Summoner's War - Sky Arena


Golden Knight of the Realm
Just started playing this. Is there a guild for new players? Not sure how wars work and if a lower player just screws everything up. Really what I need is some high level friend character abuse.

There is no board run guild for lower level players unfortunately. Having a lower level player in our guild wouldn't screw anything up really, it would just suck for you as you would have no chance at winning any battles. You could join Rerolled (board guild) and just sit on the roster sucking up the 10 points everyone gets for victories but I would suggest joining a low level guild and actually participate. It'll be a helluva lot more fun for you and you'll acquire Guild Points so much faster.

You can send me a friend request to use my rep, in game name is the same as it is here. As Sakkath mentioned, we use Line chat to do almost all of our chatting about the game. If you're interested send a request, in the Line app, to Aevry for the SW group.


Golden Knight of the Realm
There is no board run guild for lower level players unfortunately. Having a lower level player in our guild wouldn't screw anything up really, it would just suck for you as you would have no chance at winning any battles. You could join Rerolled (board guild) and just sit on the roster sucking up the 10 points everyone gets for victories but I would suggest joining a low level guild and actually participate. It'll be a helluva lot more fun for you and you'll acquire Guild Points so much faster.

You can send me a friend request to use my rep, in game name is the same as it is here. As Sakkath mentioned, we use Line chat to do almost all of our chatting about the game. If you're interested send a request, in the Line app, to Aevry for the SW group.

Sounds good. I will send you a request shortly and I will work on getting Line.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Re-downloaded this, happy to see I was still tagged. Going to try and spin back up and get current on any changes since I quit. Any major changes I should know about? Looks like crafting is a thing now and they put more rift shit in the game.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The Homunculus update would be the biggest one since you left. There's been at least two character balance/updates and a new character release (Dice Magician and Harp Magician) as well. Since I'm not really sure when it was you left, that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

The Homunculus update is the update that brought the crafting system and all the extra rift stuff with it.
Summoners War patch 3.0.2

Here's the latest Monster balance notes
Summoners War patch 3.2.0

Another monster balance, Rakan is the big change here:
Summoners War patch 3.1.3

Hopefully I hit on the big changes.

Edit: Forgot about the upcoming rune drop changes in the Caiross dungeons. Essentially, they are removing 4* rune drops from B10 and are raising the chances of 5 and 6* runes to drop accordingly.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Any major changes to any of the previous "must haves" I had a fair amount of them


Golden Knight of the Realm
Any major changes to any of the previous "must haves" I had a fair amount of them
As far as I can recall, nothing got hit with the nerf hammer. You would have to wade through the patch and balance notes to see exactly what you own that got hit with changes.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Burned through a bunch of Mystical Scrolls, some Legendaries / L&Ds and the Transcendence scroll. Ended up with 2 Woosas and a Zaiross, not too shabby.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It works as a general guide, but some mons might be niche use and be lower rated overall, or good for a beginner and low rated because they're bad later on (Acasis for instance....great for starting GB10, useless after a few months of playing). Others are the opposite - crap without god tier runes you won't have for awhile.

I would just search for a reddit thread on anything you pull nat 4* or higher and go from there. The only way you can screw up is by wasting an unfarmable 3* fusion monster or using a potentially useful 4* for food. Never food any 4* that is going to skillups later(mons like chasun, verdehile, galleon, the god tier 4*). You'll build them eventually and wish you had skillups. Nobody has enough devilmons.
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Hey guys recently came back so much new stuff ign is Naellaar I was in forum guild for awhile I have like 6 6 stars 2 Nat 5s but have to learn game over. Feel free to add me plan to play this daily again.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I think my guild (fantastic4) just battled the forum guild. We lost :p

Hah. Yes you did. Gotta love reset week, you can fly around the rankings for the first couple days. The defensive win we got from you guys shot us up ~2000 places in the rankings.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I setup line and messaged Aevry. Trying to find a noob guild that enters guild battles, haven't had much luck the last 2 weeks.


I am Naellaar in game, Nulolan on line been playing again for over a month would also really like a farming guild so I can work on ifrits I have several six stars and a couple nat 5s currently working on vero fusion because before I took my hiatus I was a slacker


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Finally decided to come back. Nothing else can hold my interest. Really liked Star Wars GoH but they fucked that game up. Trying to get back into the swing of things. Soooooo much I don't remember, and some new stuff to learn!


Silver Knight of the Realm
Still playing this as well, but, having some difficulty going to the next level to break into raids, rifts and toa 80+.
So most of the time sticking to D10/G10 and some fodder levelling.


Trakanon Raider
Sounds like we're at around the same progression level ramp. I can auto g10, manual d10, just cleared toa80 for the first time on the weekend.. Working on necro/toa mons at the moment. fused everything for fire panda, just need to summon a wind shark.. about to 6* Mav.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Haha in the same place. Just fodder leveling to 6* a few things (Mav, Chasun, etc) while I auto G10 and get stuck in Rifts (keep getting people worse than me - not a good completion rate) and ToA (stuck on 80 this month)


Golden Knight of the Realm
Hitting C1 arena finishes finally and grinding out those towers while I prep for a consistent R5 team. Speaking of grinding, I'll be finishing my final homunculus upgrade while I finish some work throughout the night. If any of you want to swap around ideas for your DB10 teams etc. feel free to add me in-game.