Want to help the migration to the land of milk and honey?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
There is a massive difference between a bunch of equal powered mods running the show, and an admin actively wading in on the day to day. By having a bunch of, in general, equal powered mods, there was always an appeal to go through. And since each mod had their own unique take and experiences, they represented a diverse subsection of the board. Having to essentially piss off every mod (Or break a big no, no rule like child porn) to get a ban that won't be overturned or appealed, is a pretty good indication that the board has reached a consensus that you're a shitty poster and you need to go.

Having that consensus though, is an important distinguishing feature between a bunch of mods running things and an Admin weighing in on the day to day. When Req nuked someone, they were gone. Like take Gryeyes for example...I HATED Gry, but his banning just for trolling in Req's little astro thread, was bullshit--considering we had to deal with him forYEARS. But because Req got a bug up his ass and wanted to talk to the plebs for a few days, Gry's normal behavior all of the sudden became ban worthy. Trex is another example of an Admin weighing in when he should stay out, as you said, the rest of the mods condemned her and their consensus on her being a horrible, vacuous, whore should have been able to make a ban stick--but the admin protected her, why? Because he could.

That's what I am leery about. Because while Req may have done that a few times (Trex being the worst and it actually destroyed the community even), it was often a random thing and only if you peed in his cheerios, which he gave warnings to avoid. If an admin though is driven by revenue concerns, or some philosophical "community building" mentality, then this kind of behavior can become ubiquitous very quickly and that would be terrible.

For what it's worth though, I believe you and Draeg. I just hope you guys keep what I said in mind and listen to your mods to get another viewpoint when you're angry. For all his faults, Req not using his power and letting the lower tier of the community (Mods) handle the day to day, was a strength.
I unequivocally agree with everything you said.


2 Minutes Hate
I agree 100% as well.

Also: Grats to everyone, we hit 1k users -http://www.rerolled.org/announcement.php?f=12&a=3

I just want to thank everyone in the community for coming over and giving this a second go. With all the events of yesterday transpiring from the despair of losing Morenetz, to FOH going down and coming back up, and the hussle of getting Rerolled (RRD) up and runnig; it's quite an accomplishment.

Thanks to Teljair, Screamfeeder, Urgoslav, and a_skeleton_03 for all the organization efforts. Thanks to the whole community for making the move and propagating the threads and picking up where we left off.

Most of all, thank you to the Head Janitor and Chief: Tuco for mobilizing the people and getting things on track. Thank you for his tireless efforts in getting the look down. Tuco will be the person I lean on the most to keep the site rolling. I'm just the Caretaker, but Tuco is here cleaning up your messes day in and day out.

Congrats to the community hitting the 1000 mark so quickly at 3:59pm EST. Congrats to Sodapop for being that guy.



Silver Squire
Site looks great nice work keeping the community going. If you need help with anything I'll gladly pitch in.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just wanted to add my thanks. Thanks for setting up a place for those of us that enjoyed reading FoH but couldn't stand the two shit stains.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The community is the history. Req made his feelings about the community very clear: "fuck all of you " and "helping T&T fuck with you makes me happy" sums it up. Req deserves a lot of credit for keeping the forums running for a decade+. But as others said, I'll take my chances with a site admin that values the community rather than one who openly despises it.

So what do we have, like a week until Draeg has an identity crisis and fucks us big time? =)
As I said in another thread, I think those extra couple days on FoH while this board was being set up was the biggest reminder that the move needed to be done and that it wasn't some irrational action. If Requiem actually cared about the forum, I don't think he would've had much trouble getting us to move back. We were all in the process of licking our wounds from the demise of MoreNetz, and I think most of us would've preferred not to have to go through another move. However, Requiem's posts only backed up the fact that we needed to move. I'm sure enough of us have been around the internet enough to know that a community like this isn't going to survive if the administrator only pops in when it is convenient for him and otherwise just ignores problems because he's busy, but simultaneously refuses to delegate.

Not only that, but his admittance that he viewed the whole Tyen/Trex thing as some big joke and apparently even encouraged it should serve as the push anyone hesitating might need. Requiem can pat himself on the back for taking a hands-off approach to the moderating, and perhaps rightfully so, but using his powers to troll the community just establishes bad precedent and makes it hard to trust him. Coupled with his "fuck yous" to people for expecting more of how the forums are run, there really shouldn't be any question that FoH was going down sooner or later. At least we now have the opportunity to take initiative and get out ahead while everyone is willing to make the move, rather than putting up with who knows what over the next few years and having the community slowly die until it's too late to be salvaged.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Does anyone actuallyknow, Req? Like, for real? Because it sounds like he's one of the most powerful(and probably richest)men in the US. Apparently he is one of the world's foremost experts on pipeline/database structures.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Your labor is appreciated, thank you for a nice new home. Death to the swamp donkey! I shall donate generously when you are ready


<Bronze Donator>
I welcome our new Forum overlords that actually care about a community versus hey ill bring in a swampdonkey and see what trouble it causes. Really odd too that a person would spend the cash he does for a site he does not care about. Guess he wipes his ass with $100 bills!


