The F*** Cancer Thread


<Bronze Donator>
just found out a friend from a different forum died of bile duct cancer. happened really fucking quick, he was just diagnosed a couple months ago.

fuck cancer.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider

EBV-CTL is another immunotherapy along those lines for EBV positive tumors. The problem with the "vaccine" in EBV-CTL is that the T-cells produced or the T-cell response against EBV positive tissues and cells is either unsustained relative to the size of the tumor (not a large enough response), or a lack of response to the vaccine with regards to the EBV destroying T-cells detecting and attacking the tumor. EBV-CTL studies have mostly been performed on people in various stages of health deterioration and various stages of diagnosis so unfortunately the data is difficult to navigate. It was supposed to be the next big thing for virus based cancers such as HPV, EBV (which causes a lot of forms of cancer) etc. but it hasn't really seen a major study. For some people it was a miracle. For others it was just side effects and nada.

Although it continues to be offered as a boutique therapy at select hospitals. I would guess that in humans a lack of sustained response would still be an issue unless this has solved the "length of immune response" issue that was seen with a lot of EBV-CTL treatments.


Lord Nagafen Raider
First, my sympathies to everyone in this thread who previously lost people.

I just lost my dad on tuesday afternoon from stage 4 metastasic pancreatic cancer. Went extremely fast. Went in on the 16th and was gone on the 30th. I can relate when people said the worst part is seeing them wither away. From a cop and a boxer who wasn't afraid of anyone to nothing but skin and bones and being completely reliant on others in the space of 2 weeks has that special way of crushing you inside.
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Molten Core Raider
First off my heart goes out to all my fellow board members who have had to deal with cancer. Until a few days ago I had not given cancer much of a thought.

Back on Nov 14th 2017 the day after my father's 79th birthday he went into the hospital with pneumonia. While in the hospital he is diagnosed with emphysema and put on oxygen and breathing treatments.

On Nov 21st he comes home and begins home physical therapy to get stronger so he can be mobile again.

On Dec 30th he passes out in my arms moving to his bed. He goes back into the hospital with a relapse of the pneumonia. Treatment goes well but he keeps getting weaker so on Jan 11th he gets discharged to a nursing home for more intense care and therapy to get better.

Just two days later on Jan 13th a third relapse of the pneumonia puts him back in the hospital. On the 16th they remove fluid from his lungs and send it to the Mayo Clinic for nuclear testing. On the 26th he is declared pneumonia free yet again so is discharged back to the nursing home.

On Jan 30th his belly becomes distended and ridged. The nursing home tries laxatives and enema's to get him to have a bowel movement. On Feb 1st no change and his breathing becomes the worst it has been to date, so I have them take him back to the hospital. In the ER he gets treatment and is disimpacted several pounds of waste. He is also put on a BPap mask to help his breathing. The next morning I am finally told of the results from his Nuclear Test sent to the Mayo Clinic on Jan 16th.
He has had Adenocarcinoma of the lungs the whole time. They had received the results on the 23rd of Jan but no one said a thing till Feb 2nd and they sent back to the nursing home on Jan 26th...

Anyway they tell me he is too weak for any treatment on Feb 2nd but he should be able to go back to the nursing home and get strong for treatment later this year.
So yesterday Feb 6th we told it's worse then that. He has a few weeks maybe two months to live. So now I am scrambling to get all of his legal stuff in order. We are also working on bringing him home for hospice care at home to make him comfortable.

Back on his birthday Nov 13th he weighed 165lbs and was able to motor around the house in his wheelchair. He could also stand at counters to make his meals, wash his hair in the sink, do his laundry etc. Last night when I left the hospital for the evening he was under 110lbs and can not get his blankets off without help. Cannot hold a cup to drink from or a spoon to eat with.

So yea fuck cancer.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Be strong man. All you can do is to be there for your dad and tell him you love him anytime you see him. Don't wait or sit on it.

