The X-Files


Still a Music Elitist
Home is still one of the scariest, most gruesome episodes to ever grace television.
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<Bronze Donator>
Exclusive: Annabeth Gish and William B. Davis answer some burning questions about the last season of The X-Files | SYFY WIRE

As a die-hard X-Phile, I am still recovering from Season 11. In addition to some of the best episodes of the entire series, there were lots of important character moments... and one big reveal that still has fans angered to this day: that series bad guy CSM was the father of Scully's Season 8 baby. In talking to Davis, he said he was "as surprised as the audience" to discover that he was the father, and he doesn't know how that came into being. "I don't think [series creator Chris Carter and I] talked about. I just rolled with it," Davis said.

What is interesting is that in "My Struggle III," the episode in which CSM reveals the baby's paternity to Skinner, they flash back to a Season 7 episode, "En Ami," as the point at which CSM impregnated Scully. "En Ami" was an episode that was written by Davis. He told me that that was not his original intention with that episode. He has no problem with that, but insists that this wasn't some long-simmering plan. "I'd like to say it was, but no.
"In fact, very little in The X-Files is a very long-simmering plan. Most of it is, 'Oh, well, look at that! Maybe we can do blah blah.'"

No shit, really? :rolleyes:
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Karazhan Raider
Hadn't watched the show in years. Digging bbc running X-Files every week. Kind of surprised how awesome Mulder and Scully are as a go-to for playing something in the background. Started DVRing episodes to have a stash for whenever.

Old X-Files is my jam.
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Don't forget to watch Fringe when you're done with it to make up for the retarded mythology stuff in X-Files. Plus Walter
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<Silver Donator>
I love the X-files. Flaws and all. Fav episode for me is "By the Sea." (despite all it's flaws, contradictions, and its "Silence of the Lambs" roots)

However, the X-files was, I believe, Chris Carter's re-imagining of "The Twilight Zone" and "The Night Stalker." He had some really good writers on staff. But he, himself, was a terrible creator of a coherent myth or story-line. It was always so clear that he was making up shit as he went along. The closest it ever had to an overarching plot was pieced together for the "X-Files" movie-- and I am sure that took a lot to put that together from the scattered themes of the show.

Compare that, ironically, to shows that HAD a serious bible and large arc-- like "Firefly," "Babylon 5" or "Battlestar Galatica."

The X-files movie was, by the way, MUCH better than it was given credit for-- much in the way that the show was just not as superb (overall) as it is remembered to be. That doesn't make it any less legendary nor make me any less of a fan.
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Yeah, the first movie was pretty good. Had some great pacing. It doesn't hold up as well now as the alien ship internals look stupid, but it stands up well otherwise.

The two extra seasons shows just how much the shitty mythology stuff really dragged the series down. You have some of the best MotW episodes the show has seen being dragged down by the garbage storyline stuff.
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<Bronze Donator>
yeah the mythology in seasons 7-11 is awful. also, they never should have coupled up Mulder and Scully.

the GF and i are still making our way through every episode of the series. we started about two years ago and for the first six seasons couldn't stop watching, binged the hell out of it whenever we could. but when the mytharc started being a clusterfuck it got real hard to watch. Duchovony and Anderson just phoning it in the romantic angle stuff didn't help at all either.

having read up about the series as a whole before we started watching it, we thought we were going to hate Agents Doggett and Reyes, but we actually ended up liking them quite a bit. what really ruined those seasons was how awful the mytharc stuff got around then, and that's not Doggett's or Reyes' fault at all.

we are on Season 11 now, so we're on the homestretch, but at this point it's taking considerable effort to force our way through.
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Karazhan Raider
Absolutely agree Doggett and Reyes were decent and not to blame for the original run's last two shitty seasons.

Last time I watched a couple X-Files episodes was a handful of years ago on netflix. Season 7 caused me to quit back when the show was originally on the air. Finally realized the mythology was never going to go anywhere and stopped watching. Did eventually catch most episodes from seasons 8 and 9 over the years through syndication.

The mythology is fucking trash. A few of those episodes were good but the mytharc's story by and large was.. well, that's just it. There was no story. Very much ruined those two recent seasons. S11's finale was a steaming pile of shit. Was into the mytharc when I was younger but have long preferred motw eps.
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I'm With HER ♀
<Bronze Donator>
"Hey Mr. Mulder, so what was the government conspiring?"
"Ah, I made a mistake, the government doesn't conspire against us. It was white supremacists and MAGA all along! Also, it's Ms. Mulder now, please do better."
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Life's a Dream
I'm waiting for him to walk in with sun glasses. Take them off and say "The truth is out there."
WAAAHHHHH! It'll be just like a CSI opening, and that would be more better.


<Gold Donor>
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
That image was made up by the tweeter to generate outrage, probably. No images like that in the article or anything approaching casting information. It's a fart of an idea at the moment.
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<Gold Donor>
I'll lead the campaign to cancel this abomination
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