[Website] Writers block? Want to write that book you want to write?


Potato del Grande
Check out this site:

The A.I. for this is top notch, I've written about many different types of stories like heist, romance, fantasy, sci-fi and the A.I. delivers in all categories.

Try pasting a wiki of a book you like or a manga and see how the A.I. works with it. It surprisingly worked well with the One Piece manga wiki, where the A.I. immediately established the relationship between pirates and marines.


Life's a Dream
Interesting concept. I'll dabble around with it a little later. As of right now, I tried to say Szader ai'Kotya, Orc Protection Warrior for the Horde Army. It kept trying to create a story that the character was beloved by many and protected everyone from the orc army. But yeah, I'll try again later.