Golden Knight of the Realm
If this group gets a swamp donkey, i'm sure the mods wont have to do anything. The community will absolutely destroy the dreams of a swamp donkey, not give them power over everyone.

Thanks Draegan and Tuco for the site

Aychamo BanBan

Does anyone actuallyknow, Req? Like, for real? Because it sounds like he's one of the most powerful(and probably richest)men in the US. Apparently he is one of the world's foremost experts on pipeline/database structures.
I know you're being sarcastic. But I did meet him and spent the night with him and Tyen. Req's a fat guy with very little personality. He's just a programmer with some Aspergers, so he can sit in a recliner with his monitors all around him and program all day long, while he consumes thousands of calories of processed foods and carbs, his muscles atrophy, and his mean plasma glucose levels slowly rise. He may have money from his jobs, etc, but I saw no sign of it. Their apartment was probably 750 square feet total, without any vehicles, etc. His complete lack of physical activity along with his unhealthy lifestyle will likely result in a drastically shortened life.

I don't mean to shit on the guy. But his condescending attitude where he "enjoys laughing at the community" was just completely fucked up. He's a flabby titted zilch and in no position to speak condescendingly to an entire community of decent people.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Thanks for the site guys/chicks with dicks/whatever.


Avatar of War Slayer
You best look in the mirror Ay, you have a good career as a doc, the crap you have posted will haunt you forever.

A Fool.


My largest issue with FoH was the unwillingness to let anyone else help. I'm not saying buy the site and host it, but promote more mods to help clean shit up. I don't know about you, but a site that active shouldn't have had 2 mods (Tuco, and Rav) as the only ones doing anything actively to keep the place running, especially while two people undeserving of mod privileges (T&T) were yucking it up, adding sections we didn't want, changing names, internets, and god knows what else that we missed.
The fewer mods a forum has, the better. Easily 99% of all mods on most forums are complete oompa loompas and shouldn't be moderating anything more than how many squares of TP to wipe with. FOH actually had a decent crew of mods until Tyen and his Shitbag GF stank up the joint.

I'm a fan of a small group of perma-mods supported by a small group of temp mods on 6 month rotations.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
<3 Thanks for getting this setup guys. I certainly plan to stay here, not because I didn't like FoH, but it was Req's attitude that really just put me off. After MN, I was like ok.. foh it is.. but that kinda changed that.


Ssraeszha Raider
I once threatened Aladain's wife in the FoH politics thread and didn't even receive an infraction. How?


Silver Knight of the Realm
I know you're being sarcastic. But I did meet him and spent the night with him and Tyen. Req's a fat guy with very little personality. He's just a programmer with some Aspergers, so he can sit in a recliner with his monitors all around him and program all day long, while he consumes thousands of calories of processed foods and carbs, his muscles atrophy, and his mean plasma glucose levels slowly rise. He may have money from his jobs, etc, but I saw no sign of it. Their apartment was probably 750 square feet total, without any vehicles, etc. His complete lack of physical activity along with his unhealthy lifestyle will likely result in a drastically shortened life.

I don't mean to shit on the guy. But his condescending attitude where he "enjoys laughing at the community" was just completely fucked up. He's a flabby titted zilch and in no position to speak condescendingly to an entire community of decent people.
He used to have a GF back in the day, I think her name was Julie? That must have been prior to his enlarged state.


Elisha Dushku
This whole project was not a way to capture views and then stick ads everywhere. That wouldn't make a lot of cash anyway.
I have no problem with banner ads. Maybe Req would have given more than a duck's fuck if he had made a little money off the site. Big bucks with GOONLike pay once for no-ads ever if the site gets big enough.

Bottomline you need image hosting which costs $ if you want to truly replace fohguild - the PGT is a bandwidth nightmare.
I know you're being sarcastic. But I did meet him and spent the night with him and Tyen. Req's a fat guy with very little personality. He's just a programmer with some Aspergers, so he can sit in a recliner with his monitors all around him and program all day long, while he consumes thousands of calories of processed foods and carbs, his muscles atrophy, and his mean plasma glucose levels slowly rise. He may have money from his jobs, etc, but I saw no sign of it. Their apartment was probably 750 square feet total, without any vehicles, etc. His complete lack of physical activity along with his unhealthy lifestyle will likely result in a drastically shortened life.

I don't mean to shit on the guy. But his condescending attitude where he "enjoys laughing at the community" was just completely fucked up. He's a flabby titted zilch and in no position to speak condescendingly to an entire community of decent people.
So its this but in a 2 bedroom apartment.


thanks for painting such a vivid picture.

