World of Warcraft: Current Year


Tranny Chaser
Really? "This guy only has to do 55 days of shitty dailies instead of 60 to get a recolor mount, a stupid toy and some blue gear from a rep vendor" is REALLY a problem? I thought it was an okay boon but well, seems I am really off

Time is money, friend.

The trait probably costs them at least some money as people finish up a little sooner and cancel until new content.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Back when humans were allowed to be hunters I race changed from NE to Human only for that fucking rep gain. Good job I haven't played in 5 years or so.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I've not really raided or done any dungeons past maybe original Naxx. However, with War Within on the horizon I thought I would start up and do the Remix event to level up a character to max. Anyone know of any guild groups planning on doing that I could group with? I've been leveling a couple classes trying to find one I like beforehand and unlocking a few allied races as I go too. (unfortunately quite a bit more casual than my raider college days though)
  • 1Pathetic
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Looks like no Blizzcon this year - probably felt the content ready to present wasn't worth the negative press that might have come from it


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Looks like no Blizzcon this year - probably felt the content ready to present wasn't worth the negative press that might have come from it
There just isn't enough interest in Blizzard products anymore. I'm sure lack of content doesn't help, but when they didn't even sell out Blizzcon last year, the writing was on the wall that people just aren't excited about Blizzard.

I doubt we see another one, as interest continues to wane. Similar to EQ and Fanfares.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
They dropped their load by listing the next 10 years of WoW and the rest of their games are in the gutter and cancelling their survival game. Doesn’t surprise me at all.


what Suineg set it to
Looks like no Blizzcon this year - probably felt the content ready to present wasn't worth the negative press that might have come from it
But I bet they'll have Blizzard online event where you can watch pre-recorded videos and shitty esports with a $50 DLC pack!


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
It just dawned on me that WoW has become The Simpsons of MMOs. It used to be the best thing ever, but now you wonder about the mental health of those who still watch/play it.
  • 4Worf
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  • 1Mother of God
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
It just dawned on me that WoW has become The Simpsons of MMOs. It used to be the best thing ever, but now you wonder about the mental health of those who still watch/play it.
So.. basically, my parents opinion of me when I played WoW during its prime. Is that growth on our part? Maybe..
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  • 1Worf
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what Suineg set it to
It just dawned on me that WoW has become The Simpsons of MMOs. It used to be the best thing ever, but now you wonder about the mental health of those who still watch/play it.
Eh. There isn't a replacement. Probably won't ever be, so it will stick around until enough people die off in 20 years.
  • 2Truth!
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The Scientific Shitlord
Eh. There isn't a replacement. Probably won't ever be, so it will stick around until enough people die off in 20 years.
It depends on how quickly tools develop. Once the free version of unreal gets up to 5 or higher and there's some good apps for building game systems to go in it things will start to expand as indie and amateurs are able to put out higher and higher quality passion projects. Use chatgpt to generate models and voices. A few tools to make interfaces and quests. Some animations. Boom, Pantheon gets released.
  • 3Worf
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Eh. There isn't a replacement. Probably won't ever be, so it will stick around until enough people die off in 20 years.
This is probably what people who still watch The Simpsons say to themselves.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
WoW is my second gaming love after the Legend of Zelda series. Seeing the current state and then thinking about all the time I sunk into it (particularly 2006-2010), makes me feel this weird feeling of loss, nostalgia, shame, and regret. I wasted prime years of my 20’s just doing my daily workout then living in the game world. I held a steady good paying job but it wasn’t like I “cared” like I did about wow. It’s crazy how I feel myself a pretty grounded individual that separates fantasy from reality well. Yet many of my fondest memories are just hanging out in the game on Vent in the cities or the world or just running dungeons.

Going back for Classic scratched some of the itch. It wasn’t the same. The game is solved and the crucible for forming the bonds that made me lifelong friends with some of the people I met via wow or brought from my real life into wow was missing. A colder fire making weaker bonds.
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  • 2Solidarity
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What makes these games is the initial novelty and the friends we make - you can never replicate that original feeling because the factors that created that cannot be replicated
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
No other game has even come close to what classic and even TBC felt like from a community. Granted I only played a month or so of EQ because I realized it would destroy my grades


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Eh. There isn't a replacement. Probably won't ever be, so it will stick around until enough people die off in 20 years.

Eh, depends what all everyone gets out of it. Obviously nothing is going to totally mirror it, but there are other options out there that scratch certain parts of that itch (and do those parts better, at least). I don't know if I could go back, but I said that when I left it mid Cata and ended up checking it out again end of Legion. Feels like nothing is worth playing more than semi casual these days, anyways.
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The Scientific Shitlord
Eh, depends what all everyone gets out of it. Obviously nothing is going to totally mirror it, but there are other options out there that scratch certain parts of that itch (and do those parts better, at least). I don't know if I could go back, but I said that when I left it mid Cata and ended up checking it out again end of Legion. Feels like nothing is worth playing more than semi casual these days, anyways.
Most of us have jobs and lives now that don't allow the same amount of time and energy for games. Doesn't mean there aren't new games out there for the kids of today that mean as much to them as EQ/WOW meant to us.
  • 1Truth!
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
WoW is my second gaming love after the Legend of Zelda series. Seeing the current state and then thinking about all the time I sunk into it (particularly 2006-2010), makes me feel this weird feeling of loss, nostalgia, shame, and regret. I wasted prime years of my 20’s just doing my daily workout then living in the game world. I held a steady good paying job but it wasn’t like I “cared” like I did about wow. It’s crazy how I feel myself a pretty grounded individual that separates fantasy from reality well. Yet many of my fondest memories are just hanging out in the game on Vent in the cities or the world or just running dungeons.

Going back for Classic scratched some of the itch. It wasn’t the same. The game is solved and the crucible for forming the bonds that made me lifelong friends with some of the people I met via wow or brought from my real life into wow was missing. A colder fire making weaker bonds.
Same here, though I also had Eve-Online for the first few years of it's existence. It would not be so bad if the games were still as good as they were (granted, WoW has messed up more than Eve has). It's tough to see something that was very good - and you enjoyed because it was so good - go to shit. I'm not a sports guy, but I guess sports fans would have a similar feeling of seeing their favourite team over time fall from the premier league down to third league status through endless bad management.