Unreal Engine 4 (free!)


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Are you setting values in your arrays manually like this:

Where the 0.0 = some stat #?

I don't know if this will help, or if I can even attach a .zip file here, but if so, I quickly setup a stat system that uses a Datatable and populates everything dynamically.

It's probably not the most efficient or best way, but maybe it will help

Also, AI might be a little more complex with how things are done, but in general it's not much different.

Just unzip the file and put the entire "stats" folder in your Content folder.
Then in UE4, drag the BP_Character into your level, set the "auto possess Player" to 0 instead of disabled, hit Play.
K key to update All stats
H key to update just health

I tried to comment everything

View attachment 325838

Meant to respond to this a while ago.

Will try this on my next day off. Gave up on it out of frustration, needed a break


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Ravishing Ravishing @Flobee

You guys mind taking a look at "Easy systems" survival kit and tell me what you think?
Can you link to it?

If it's the UI package I found on the marketplace... something like that could be a nice starter ui but for $50 you might want to hold off until you are ready.

UI is integrated tightly into games and there will still be lots of work on your end to make it function.
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Can you link to it?

If it's the UI package I found on the marketplace... something like that could be a nice starter ui but for $50 you might want to hold off until you are ready.

UI is integrated tightly into games and there will still be lots of work on your end to make it function.



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>

Oh.. looks cool. I'm sure it'll teach you a lot. If you want to build that type of game, or want to spend that money as a learning aid, have at it.

Just beware with jumbo assets like this:
if you intend to actually build a game around it, either you're going to pigeonhole yourself into doing things the way this asset does, or you're going to find that you end up redoing or scrapping most of the logic and only use the assets.

Since completing games is incredibly difficult, look at it as a teaching aid first and foremost.

Also multiplayer games are no walk in the park. I highly recommend not building one to start.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
I just want the framework.

It has everything in it I would need to build, already setup for multiplayer.

This seems like a short cut that's going to save thousands of hours or dollars.

Having ui, inventory, NPCs, build buildings, etc just cuts so much time.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I just want the framework.

It has everything in it I would need to build, already setup for multiplayer.

This seems like a short cut that's going to save thousands of hours or dollars.

Having ui, inventory, NPCs, build buildings, etc just cuts so much time.

I've downloaded some free mega assets like this and it always ends up being a little more work than originally anticipated. Trying to change 1 thing becomes a chore as you learn how the thing was built.

Maybe this asset is easy but just be wary.

Also, if you want an entire game you can mess with, but it uses some advanced methods, you can dl the Action RPG example:

It uses c++ and gameplay abilities. It's not multiplayer though. But it's free. And it's made by Epic.

They have a lot of documentation for this though which is nice.

Oh and I guess it's tailored specifically for mobile. But I used it to learn the gameplay ability system


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This seems like a short cut that's going to save thousands of hours or dollars.
I've downloaded some free mega assets like this and it always ends up being a little more work than originally anticipated. Trying to change 1 thing becomes a chore as you learn how the thing was built.
It's hard to understand how true this is until you're months deep into a project that's stacking a few of these together. I primarily use Unity these days, but I'm sure it's the same in Unreal. On one hand, I think even the most expensive assets are incredibly under-priced for the time that went into them and that they could potentially save, but on the other, I can't count the number of times I've thought how much better off I'd be if I'd just built my own noob version of the asset instead.

That's not to say you shouldn't use assets, but the huge downside is that you have no way of knowing what you're getting yourself into unless you're already experienced enough to have built the asset yourself and to have done so in the way that the creator did. I could make my own character controller, but I couldn't build one that does everything the asset I'm using does in any reasonable timeframe, if ever. However, how much of that is bloat that I don't really need? And how much time have I spent trying to resolve issues with different assets working together? The answer is so much...

Imo, the best way to get started if you're going the asset path is to pick the most mature one you can find and stick to doing exactly what it does and nothing more. Don't stack other assets with it, and don't try to add any functionality. Just build your content within whatever constraints its framework supports. Anything else will just be a sad time lol :)


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I was just coming to post that, I grabbed the demo project to take a look. Really amazing
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
As a non-artist I've always been ignorantly curious about the difficulty of aligning to a well-developed base level of art assets. Human models are a good case of that where we (as gamers) have used a huge variety of character customization that all seem like re-creations of the same problem. Obviously different art styles and engines require novel work but it's super cool to see Unreal making inroads on that front by putting out work like that.

My usage of unreal doesn't give a shit about facial detail, so I'm curious about how useful their low LOD models are and also how much effort was spent in customizing body types / animations.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Meta Human Creator is available to some people now.
You need to submit a form to request access
There are also nearly 60 characters you can download from Quixel Bridge available to anyone.

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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Insane stuff:

UE5 early access available today + they are making the demo from this video available to play with.
So much awesome stuff here.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yah man UE5 is next level shit. This whole video is crazy but this snippet at the end w/ the portal is just crazy



marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Not exactly Unreal related but could be a pretty big deal. The acquisition of Weta Digital by Unity could be very appealing, will all depend on how they plan to give access to the Weta tools


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
This Matrix tech demo is out of this world. Now if only a studio actually puts the resources behind making a game look this good.
I wonder if they will make the project for this demo available to Unreal Engine users, like they have with past demos. That would be amazing. The tech demo last year was 100 GB, I can only imagine the project size for this.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>

"To do that, we’ve built a vast, 16 kilometres square open world city, comprised of seven thousand buildings made of thousands of modular pieces, each of those constructed of millions of triangles and enhanced with props, signage, debris, and more. There are 1,248 simulated intersections, 45,073 parked cars (of which 38,146 are drivable), over 260 km of roads, and 512 km of sidewalk."