X-Men '97


Tranny Chaser
Unironically, yes. We are the good guys.

Any mutant powerful enough to make a difference in the war for mutant equality is powerful enough to genocide the human race given enough time. All mutants must die.

The last couple of years the main mutant story arc has been them all living on Krakoa (a living island) where they have conquered death and fuck constantly. If these degenerates were ever supposed to be sympathetic that trait is long dead.
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
The last couple of years the main mutant story arc has been them all living on Krakoa (a living island) where they have conquered death and fuck constantly. If these degenerates were ever supposed to be sympathetic that trait is long dead.
What happened to comics being entertaining?

Shit, what happened to entertainment in general?

Day Valentine GIF
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>

As the person who was the first to spot the connection then I guess that makes me your new God.

@Amod surely I deserve another medal for helping to attract new users to our great forum?
Not sure about a medal, but I think Lightning Lord Rule Lightning Lord Rule might have a leash somewhere in the Amod shed.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
What happened to comics being entertaining?

Shit, what happened to entertainment in general?

Day Valentine GIF
Legacy fans are captured audience so need to please them, execs know they'll consume any slop put out.

But to capture all the blue hair wokists soyjaks they have to give them a reason to consume, hence the endless self inserts, modern day sjw struggle politics etc.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Legacy fans are captured audience so need to please them, execs know they'll consume any slop put out.
Really? Cause XMen TAS was one of my absolute favorite shows as a kid and I'm not touching this. I haven't watched a second of the Netflix Avatar either, or the Animaniacs revival, etc etc. I could probably list dozens of shows/movies that I didn't watch.

If people can't give up something as petty as a fucking TV show to stand by their convictions, how will they ever make any real sacrifices?
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El Presidente
Yeah, XMen comics were my jam from the mid 80s until the mid 90s when the comic industry went to shit. Even with Batman being a better show I did enjoy the first couple of seasons of Xmen before losing track having joined the military in 93. All that said, I am unlikely to ever watch this shit.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Really? Cause XMen TAS was one of my absolute favorite shows as a kid and I'm not touching this. I haven't watched a second of the Netflix Avatar either, or the Animaniacs revival, etc etc. I could probably list dozens of shows/movies that I didn't watch.
Were not even a drop in the bucket.

Take my sister for example, she grew up with Disney, going to Disney world etc. even with how gay and dumb everything Disney has gotten she takes her family to every Disney movie, goes to Disneyland all the time etc. it doesn't bother her at all, she's still shoveling Disney money.

Even this board, look at how many are still eating up every new Star wars series.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Were not even a drop in the bucket.

Take my sister for example, she grew up with Disney, going to Disney world etc. even with how gay and dumb everything Disney has gotten she takes her family to every Disney movie, goes to Disneyland all the time etc. it doesn't bother her at all, she's still shoveling Disney money.

Even this board, look at how many are still eating up every new Star wars series.
I agree. You should NEVER enjoy anything in life anymore because of companies who have gone "woke" in the 21st century. Purposely live a less enjoyable life just to really stick it to the man and show us all what virtue you have.

With how pervasive it all is, you really shouldn't be consuming anything anymore, especially anything media related. Music, TV, Movies, etc. In fact, the device you're posting on is powered by machinery manufactured by companies who have also bought into the DEI religion of the modern era. Are you an AMD or Intel cuck? Time to go full nomad, bro.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Were not even a drop in the bucket.

Take my sister for example, she grew up with Disney, going to Disney world etc. even with how gay and dumb everything Disney has gotten she takes her family to every Disney movie, goes to Disneyland all the time etc. it doesn't bother her at all, she's still shoveling Disney money.

Even this board, look at how many are still eating up every new Star wars series.
I don't care how many faggots and race traitors in this community are still watching Disney and Netflix. I don't care if my shunning of them is utterly insignificant to their bottom line. I don't care how much of a black-pilled retard Kirun is. I don't find the need to hop on social media and find like-minded Disney-shunners to talk about how hard we're shunning Disney and how great it makes us.
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Throbbing Member
no one watched the gambit sections yet?

Yeah, men totally didn't wear crop tops through the 80's and 90's. That whole thing didn't even pop into my head as a big deal. I don't mind criticism where it is due, but this was dumb.
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<Prior Amod>
Yeah, men totally didn't wear crop tops through the 80's and 90's. That whole thing didn't even pop into my head as a big deal. I don't mind criticism where it is due, but this was dumb.
Agreed. His power is turning things hot pink, and then they blow up. Hes always dressed rather uniquely and a cut off shirt doesn’t even strike me as odd after years of reading the comics. What about his tight leather pants, pink/purple shirt/chest piece and his hair held up in a headband ever made someone think a cut off shirt would be crazy?

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Silver Baronet of the Realm
The last couple of years the main mutant story arc has been them all living on Krakoa (a living island) where they have conquered death and fuck constantly. If these degenerates were ever supposed to be sympathetic that trait is long dead.
I gave up on X-Men a long time ago almost 20 years which wasn't real X-Men. Planet hulk, or Hulk vs was the last I enjoyed. I don't even know what happened with Hulk vs Wolverine, I remember waiting years and just gave up

I think they had a huge Gambit push that was ok but mostly trash. Every mutant was omega powers.

Before I get corrected. "Wolverine vs Hulk"
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Every mutant was omega powers.
This was the dumbest era for me, when they tried to explain every mutant power using poorly understood/bullshit physics, and suddenly every shitter mutant had omega potential.

If fucking Jubilee is a threat to the planet's survival, the humans were right to try to wipe the mutants out.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Agreed. His power is turning things hot pink, and then they blow up. Hes always dressed rather uniquely and a cut off shirt doesn’t even strike me as odd after years of reading the comics. What about his tight leather pants, pink/purple shirt/chest piece and his hair held up in a headband ever made someone think a cut off shirt would be crazy?

View attachment 521440
Hate me but gambit is a pretty fun character outside of charging up gyros. I liked the sewer underground stuff or his charisma power that failed. I didn't care for Nightcrawler until the pedo made that iconic scene in the White house

Was it the show that had gambit fight wolverine one on one and beat him in the danger room or something like that?
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<Prior Amod>
Hate me but gambit is a pretty fun character outside of charging up gyros. I liked the sewer underground stuff or his charisma power that failed. I didn't care for Nightcrawler until the pedo made that iconic scene in the whitehouse

Was it the show that had gambit fight wolverine one on one and beat in the danger room or something like that?
oh, don’t get me wrong, he was always my favorite growing up too.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
This was the dumbest era for me, when they tried to explain every mutant power using poorly understood/bullshit physics, and suddenly every shitter mutant had omega potential.

If fucking Jubilee is a threat to the planet's survival, the humans were right to try to wipe the mutants out.
didnt Gambit get to the point of being able to control anything on a molecular level lol. I remember him getting to the point of just looking at you and making you explode


<Prior Amod>
didnt Gambit get to the point of being able to control anything on a molecular level lol
Maybe? I dunno. All comic characters eventually get written to be all powerful, or close to it. Sorta “What if?” Before that was a thing.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
didnt Gambit get to the point of being able to control anything on a molecular level lol
Yeah, and the Summers family all actually had the ability to open portals to higher dimensions, causing the "Punches from the punch dimension!" Meme for cyclops's eye blast