What Did President X Do for You?

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
He's actually done a lot in the arena of shutting down predatory for profit schools.

Shit ITT Tech or some shit just got nuked from orbit by losing all its federal funding for putting heavy debt loads on students that never graduate
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Blackwing Lair Raider
The housing stimulus allowed me and my wife to not only buy our home but have extra cash to get a lot of the things we needed at the time for it since we used most of what we already had for the down payment. Still living in it today and my house value has gone up quite nicely since 2009. The housing market has a whole has recovered dramatically from the dumpster fire it was in.

Credit where credit is due.
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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
He played his part in making me realize the news media are basically all bullshit.
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Phelps McManus

<Silver Donator>
I used the cash for clunkers program to get $1500 for my perfectly serviceable car, and enjoy the disgust on the dealers face as he knew he could have resold it for 4 times that.

My employer also got >$50 million of a DOE-backed (AKA Solyndra-esque) loan to build a solar plant, which kept me pretty busy for 2 years.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Honestly I don' think I can attribute anything that happened to me to Obama. I got out of the Army in 2010 and used the GI Bill to pay for my education. Knocked out two degrees by 2013 and moved to Austin to work.

But... weed is legal in my home state so that's cool!
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Increased healtchcare premiums

Flat/declining budgets in my line of work...less pay overall, worse benefits, and less opportunities. On top of that dealing with politically appointed SES2/3's who have zero skills/knowledge needed to hold their positions (lot of dumb, detrimental decisions made by them)

Wife abd I are young so we missed on first time home buyer incentives and had no need for cash for clunkers
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Him getting elected convinced 2 black guys above me in seniority to quit and try to work for him lol. Seriously, they fucking quit and thought Obama was gonna be handing out jobs to black people. This saved my job since layoffs came a month later and I was the bottom guy. This scared me into a career change which has worked out better then I could have ever hoped. Thanks Obama!
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
He lent me 3 bucks for lunch.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
What did Obama do for weed? I'm confused. The only thing I can think of is basically saying that he wouldn't have the Feds coming after people in states where it was legalized. But otherwise he left all the existing laws in place. And for some reason I feel like Bush was doing the same thing (at least in his 2nd term)?

I work for the DoD, so I guess I've had a few 1% pay raises. I'm not sure if I should thank him for that.

I was excited about the ACA because my wife has a chronic condition and it meant she wouldn't be denied for health insurance anymore, but the ACA seems to be on its last legs (regardless of what Trump does).

To be honest, I don't think the President does much to effect any of us on an individual level, just by the nature of the position. Maybe I'm wrong, as I only have 2 Presidents during my adult lifetime for comparison. Bush had more impact on me only because I was in the military during his terms. But even then, stuff like the 9/11 GI Bill was Congress, and not the President.
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Sparkletot Monger
  • The economy is in far better shape than it was when he took office.
  • 2010 tax cuts
  • Helped steer us out of recession with stimulus packages
  • Do you have a job connected with the US Auto industry?
  • If you or anyone in your family or friends are gay, he helped make major steps for improving their lives.
  • Student Loans are no longer going though predatory banks
  • Are you a Vet? He did a ton of stuff for veterans, including billions for Vet Assistance and double digit increases in services and tax credits for businesses to hire vets
  • He reigned in the credit card companies with the Credit Card Responsibility and Disclosure Act
  • He was fundamental in passing the Lily Ledbetter Act
  • He began ending the War on Drugs with Fair Sentencing Act
  • He Revamped NASA and finally killed off the outdated Space Shuttle forcing us away from the moon and toward Mars as a goal
  • He invested and commited to the ITER project
  • See those nice solar panels everywhere and how much more invested we are in renewable technology? Thank Obama.
  • Pushed us toward greater Broadband coverage
  • Expanded Stem Cell research
  • Killed the F-22
  • Bin Laden isnt breathing.
Finally, the ACA is very far from perfect, and I think even Obama said that its just a start. But the important thing is that the barrier was broken and for the first time we were able to start the process of revamping a system that is fatally broken, BEFORE it crashed and burned. I have no doubt ACA will change and evolve under each administration and congress, but the critical thing is that the process, that was once thought impossible and intractable, has begun.
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One thing in that faggots post trigfers the fuck put of me...extended stem cell research.

