlock with certs being character only. If you are going to actually invest money though it should be yours for good. Glad it didn't take them years to figure that one out.




Blackwing Lair Raider
Infil has been really hit and miss for me (heh), but I just can't seem to stick with it. When I want to keep my distance the medic is capable of getting a 7x scope. When I want to get in the thick of it the medic still does awesome, or I can go engy and bust out my new shotgun. Which is a monster in close quarters. Both classes bring invaluable utility to the battlefield as well.

Hard losing the ability to res, or restock/repair people in battle.
I am really loving my engineer now. I got the track 5 s for him and he brings good ammo/repair abilities with a gun that with a good scope can go semi auto, 3 round burst or full auto rock and roll. I find I am pretty easily able to counter snipe using the 3 round burst option. Now I also finally unlocked the under barrel grenade launcher for him and its totally game on. The grenade launcher gives the engineer that extra oomf of offensive punch that really makes him into a stellar all around class.

Nice thing about upgrading my engineer gun is its shared with my light assault so in times where I want to get my jump pack on and hop around I have my great tricked out gun to use while doing it which is pretty awesome great bang for the cert buck.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Playing as Junun (VS) on Jaeger. Lookin forward to double exp weekend! Hopefully the gf wont want to do to much this weekend, fuckin xmas decorating!


Silver Knight of the Realm
I played a little bit today and after about 10 minutes the lag was so bad it was unplayable. Does this happen often?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
What should be the first gun I look to unlock as a VS engineer? I really love the class so far, but the beginner gun is fucking dogshit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What should be the first gun I look to unlock as a VS engineer? I really love the class so far, but the beginner gun is fucking dogshit.
Check the certs they can unlock. I am not sure what the vanu varient of the trac 5 s is but look for one that allows the under barrel grenade launcher. Its 100 certs to unlock but holy crap that thing rocks. It has 2 rounds and your ammo pack can reload it although it reloads a bit slow from the ammo pack. A direct hit kills everybody one shot other than max and heavy armor with shield up and two shot finishes off all but maxes. It explodes on impact so its WAY easier to use than the normal grenades and does not cost infantry resources to use.


<Silver Donator>
Should be Solstice S(or is it SF whatever). Shotguns are also nice, sometimes, kinda depends. The base AR and Carbines for VS and TR are pretty good though, you should only really upgrade them if you want to spend SC on a weapon as generally you'll make better use of the 1000certs by increasing other shit. Well Engineer I don't know I never found many stuff to upgrade, I went AT mines but first level was enough, don't like most of the other upgrades besides maybe faster repairs. I have like 2500certs spent on my medic though.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Should be Solstice S(or is it SF whatever). Shotguns are also nice, sometimes, kinda depends. The base AR and Carbines for VS and TR are pretty good though, you should only really upgrade them if you want to spend SC on a weapon as generally you'll make better use of the 1000certs by increasing other shit. Well Engineer I don't know I never found many stuff to upgrade, I went AT mines but first level was enough, don't like most of the other upgrades besides maybe faster repairs. I have like 2500certs spent on my medic though.
Yeah, some of the shit like +overheat length to the turret and shit is worthless, for sure. Are mines the only AV/AA option for Engineers? That's the only thing I dislike about them at the moment.