Poll Should Tanoomba's ban be lifted

Free the moonbat?

  • Yes

    Votes: 61 40.1%
  • No

    Votes: 91 59.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The Big Mod
what are you fucking nuts? you can't just write the name "Tanoomba" without a trigger warning label
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Karazhan Raider
This is not a troll poll. Several people have voiced their disagreement with Amod's decision. Picasso's thread cannot accomplish what this will. If Tanoomba's ban was unjust, the votes will speak on his behalf. If not, let the matter be put to rest.


The Big Mod
This is not a troll poll. Several people have voiced their disagreement with Amod's decision. Picasso's thread cannot accomplish what this will. If Tanoomba's ban was unjust, the votes will speak on his behalf. If not, let the matter be put to rest.
Unfortunately, you'll never get the votes needed to overturn from a poll here. Tanoomba's unrepentant bad boy style has fractured too many buttholes. Half the people here shudder at the mere mention of his name. The butthurt is far too real with the plebs.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This is not a troll poll. Several people have voiced their disagreement with Amod's decision. Picasso's thread cannot accomplish what this will. If Tanoomba's ban was unjust, the votes will speak on his behalf. If not, let the matter be put to rest.

All that judicious hype for something that will likely amount to a popularity contest?

There are no voting instructions being given to people who may be unfamiliar with the situation, or who may be unfamiliar with the exact circumstances of this latest ban, which is what the poll pertains to. I have seen no less than 2-3 versions and a lot of misinformation going around, various takes on the so-called doxxing, various second-hand accounts of what happened, the language used, and so forth. How can justice be expected in the face of all the confusion for those who didn't take the time to read the Screenshots thread?

You might at least preface this by dictating to read the SS thread, or link/quote the post where the mod filled in the blanks. Even then, there are people who are active in other areas of the forum who don't touch anything in SS-- and likely won't start now.

Misinformed votes don't speak to anyone's behalf, and certainly not justices. This poll will be a flop, folks. Its a sham-- very sad. A sham. Fake poll.

On those grounds, the poll is a fraud and we must free the Moonbat effective immediately without any further discussion. @a_skeleton_03 any second now.

executive order.jpg
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Mediocre Negro
<Prior Amod>
I'm the one who banned him, so I'll put my perspective on the time line.

Tanoomba makes the first post towards ZyyzYzzy. He's immediately shit on and multiple reports come in. The first warning comes from Utnayan to stop. Tanoomba doubles down. More reports from different people, more communal shitting on Tanoomba. Second warning comes from Mario. Tanoomba doubles down again. More reports, more shitting. Tanoomba finally gets it that he crossed the line, makes a half assed apology and goes back and starts editing his posts so they do not seem as bad. At that point, I'm already in the process of banning him and that's that.

I pulled the trigger because I had my social media accounts doxxed a few years back and lost my job because of it. I ended up losing my apartment and move back home before getting hired on where I am now. So yeah, I'm a bit more sensitive on the dox issue than most. Tanoomba wasn't banned because he was liberal or any bullshit like that.
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Trump's Staff
Holy fuck I thought banning Tanoomba would decrease the insufferable faggotry in this community.

Got me again, life.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Unfortunately, you'll never get the votes needed to overturn from a poll here. Tanoomba's unrepentant bad boy style has fractured too many buttholes. Half the people here shudder at the mere mention of his name. The butthurt is far too real with the plebs.

Let me tell you something buddy. Non Mod. And definitely pro troll for the long ass time I have been here.

I used to laugh at all your shit. Constantly. Damn near out loud.

There was a time when I used to look forward to seeing your posts and I would bust a gut. Like I am sure, back in the day, the same for me.

Let me give you some advice. It's over pal.

You are reaching far too hard. The only thing we have left, guys like you and me, are to make a community better than that piece of shit SA forum. I got probated there for posting the 9 negatives of why not to buy a fucking switch. The reason? "I fear for your health". A place I have visited for over 15 fucking years.... Has become the most piece of shit moderated shill shit storm of the century.

Keg, we have more important things to do. We need to find out who the fuck moderates that gaming site. Some asshole named "Videogames", and crown his sorry ass as the next go to shill fuck Mod next to a guy named Louisgod, who probated me 4 times on that god forsaken shit hole for telling the truth of the industry.

