Titans guide to picking a good woman.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Bull fucking shit. If you had to wait until you’re 30 to get a piece, I really doubt you suddenly have “unlimited pussy.” Social skills are honed over a lifetime, not suddenly granted upon your 30th birthday. And I don’t give a flying fuck if you make bank. Unless you suddenly have millions of dollars, your 100k salary isn’t going to make up for your neckbeard and nerd stink.

Wait, are you talking about scoring pussy, or a quality relationship, because those are two totally different things.

And I doubt he had to wait until 30 to get laid for the first time-- he didn't mean literally NO pussy.

And I hate to break it to you bro, it's not all about your "social skills". Until women get a bit older it's about your looks and popularity. Later on it's about your career/wealth, education, and personality. There are a fuckton of nerdy losers who got nothing in HS/college who went on to forge a solid career and marry 9's.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
This thread is amusing as hell. Having never had a one night stand, but probably relationships that lasted 3 months or so (some less, some more), that point about 6-8 weeks when dumb shit really starts is hilarious. I never really thought about it but after settling down, even my gf did that shit. "You don't take me out any more or try to woo me", "Name one time you've taken me anywhere" "Oh... you have a point". Shit got much better after that, even if I'm making 4-5x what she does its the small fact she'll put aside a small amount to do something nice for me when I pay for everything else. /rant off.

.... I think she's under 10 partners too. Not sure if that's relevant or not in the grand scheme, as I don't think of myself a manwhore despite numbers what they are.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I think you're making inaccurate assumptions there kingpin. Despite what you may think, this isn't the edgy teen WoW forum. Most of us are in our 30's and even 40's with a successful career. I've got a personal trainer, make six figures, own a home, and can cook up a storm. I can't speak for the country as a whole, but down here in Dallas the "quality" ladies (good looking and a job) just want to be entertained.
Yeah that dude seems to be coming straight out of my youth. Fucking 18'ers. Fuck, now that I think about it, I used to believe that we were lacking social skills, but all the people I was playing EQ with not only are all married with kids, but no one has divorced. It's only a dozen people, but in todays society that's quite unlikeky...
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I’m not defending hoes, I’m giving you the real talk you never got snowflake. If you keep failing at the relationship game, it’s because you’re unattractive to the women you want, not because women are inherently broken.

Want to date respectable women? Hit the gym. Wear adult clothing. Make eye contact. Learn to cook. Crying on the internet isn’t going to change the game, my soybro.

I see you are new around here. FOH members have been fucking supermodels and driving sports cars since 1999 little buddy, but please tell us about your pimp game as you white knight sluts who have seen more dick than an airport urinal.
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Molten Core Raider
I see you are new around here. FOH members have been fucking supermodels and driving sports cars since 1999 little buddy, but please tell us about your pimp game as you white knight sluts who have seen more dick than an airport urinal.

Let me put this in terms you’ll understand.

Scenario A: you are at a gathering of militant feminists. They are protesting male privledge and patriarchy, typical shit. One of them shouts that all men are evil, and that men use women like objects to gratify themselves and maintain the status quo. You survey them, and find that the majority are 200 lbs. hambeasts with blue hair. Sure, there’s a couple cute ones, but well over half look like the smugly girl.

What’s the logical conclusion you draw? That men, as a sex, are to blame for all the world’s problems? Or that the hambeasts have a jaded opinion about men, due to never being noticed as attractive or desirable, and that they now use men as a scapegoat for their own inadequacy?

Scenario B: you are on the FoH forums. some neck beard starts a post about how the majority of women are nothing but selfish hoes who use their pussy and attractiveness to get men to do their bidding. Further, they have definitely sucked at least 10 dicks in their life, meaning that your micro penis will likely never satisfy them sexually.

What’s the logical conclusion here? That all women are money grabbing hoes who can never be sexually satisfied after having seen their tenth dick? Or that the FoH neckbeards have a biased opinion about women in general, due to being ignored by them for the first 30 years of their lives?


Avatar of War Slayer
Pfft. Just pick the one with the biggest tits, like I did. You will pay in the end, but its worth it.
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
So this is what it looks like when some Average guy had convinced himself sluts are ok to marry.

Prolly votes for Hillary


Molten Core Raider
So this is what it looks like when some Average guy had convinced himself sluts are ok to marry.

Prolly votes for Hillary
Micro penis beta soyboy who has slept with 2 whales and a hog accuses me of voting for Hillary. Way to avoid the argument entirely faggot.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
I did fuck this one fat girl.

Went to high school with her. Was traveling on my bike in my 20s. She lived about halfway, figured it saved me a hotel room.

Got there and oh my God... Wtf was I thinking.