No you fucking retard, advances in the field and better understanding mechanisms behind potency of cells and biochemical pathways expanded the fucking research.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Nada comes to mind about direct influence from him, but from what I saw his appreciation of science always made me smile. I don't see a lot of people in power that actively participate/encourage from politics
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Nada comes to mind about direct influence from him, but from what I saw his appreciation of science always made me smile. I don't see a lot of people in power that actively participate/encourage from politics
Not sure if serious....
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Mr. Poopybutthole
  • The economy is in far better shape than it was when he took office.
  • 2010 tax cuts
  • Helped steer us out of recession with stimulus packages
  • Do you have a job connected with the US Auto industry?
  • If you or anyone in your family or friends are gay, he helped make major steps for improving their lives.
  • Student Loans are no longer going though predatory banks
  • Are you a Vet? He did a ton of stuff for veterans, including billions for Vet Assistance and double digit increases in services and tax credits for businesses to hire vets
  • He reigned in the credit card companies with the Credit Card Responsibility and Disclosure Act
  • He was fundamental in passing the Lily Ledbetter Act
  • He began ending the War on Drugs with Fair Sentencing Act
  • He Revamped NASA and finally killed off the outdated Space Shuttle forcing us away from the moon and toward Mars as a goal
  • He invested and commited to the ITER project
  • See those nice solar panels everywhere and how much more invested we are in renewable technology? Thank Obama.
  • Pushed us toward greater Broadband coverage
  • Expanded Stem Cell research
  • Killed the F-22
  • Bin Laden isnt breathing.
Finally, the ACA is very far from perfect, and I think even Obama said that its just a start. But the important thing is that the barrier was broken and for the first time we were able to start the process of revamping a system that is fatally broken, BEFORE it crashed and burned. I have no doubt ACA will change and evolve under each administration and congress, but the critical thing is that the process, that was once thought impossible and intractable, has begun.
How many of those actually effected me though? I don't think any.

The economic "recovery" is still very misleading. The amount of people no longer participating in the labor force has increased dramatically. Yeah, the stock market is doing well, but most other measures of the economy show it's still in the shitter.
The Bush tax cuts were mostly a tax cut for people making >$400k a year. Not me, for sure.
I'm not sure his stimulus got us out of the recession. In fact, most people (including myself), said that the stimulus wasn't even remotely large enough to do what it intended to. It probably needed to be 3-4x as large as it was.

The rest of that doesn't matter in the least to me. I'm a vet but I haven't and won't use any "assistance" (outside of the GI Bill and a VA Loan, neither of which had anything to do with Obama). The credit card shit is meaningless to me as I don't carry debt, and I already had established credit. My broadband is actually horrendous ($65/mo. for 10/5 meg, with a 250GB monthly cap...and that's with owning my own modem).

I dunno man, I'm not buying it.
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Nada comes to mind about direct influence from him, but from what I saw his appreciation of science always made me smile. I don't see a lot of people in power that actively participate/encourage from politics
Well for one he denies evolution, and he shut down the Yucca Mtn nuclear repository because of bullshit leftists fear-mongering. Both are pretty huge denials of science.
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Sparkletot Monger
Gravel Gravel

I think you'll find you directly benefited for the 2011 Veterans Education Assistance Program if you look at it.
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Poet Warrior
Presidential bully pulpit use, both good and bad.

His overall stance on drugs and drug crimes was a nice use of the bully pulpit. You could argue he could've done more, but his overall attitude on the subject was a good thing imo.

Gay marriage, I know he had no direct hand in, but he also didn't use the pulpit to denounce or decry it or tell us all that we were going to hell. It happened under his regime and that was overall a good thing.

Osama is dead and that's good.

But on the issue of Islam in general, I feel as though he was about as bad as can be without being an avowed Muslim himself. There is a simple reality at work that he simply will not acknowledge. The Islamic tradition and the American tradition cannot coexist. America was created as a bulwark against certain types of systems and modes of thought, and Islam is exactly the sort of thing that America was trying not to be. But we are not Germany and the threat posed by this misunderstanding is not nearly as immediate so I suppose his confusion on this issue isn't quite as big of a deal in the big picture. But when I have 20-something white girls tell me, "The word Islam means 'Peace'!" I want to gag. That sort of shit gets people killed and Obama did not help in any way on that front. Sucking Ahmed's little cock was also retarded on a whole other level. Obama needs to read the Quran. Like, actually sit down and read that dumb shit.

Race relations are absolute shit right now. I was unplugged from current events during the Trayvon case but I paid close attention to Mike Brown. For me, this image:


was almost shocking for me to see. It came in the aftermath of Mike Brown and I really couldn't believe it. I knew Obama was black but I didn't care when I voted for him. That was the whole point! His blackness didn't matter. He was supposed to be a young and smart not-Bush and I really did think he was more enlightened than to have gotten caught up in Sharpton-esque race pimping bullshit. This image, to me, said that the Obama administration thought that the Mike Brown case was not about cops and robbers or about police use of force. To them, it was about controlling narratives and pimping race. Fucking race. /picard. They let Sharpton worm his way into the national and executive narrative and I consider that to be a total catastrophe. 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' is still a thing. Obama's reaction to Brown was amateurish and it legitimized the entire Sharpton movement. It was a disaster in my opinion and it is one of the main reasons I have begun to turn my back on the Left.

As someone else said, he did nothing to help curtail the prevalence of the ideas of 'hate speech' and 'hate crime'. Those words translate into 'thought crime' and it is not a direction a freedom loving people should want to go in.

He did give us the best looking first lady of all time though so that's a +1.
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