What the hell is going on with Youtube?


FoH nuclear response team
I noticed that the past few months less and less of my subscribed channels and interests were showing new or related vids and it kept showing obscure video choices and shit I don't really care to watch. Then as of yesterday a ton of channels I know I told the platform not to show or recommend are now popping back up. Even if I tell them to not show again they will be back on the next refresh.

Anyone else having this problem? How are they fucking this platform up so badly?
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Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Showing new stuff along with your subscribed channels isn't new. I have noticed it trying to slip in channels that I have said not to recommend as well though. And of course they turn autoplay back on once a month no matter how many times you turn it off.


Avatar of War Slayer
I haven't noticed a change with YouTube in a long time, but I guess I don't use any of that extra shit. I bookmark all the "videos" page of the channels I like, then just click through them when I want to watch something. No auto play of their channel's intro video, just directly to see what's new. Auto jumping to another video after one finishes also stays off.


FoH nuclear response team
I'm all for new and related content.

Weird that none of these issues aren't happening to anyone else. I thought maybe it was an app but it's occurring across all my devices.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
I definitely will have auto play turn back on at points, though I can’t tell if there’s a specific interval to it.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I definitely will have auto play turn back on at points, though I can’t tell if there’s a specific interval to it.
The worst part of it for me is I'm retarded so I always forget that it's on the actual video controls now so I spend 15 minutes searching through the settings for it.


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
The worst part of it for me is I'm retarded so I always forget that it's on the actual video controls now so I spend 15 minutes searching through the settings for it.

I swear they perfectly time that shit turning back on with them moving it somewhere else in the UI.
Shit reminds me of stupid Nextdoor where I want the feed to just be in chronological order like a normal person. My choice for how I want my feed displays fucking expires every 60 days so they can display some other bullshit instead. You’ll use the fucking app the way we want you to, pleb.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I noticed that the past few months less and less of my subscribed channels and interests were showing new or related vids and it kept showing obscure video choices and shit I don't really care to watch. Then as of yesterday a ton of channels I know I told the platform not to show or recommend are now popping back up. Even if I tell them to not show again they will be back on the next refresh.

Anyone else having this problem? How are they fucking this platform up so badly?
Yeah I’ve noticed. Tons of anime games as my recommendations, I never click on anything like that but tons of them will be recommended. I figured they just changed their algorithm to push paid content at people harder than it used to to retain clients.


<Prior Amod>
has anyone used nvdia vsr yet?

if you just want to enable, tldr open nvida control panel

and click rtx and choose quality 4

i see a difference, my wife has a few asian streams that are 720p locked, you see an improvement, if you have a 3050+, why not
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<Gold Donor>
My favorite pet peeve with YouTube is their fucking recommendations on my Shield (which uses AndroidTV) will sometimes show the same fucking video two videos to the right of the first one. Just enough so that I can actually see it recommending the same fucking video twice. And if I'm lucky, the row below it (the top one being recommended, the second one being something like "from your feed") will also show it, so I can see portions of the same video in three spots on the screen.

It will also keep certain videos around for weeks, like it really wants me to watch them, but other channels (typically more controversial ones like Memology or Mark Dice) if I don't watch them for ONE day, they are suddenly gone from my feed and I have to purposely look up their channel. Eventually if I watch enough it will come back, but skip it again and poof, gone. But that same fucking video that is totally unrelated to anything else I watch will remain for a week or more.