I have a plan. A dream. This forum. A place where people can talk about a shit console (the bullshit switch) and when you post a video of a dude sitting 10 feet away and losing sync from the fucking controller, you do NOT HAVE some idiot saying you need to adjust your playing style (I mean holy fuck. What a God Damn Cluster fuck )

This forum is the best. Period. Why?


Now, shut the fuck up with your Pedo shit and trolling crap. You are speaking to the master.

You are old. You are tired. The same as me. Live the glory days and shut the fuck up and find a new schtick.
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Karazhan Raider
All that judicious hype for something that will likely amount to a popularity contest?

There are no voting instructions being given to people who may be unfamiliar with the situation, or who may be unfamiliar with the exact circumstances of this latest ban, which is what the poll pertains to. I have seen no less than 2-3 versions and a lot of misinformation going around, various takes on the so-called doxxing, various second-hand accounts of what happened, the language used, and so forth. How can justice be expected in the face of all the confusion for those who didn't take the time to read the Screenshots thread?

You might at least preface this by dictating to read the SS thread, or link/quote the post where the mod filled in the blanks. Even then, there are people who are active in other areas of the forum who don't touch anything in SS-- and likely won't start now.

Misinformed votes don't speak to anyone's behalf, and certainly not justices. This poll will be a flop, folks. Its a sham-- very sad. A sham. Fake poll.

On those grounds, the poll is a fraud and we must free the Moonbat effective immediately without any further discussion. @a_skeleton_03 any second now.

View attachment 123077
Are you seriously asking me to be Paul Giamatti's John Adams for Tanoomba.

Here is the evidence without speculation. Tanoomba chimping out last time shown below
Aug 27, 2016 https://www.firesofheaven.org/threa...-and-delusions-or-ttphad-for-short.5/page-253

His original posting
hodj hodj
Politics Thread

"Then you're a fucking coward.

You've surrendered to your opponent because you're scared of a label. You're giving them more power and rewarding their tactics. You'll come here and shit on people you disagree with in ways that frankly should get you fired, but you won't stand up for your family and their future because you assume the battle is lost before it's begun.

For shame."
same posting after the fact
Then you're a fucking coward.

You've surrendered to your opponent because you're scared of a label. You're giving them more power and rewarding their tactics.

For shame.

(Post edited to protect posters' feelings)
So you're lazy and a pussy?

You're not too busy working to spend hours and hours here. And your self-censoring out of fear of an unwarranted label is fucking pathetic. Stand up for yourself, faggot, somewhere besides where the majority already agree with you.
What the fuck are you talking about you fucking faggot?

You literally have no idea what I do. I work in an area where directors are at the level where they are appointed to their office. Damn right I don't publically speak put because the side I oppose would make sure I'd lose my job and career.

The rest you can glean for yourselves.
Politics Thread
Starting two pages before the offense.

No retelling, no misinformation. Make up your own minds whether he deserved a ban.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I knew people were shilling for 3rd wave feminism in 2017 but god damn what the fuck is wrong with SA-- the book cover looks like complete shit.

count me out of a purchase, fuck 9 reasons

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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm the one who banned him, so I'll put my perspective on the time line.

Tanoomba makes the first post towards ZyyzYzzy. He's immediately shit on and multiple reports come in. The first warning comes from Utnayan to stop. Tanoomba doubles down. More reports from different people, more communal shitting on Tanoomba. Second warning comes from Mario. Tanoomba doubles down again. More reports, more shitting. Tanoomba finally gets it that he crossed the line, makes a half assed apology and goes back and starts editing his posts so they do not seem as bad. At that point, I'm already in the process of banning him and that's that.

I pulled the trigger because I had my social media accounts doxxed a few years back and lost my job because of it. I ended up losing my apartment and move back home before getting hired on where I am now. So yeah, I'm a bit more sensitive on the dox issue than most. Tanoomba wasn't banned because he was liberal or any bullshit like that.

Now i just want to hear the story of your doxxing
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Unelected Mod
I'm the one who banned him, so I'll put my perspective on the time line.

