The book burning


Potato del Grande
Scott Adams is having his Dilbert comic dropped by syndicators and his publisher has said they won't publish his upcoming book or do any reprints on past books. I've enjoyed his books and think they're useful especially for young people who aren't world wise enough to already know a lot of the very basic and boring concepts that Adams focuses on. Scott Adams being a controversial figure is lol and wouldn't surprise me if this is some long game he hopes he's playing before the vaccine takes him.
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Short essay, for normies and rightwingers, summarizing some leftwing books on power.

Good stuff here. I particularly like this section, which is brief and understandable enough to send to people who don't understand why CRT is a problem. Made a couple minor edits for normie readability:

Critical Race Theory claims that the West is systemically biased in favor of Whites, which is 100% true (or it was true until anti-White politics were legally enshrined by the Civil Rights revolution). The West was founded by White people, for White people, and inhabited near-exclusively by White people until after the Second World War. Western pro-White bias is perfectly natural, just as Japan is systemically biased in favor of the Japanese, Nigeria in favor of the Nigerians, and so on.

The logical conclusion is that all human societies benefit their founding group to the detriment of outsiders and that this is how humans naturally organize. This tribalist behavior is found throughout the animal kingdom, from ants to apes.

However, Critical Race Theory instead pathologizes this natural behavior in Whites, while glorifying it in non-Whites. Critical Race Theorists declare that because White people benefit from a society that was created by White people, then the “concept” of “Whiteness” must be “destroyed.” This equates to erasing White history, culture, religion, and ethnically cleansing White people via mass migration.
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