I wrote my dad a letter after I learned he was in the hospital with less than 3 months to live. Makes it easier to say some things.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I just wanted to share this video here. I wont go into a long story, but the bottom line is, a few months ago, my mother was healthy one day, felt "tired" the next with a bit of pain in her leg. Went to get checked out. Smash cut to hospitalized the next day, diagnosed with acute myloid leukemia. After 3 weeks of me, my brothers and Dad keeping constant vigil, we were all around her bed and watched her draw her last breath.

I gave the eulogy. I just came across this video and wanted to share it

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Blackwing Lair Raider
I had a lump on my left testicle but thankfully it was only spermatocele. What I didn't tell my doctor was that it was the exact spot I put pressure on when jerking off. Well you live and you learn.
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Molten Core Raider
Last week on the 7th I posted about my father coming home for hospice care and fighting his lung cancer.

As of yesterday he is in a better place.

Friday morning at about 7AM this morning I was checking his vitals and afterward asked him what else I could do to make him feel better. He opened his eyes took a deep breath and passed away in my arms.

Basicly 8 days at home and 11 days after we found out he had terminal cancer he passed away.

He was in too much pain and on too many meds to answer the Notary questions about his Will or Power of Attorney on Thursday when she stopped by. So we were unable to get any of that done. Which means now I have to go through the year or longer battle to get that all done and hopefully not lose the house I have lived in most of my life while taking care of him.

Too soon and too damn fast.

Fuck Cancer.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Last week on the 7th I posted about my father coming home for hospice care and fighting his lung cancer.

As of yesterday he is in a better place.

Friday morning at about 7AM this morning I was checking his vitals and afterward asked him what else I could do to make him feel better. He opened his eyes took a deep breath and passed away in my arms.

Basicly 8 days at home and 11 days after we found out he had terminal cancer he passed away.

He was in too much pain and on too many meds to answer the Notary questions about his Will or Power of Attorney on Thursday when she stopped by. So we were unable to get any of that done. Which means now I have to go through the year or longer battle to get that all done and hopefully not lose the house I have lived in most of my life while taking care of him.

Too soon and too damn fast.

Fuck Cancer.

At least you were there in that last moment, that is what counts. Fuck Cancer and fuck probate.

Hopefully shit is respectful. I have some wild probate stories I can share in another thread another time. Stuff that makes you lose your brain and just sit back and smile stupefied and dumbfounded. Stuff like the court reaching a settlement agreement and then being able to successfully contest that agreement every decade, any time lifelong gamblers need more money. Estate planning is so very important. Many judges just look for reasons to hand stuff to havenots if there isn't an ironclad will involved.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Last week on the 7th I posted about my father coming home for hospice care and fighting his lung cancer.

As of yesterday he is in a better place.

Friday morning at about 7AM this morning I was checking his vitals and afterward asked him what else I could do to make him feel better. He opened his eyes took a deep breath and passed away in my arms.

Basicly 8 days at home and 11 days after we found out he had terminal cancer he passed away.

He was in too much pain and on too many meds to answer the Notary questions about his Will or Power of Attorney on Thursday when she stopped by. So we were unable to get any of that done. Which means now I have to go through the year or longer battle to get that all done and hopefully not lose the house I have lived in most of my life while taking care of him.

Too soon and too damn fast.

Fuck Cancer.

My sympathies man. Sounds a lot like what happened to my dad. From finding out about his cancer to him passing away was 14 days. He had been scheduled to go to a palliative care residence and he was really looking forward to it because the care at the hospital was terrible. I took turns visiting him with my mom because I work nights so I would go in the evening before work so unfortunately I couldn't be there at the end. Kind of a shame to find out waking up because you had a shit ton of missed calls... and I'm usually a super light sleeper. :(

We also couldn't get around to getting his testament made.. notary was supposed to come back to get it all finished but she couldn't have been slower if she tried..
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I’m terrible at this shit but here I go.

Lost one of best friends Vonpol Vonpol to cancer. He got that from the burn pits in Iraq. He was around a lot of the materials being burned. It’s been just over 2 months but the wound hasn’t healed. We were friends from elementary school and played Arctic Fox/Wolfenstein/quake/Tribes/EQ and many other games. I’m posting this here because many of you guys gamed with him. He was infamous for being the drunken DJ in Roger Wilco/Vent/TS and finally discord always making people laugh.