Tanoomba makes the first post towards ZyyzYzzy. He's immediately shit on and multiple reports come in. The first warning comes from Utnayan to stop. Tanoomba doubles down. More reports from different people, more communal shitting on Tanoomba. Second warning comes from Mario. Tanoomba doubles down again. More reports, more shitting. Tanoomba finally gets it that he crossed the line, makes a half assed apology and goes back and starts editing his posts so they do not seem as bad. At that point, I'm already in the process of banning him and that's that.

I pulled the trigger because I had my social media accounts doxxed a few years back and lost my job because of it. I ended up losing my apartment and move back home before getting hired on where I am now. So yeah, I'm a bit more sensitive on the dox issue than most. Tanoomba wasn't banned because he was liberal or any bullshit like that.

Thanks for the context. People acting like it was over one post are just being dumb.
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Member of the Year 2016
I'm the one who banned him, so I'll put my perspective on the time line.

Tanoomba makes the first post towards ZyyzYzzy. He's immediately shit on and multiple reports come in. The first warning comes from Utnayan to stop. Tanoomba doubles down. More reports from different people, more communal shitting on Tanoomba. Second warning comes from Mario. Tanoomba doubles down again. More reports, more shitting. Tanoomba finally gets it that he crossed the line, makes a half assed apology and goes back and starts editing his posts so they do not seem as bad. At that point, I'm already in the process of banning him and that's that.

I pulled the trigger because I had my social media accounts doxxed a few years back and lost my job because of it. I ended up losing my apartment and move back home before getting hired on where I am now. So yeah, I'm a bit more sensitive on the dox issue than most. Tanoomba wasn't banned because he was liberal or any bullshit like that.
So you took out unrelated past aggressions on T-dog... sounds about right.
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Member of the Year 2016
Let me tell you something buddy. Non Mod. And definitely pro troll for the long ass time I have been here.

I used to laugh at all your shit. Constantly. Damn near out loud.

There was a time when I used to look forward to seeing your posts and I would bust a gut. Like I am sure, back in the day, the same for me.

Let me give you some advice. It's over pal.

You are reaching far too hard. The only thing we have left, guys like you and me, are to make a community better than that piece of shit SA forum. I got probated there for posting the 9 negatives of why not to buy a fucking switch. The reason? "I fear for your health". A place I have visited for over 15 fucking years.... Has become the most piece of shit moderated shill shit storm of the century.

Keg, we have more important things to do. We need to find out who the fuck moderates that gaming site. Some asshole named "Videogames", and crown his sorry ass as the next go to shill fuck Mod next to a guy named Louisgod, who probated me 4 times on that god forsaken shit hole for telling the truth of the industry.

I have a plan. A dream. This forum. A place where people can talk about a shit console (the bullshit switch) and when you post a video of a dude sitting 10 feet away and losing sync from the fucking controller, you do NOT HAVE some idiot saying you need to adjust your playing style (I mean holy fuck. What a God Damn Cluster fuck )

This forum is the best. Period. Why?


Now, shut the fuck up with your Pedo shit and trolling crap. You are speaking to the master.

You are old. You are tired. The same as me. Live the glory days and shut the fuck up and find a new schtick.
What's wrong with the switch?
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Potato del Grande
Poll needs and option to exchange Tanoomba's ban for a hodj ban. They both shitpost in eerily similar fashions.

There can be only one.
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Member of the Year 2016
Are you seriously asking me to be Paul Giamatti's John Adams for Tanoomba.

Here is the evidence without speculation. Tanoomba chimping out last time shown below
Aug 27, 2016 https://www.firesofheaven.org/threa...-and-delusions-or-ttphad-for-short.5/page-253

His original posting

same posting after the fact


The rest you can glean for yourselves.
Politics Thread
Starting two pages before the offense.

No retelling, no misinformation. Make up your own minds whether he deserved a ban.
So, basically, he was banned because at least two people who disagreed with him called for it and the mod that banned him had a chip on his shoulder.

Meanwhile, the same pussy who was so afraid of Tanoomba's words, posted this not long ago...
Fuck. Tolan needs to be killed for the betterment of humanity

What a hypocritical coward. T-dog was right about him.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Bans should not be open to appeal by vote but whatever.

Poll needs and option to exchange Tanoomba's ban for a hodj ban. They both shitpost in eerily similar fashions.

There can be only one.

No, we don't. :emoji_fork_knife_plate::emoji_poop::emoji_coffin::emoji_gay_pride_flag:.
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