The Black Company


Trakanon Raider
Yeah I noticed that too with the centering and the title font feels weird to me. Only thing I can think of is that the guy is trying to keep his books at $100 or less because at $150 - $200 you enter into Sub Press/Grim Oak/Curious King/Suntup territory and he probably knows he can't compete with those guys. I really wish Cook went with a better publisher for a much higher quality book but it is what it is I guess. Maybe in a few years down the line someone else will pick up the rights and give it a shot.

I think the image is mostly set in stone but that the font can be changed still.


<Gold Donor>
That's gonna be a pass for me. I would never even consider taking this off the shelf and gazing at it in admiration, much less displaying it somehow, so why would I even want it? The original artwork for books 2 and 3 was super lame, but the first one is pretty good, and that's good enough for me. The redone covers are pretty cool, although very stylistic, but this is just blah for me. The later books you could justify an oriental theme, but the first book? And as asked, who is that even supposed to be? It isn't any of the soldiers, none of the holds no sense of belonging to the book at all.


Trakanon Raider
That's gonna be a pass for me. I would never even consider taking this off the shelf and gazing at it in admiration, much less displaying it somehow, so why would I even want it? The original artwork for books 2 and 3 was super lame, but the first one is pretty good, and that's good enough for me. The redone covers are pretty cool, although very stylistic, but this is just blah for me. The later books you could justify an oriental theme, but the first book? And as asked, who is that even supposed to be? It isn't any of the soldiers, none of the holds no sense of belonging to the book at all.

I might be passing too, or at the very least this won’t be a day one pickup. I asked in the Grimoak Press group if there was any possibility for them to pick up the series but it sounds like because MIdworld picked it up the rights are potentially locked, which means with Glen’s age that this will probably be the one and only fine press signed edition they ever put out.

Think I might need to hire security too for suggesting Midworld’s version and illustrations suck on Grimoaks group page.


Egg Nazi
fucking hell I hate dust jackets
Absolutely, fuck those things.

EXCEPT, they do have one redeeming feature. When the cover art was done by some mongoloid who doesnt know what feet or hands look like but must have been related to the author and everybody in the family always talked about how good of an artist he was but now the art on the book cover looks like amateur vomit ... with a dust jacket, you can rip that shit off and throw it in the garbage.

I always prefer small format paperbacks (~4x6") and hate every publishing house that refuses to print them. BUT, with these, I'm stuck with a shelf full of cover art that looks like assholes.

Life is all about tradeoffs I guess.