I went over to his house today where he left me his entire warhammer collection including 1000 citadel/Vallejo paints, 3 air brush machines, 70 codexes(fantasy and 40k first edition to current), 150 books and probably 7 5,000 point armies. I’d do anything if I could to just sit down and play one more game with him. I’d pay any amount of money to play again but that’s not how this works. He wanted so badly to finish painting his Space Wolves but was unable in the end to do it as he had grown far too weak. He thoroughly enjoyed painting especially on chemo as it took his mind off the pain. I vowed to make sure his bastard Space Puppies get fully painted as much as it pains me to say.We used to talk mad shit to each other because I’m a huge Thousand Sons fan. All in jest of course. Fuck you Russ.

He gamed with many people here especially in EQ and had friends from all different backgrounds. He had a blast leveling with A Astral and Korrupt Korrupt , playing WoW with Turkish Turkish @vishnu and Hatorade Hatorade and many others. He loved lan parties with sukik sukik and like me, he was friends with all the different people in these guilds and meshed well with anyone he met In game or IRL. He realized more than most how precious life was and how limited your time was here before Charon’s boat arrives.

Rip Vonpol Vonpol

^VoN^ =V= =MLK= Pool Tribes and =MLK= other games

Malphas Vonpol Peesaw WoW (SF, Black Mithril, FoH)
Vonpol EQ Grey Hawke / FoH/ AoS etc


“cancer can lick my nuts and suck on my balls” - Vonpol
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A nice asshole.
Regime Regime Fuck dude, that sucks. I am 90% sure I know who you talking about we had some good nights running dungeons to level. Stay strong man and play the shit out of that army!
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<Prior Amod>
this is what i've been telling everyone, only cook on stainless steel/carbon steel/cast iron and stone (porcelin), if anyone needs a plan of attack on cookware, hit up the cooking thread, we'll get you off teflon. (they say teflon no more, they say pfoa, which is still chemical coated shit)
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Father-in-law got diagnosed with leukemia back in early summer 2020. Even ended up getting covid about a year ago (we didn't visit for Christmas because of it), and despite having no immune system, still overcame it.

A few months ago they started him on twice weekly transfusions. We were here for Thanksgiving and he seemed pretty normal, if not a bit depressed since his mouth hurt from whatever pill they started him on not that long ago. We left on November 28th, and he complained of chest pains on December 1st. They couldn't really find anything wrong with him, but at some point a couple days into being at the hospital, he decided he wanted hospice.

So we drove back up here basically a week after leaving for that. Arrived tonight and it just seems like he's a different person. Frail. He seems super happy being at home, and I assume because he's just done with it all, but a shell of a person at the same time. I understand his wanting to be done with the pain, but there's a crushing weight for his wife (married 52 years), and my wife and her brother.

My only other experience with hospice was my grandmother about 6 or 7 years ago, and she was essentially comatose the entire time we were there. I'm hoping that's not the case this time. But either way there's something morbid and also super depressing about just sitting around waiting for someone to die.

On the plus side, he basically lived for two and a half years after his diagnosis. We were able to basically say everything we needed to say, and even got in one last trip with him earlier this year.

Anyway, all that to say that it fucking sucks. My wife is super close with her dad and he's an incredibly kind man. I hate having to see her and all of them go through this. Shit, even myself, as I've known him almost my entire adult life and he's been a father figure to me (my own dad died when I was two). Really just venting while she's over there talking with him and I watch the dogs.
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Hi all.

I had a mole on my thigh that was starting to hurt. I had it checked out, and it's melanoma. Today they cut a huge amount out of my thigh in the hopes that they would get it all and I would need no further treatment. I'll have to wait about 5 weeks before I know if radiation is needed or not, but thankfully after a full scan the cancer seems to have not spread. We caught it early, and even if I need further treatment, I think I'm getting off pretty lucky. I guess we will see how it goes.
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