Star Wars Novels (Keep your EU shit out of here!)


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Well I said "may". There's no way to know for sure yet. Though I doubt he fully believes it to be false through and through. Perhaps it's more a case of finding out that certain schools of thought within Jedi teachings were repressed or extinguished over time (like you find in the history of Christianity) and perhaps he feels that the ones who won out weren't necessarily the right ones.

And you have to admit, if your religious order requires you to take young children from their families before they can form strong emotional attachments and try to prevent them from ever doing so to sustain itself, inviting all of the problems that can come with that, then maybe your order shouldn't last.
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The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
interesting that only the Jedi code is flagged as apocryphal, not the Sith code. This plays into where I think they are taking the force in these movies pretty exactly. Its much bigger than the Jedi had any idea of.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
interesting that only the Jedi code is flagged as apocryphal, not the Sith code. This plays into where I think they are taking the force in these movies pretty exactly. Its much bigger than the Jedi had any idea of.

I'm starting to get the sense that they might be in the process of breaking down some of the longstanding paradigms of the franchise to allow more flexibility going forward. For example I have a feeling that when the current saga trilogy is over there may not be a single, unified republic governing over a majority of the galaxy anymore.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Slated for October this year:



Molten Core Raider
Just finished the new Timothy Zahn Thrawn novel and loved it! Adds quite a few new layers to the Rebels TV Show.
About the revelation about Thrawn/ Chiss Ascendency:
Any idea who or what the evil is that seems to be a bigger threat than the Empire/Palpatine? Maybe it has something to do with Snoke from Force Awakens?


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Just finished the new Timothy Zahn Thrawn novel and loved it! Adds quite a few new layers to the Rebels TV Show.
About the revelation about Thrawn/ Chiss Ascendency:
Any idea who or what the evil is that seems to be a bigger threat than the Empire/Palpatine? Maybe it has something to do with Snoke from Force Awakens?

Snoke is the popular theory though some think it is some like the Yuuzhan Vong. Not necessarily that race but a broader sort of threat.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Which novel are you talking about?

"Something like the Vong" is too easy, since that was the big bad unknown threat from the very first time the Chiss were introduced. BUT, it could very well be that Zahn always had something else in mind and they're going to let him do that now


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Which novel are you talking about?

"Something like the Vong" is too easy, since that was the big bad unknown threat from the very first time the Chiss were introduced. BUT, it could very well be that Zahn always had something else in mind and they're going to let him do that now

I'm not talking about an existing novel. People have been theorizing about the threat that Thrawn is aware of in the Unknown Regions. Some think he was already aware of Snoke while others think it could be a broader threat like a fledgling empire that Snoke may or may not be involved with.

In other book news if you're someone who does audio books the Inferno Squadron novel that ties into the Battlefront 2 game will be narrated by Janina Gavankar, who is the model for the central Imperial character in the game.

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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures



Time to ease up on the loot farming at least a little bit there Lucasfilm.

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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
That last picture makes no sense. How do the lines for Han, Luke, and Leia start before EP 4? I could see saying luke and leia cried at the end of EP3 (if the babies cried, I don't recall offhand), but we didn't see Han at all. I'm pretty sure Yoda wasn't in EP4 either.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Palps didn't appear in IV either. Yeah they screwed that graph up.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Also, the english only rule rustled me for 2 reasons. #1, it's Basic, not english. #2 it means it means no chewie or R2.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I don't think Chewie would have made it either way. The big guy isn't exactly a chatty cathy.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I remember the elodie stuff. Very minor part, I just read that shit as SHE. I think she was an alien so it barely even registered. Even if it had been a human, it's a huge galaxy and they show us the underside of it quite a bit. Of course they're going to have mentally ill people. I don't really recall gays in the book, but I probably wouldn't have taken note.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I haven't read any of his stuff but from what I've gathered it, at least the first one in the series, has far bigger issues than a few gender neutral pronouns.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
After I posted that, I remembered that one of the main characters was gay and shacking up with another dude. But he wasn't a faggot about it so it didn't stick out in my memory. In star wars stories, sexuality only comes into play when children are being produced. Looking back at the old EU (now legends) in those hundreds of books, you can probably count on your fingers the number of times you had any kind of romantic story.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I just finished Leia, Princess of Alderaan. I've found I don't normally like books that focus on the old big three, I only read it because Claudia Gray wrote it, but this was pretty good. I liked it a lot more than Bloodline which I thought was only okay. This feels more like Lost Stars than Bloodline did (though even this isn't at that level). The only criticism I'll give it was that the major twist was kinda predictable and you sense it coming pretty early on.

Also of note is apparently they decided at some point to just wholesale ignore Leia's line from RotJ when Luke asked if she remembered her mother because Breha Organa is very prominent in this and it takes place when Leia is in her late teens. And Laura Dern's character from TLJ (Admiral Holdo) is in it a lot as well. She was somewhat reminiscent of Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter books. I have a hard time imagining an adult version of that character in a military role in a Star Wars movie so I'm expecting a bit of a disconnect there.
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I'm working through the short stack of Star Wars novels that I've had on the back burner for a while and I've just finished From A Certain Point Of View. It's an anthology of short stories all related to the events of A New Hope. The majority of them are centered around very minor characters, many that a lot of fans probably don't even know existed, though there are some that deal with the likes of Obi-wan, Aunt Beru, and Boba Fett (so it's the Special Edition of A New Hope).

Forty stories, forty authors. The quality runs the gamut from extremely good to what I found to be virtually unreadable. There was a small handful (4 or 5) that I quit reading after a few pages and just moved on. And there's a little repetition in the feel of some of the stories. Some of them seem to much alike. If they hadn't been committed to having 40 stories they could have probably cut it down to 25 or 30 and eliminated both the weak material and the repetition. But on balance I found it to be a worthwhile read.

Most of the previous authors contributed to the book and their work is consistently among it's best. But some of the new ones did very well also. My favorite story was by a new author (Griffin McElroy) and it was about one of the jawas on the sandcrawler that happened across R2 and 3PO on Tatooine. It was a real gem carved out of a character that didn't exist at all prior to him writing it. Greg Rucka's story about a member of the Yavin base ground crew during the attack on the Death Star and Madeleine Roux's Eclipse about Bail and Breha Organa's final moments on Alderaan were also particularly good (and moving). I was especially struck by how seamless Roux's chapter could have fit into the Leia novel I recently finished. Her style was very much like Claudia Gray's.

And there are some surprises in there as far as revealing things you'd never have guessed (there is a story about the trash compactor monster on the Death Star titled The Baptist that was especially out of left field in that regard).
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