Zoo (starring James Wolk and Billy Burke) [CBS]


Okay, let me preface this by saying this is NOT an amazing series or anything. But god damn it can be funny as hell -- not sure if it's intentional or not. I really haven't determined if the series is taking itself seriously or not. Although, after last night's rat episode I'm thinking it's not.

Anyhoo, for those that are unaware, the series is based on a book which I have not read and don't care to. But the premise is that the animal kingdom has HAD ENOUGH and is going full-on genetic mutation in order to wipe out the human species. Surprisingly, the ratings are strong enough where it will probably be renewed for another season.

Oh, and the crazy eyed French chick is hot. And what's-her-name from House of Cards and The Whispers is in it too.


My Grandmother is a huge fan of the author who wrote the series/story/whatever... in our weekly phone calls, she has nothing good to say about it. She says, and I quote, 'It is like that movie by the Indian guy who did that movie with Bruce Willis, the one about the plants. Only with worse acting and it is animals instead of plants.'


Registered Hutt
Nice. I would like to hear more of her sage wisdom, paraphrased as little as possible. Sounds like she got pretty close to the mark.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
My grandma and aunt love Zoo, scorpion, big bang... pretty buch everything on cbs and I get stuck watching it when I try to spend time. I think Scorpion I by far the worst