Trying to get away I was like I'm going to pass out, long ride tomorrow. So I go lay down.

She comes on after taking a shower, and I'm just thinking "no no no no"... But she started sucking my dick so I figured why not.

I couldn't get hard. Somehow she got on me and was fucking me. I faked am orgasm and tried to play it off like it was good.

Told my buddy about it the next day. He is a pro whaler. His advice "never let a big girl hey on top, always bend them over". Thx for the timing on that advice.

Didn't have sex for a year after that

Edit:. Forgot to actually respond to you... I consistently punch above my weight class. But you have a serious loser stink on you. And that's all that matters.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Nate sounds like a fag who drank too much male power guru kool aid. Tone it down faggot, no one cares.


Molten Core Raider
And you sound stupid. With a tiny dick. And in need of other people telling you how to be appealing to women.

Look, I get it. You not only hate women, you also hate the guys who get to fuck them. Sorry you’re 5’5.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Look, I get it. You not only hate women, you also hate the guys who get to fuck them. Sorry you’re 5’5.
Fucking 10 dollar hookers who laugh at your tiny dick even though you are paying them isnt exactly an achievement. Relax.
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Deus Vult
Scenario B: you are on the FoH forums. some neck beard starts a post about how the majority of women are nothing but selfish hoes who use their pussy and attractiveness to get men to do their bidding. Further, they have definitely sucked at least 10 dicks in their life, meaning that your micro penis will likely never satisfy them sexually.
I'm the "neckbeard" who started the thread. Been knee deep in pussy since high school actually. I played multiple sports, good looking, and never had problems with women. Went to prison in my early 20's for a few years and vowed to be a decent human while inside. Nailed a ton of pussy upon my return because women like to fuck "thugs". Finally married a woman at 38 after over a decade bartending. I've been married for 4 years and have multiple kids. The thread was started as a philosophical (you can look it up badass) discussion about the qualities someone should seek in a woman. The goal was to provide some of my lessons learned and hopefully to get others to add their lessons. Since our goal should be to help people who may struggle in this arena to find a mate and continue our great countries prosperity. But, you could also just be an asshole. To each his own my man.
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Molten Core Raider
I'm the "neckbeard" who started the thread. Been knee deep in pussy since high school actually. I played multiple sports, good looking, and never had problems with women. Went to prison in my early 20's for a few years and vowed to be a decent human while inside. Nailed a ton of pussy upon my return because women like to fuck "thugs". Finally married a woman at 38 after over a decade bartending. I've been married for 4 years and have multiple kids. The thread was started as a philosophical (you can look it up badass) discussion about the qualities someone should seek in a woman. The goal was to provide some of my lessons learned and hopefully to get others to add their lessons. Since our goal should be to help people who may struggle in this arena to find a mate and continue our great countries prosperity. But, you could also just be an asshole. To each his own my man.

I was responding to this specific post, not the original post. Should have clarified.

There are very few good women anymore, at least in the US. Any women 7+ and under 40 has been raised without a skillset that can complement or benefit a male partner, and are so used to thirsty losers throwing shit at them in return for nothing more than their pussy, they think the only thing they need to contribute to the relationship is their physical presence. I've gone through countless women in the last decade, and most of the time it's always the same-- the bitchy demands start at the 2-3 month mark, you realize you're getting nothing in return except their pussy, so might as well just trade them in for a new model. That might sound callous, but it's the truth-- if you offer nothing more than your presence and sex, and there's an endless supply of you out there, might as well try something new. Chicks wants all the trappings of a "traditional" relationship that benefit them, but dispense with those that benefit you. They want to be taken out, the want to be picked up and driven, they want flowers and surprises, they want you to "take the lead" and plan dinners and events, they want romance, etc, etc. But rub my back, cook me dinner, decorate my house? Either not a skillset they posses anymore, or are too self-centered to do any of it.


Musty Nester
Pfft. Just pick the one with the biggest tits, like I did. You will pay in the end, but its worth it.
I don't know how it's possible, but this system has never occurred to me. It's so simple.

Mist, we're talking b cups right? Get some padding I don't wanna have to marry tuco.


Jesus titty (biggest) fucking Christ. Who let the 14 year old in here?

"You sound short"

This shithead is two steps from calling people out to fight IRL
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Potato del Grande
So is Nate:

1. Araysar
2. Kegkilla
3. Screamfeeder
4. Some other faggot who got banned or rickshawed

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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
That shit has too many potential risks to not be cautious with.
This above all. Last three women Ive had sex with where short flings at best. Aside from the negative emotional aspects of quick nsa sex, after the third one the idea of catching something condoms does nothing to prevent like genital warts or herpes was simply too much.

STD tests and serious dating only for me from now on.