Recent content by Dalven

  1. Dalven

    The D&D thread

    Roll20 is really popular and always has a lot of listings for new games starting up. Be discerning with what games you apply to be a part of as there are apparently many oddballs and flakes littering the place but such is life dealing with nerds. My own experience has been entirely positive - I...
  2. Dalven

    The D&D thread

    That seems a solid party to me - I can't think of anything of the top of my head that would be immune to all types of spell damage. As you get up the CRs there's plenty stuff that has advantage on saving throws against spells but that also applies to adult dragons and the like. Personally I...
  3. Dalven

    The D&D thread

    Funny you say that, the mindflayers are opressed onto the endangered species list by the Githyanki after they broke free from their slavery, tore down their Empire and chased them all into hiding. This one all depends on your perspective tho, if you see needing to eat the brains of intelligent...
  4. Dalven

    The D&D thread

    Its not about making the orc the 'misunderstood savage', its about fleshing out their motivations. Orcs are a nomadic warlike race but that doesn't necessarily make them evil - if you need evil orcs for your players to smash consider why this particular band of orcs are evil; Gruumsh is a...
  5. Dalven

    The D&D thread

    To be honest any dungeon master worth their salt should write any race like goblins or orcs in their world with this kind of nuance, it makes for a far more interesting experience for players. Updating the official sources is fine imo if not somewhat unnecessary.
  6. Dalven

    The D&D thread

    As has been said he can only use multiattack OR the breath weapon in a round. A dragon will always open with his breath weapon (its rough, but dragons are dangerous!) then fly out of reach. Greens are intelligent, it wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility that unless the players have...
  7. Dalven

    Project 99 - Green Server announcement

    I've rolled myself up a master race wizard - much easier to find mobs this morning compared to last night. I ended up doing the entirety of level two off a single decaying gnome skeleton's spawn spot that I found tucked away in a corner.
  8. Dalven

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Theres a mod out there that will restore the original videos into the EE games - the new animations are garbage
  9. Dalven

    RFC EQ Emu Server

    Are you getting bored without a forum to run? Considering your distaste for the eqemu population in general (and I'm by no means saying you're wrong in that opinion) I'm surprised to see this coming from you. It depends on your level of ambition for the server - how big a population do you...
  10. Dalven

    The D&D thread

    Comparing an mmo to online d&d is a bit dumb - despite the fact both are played online they are obviously completely different experiences. Playing on roll20 or whatever is actually a totally worthwhile experience and I can say this as someone who currently dm's a traditional in person game as...
  11. Dalven

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    GOG were selling the EE games for £4 a piece so I picked them up to start another play through. As tempting as it is to spend hours adding a dozen different mods I kept it light this time round and only used the Trilogy merge mod and Ascension (seemingly this mod changes up the ending to ToB a...
  12. Dalven

    Black Mirror

    Disappointing batch of episodes really. While I didn't hate any of them they didn't really shock or appall me in any sense, it was all a bit bland. I do like the continuity in technology across the series as a whole however.
  13. Dalven

    The D&D thread

    I've been in a solid group on roll20 that's been running for the better part of two years now as well as DMing a game that I advertised and chose randoms for. In the case of the game I play in, it helped that they were already a group of online pals that were looking for an extra so look out for...
  14. Dalven

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    My ex of 8 years was exactly the same as this - anytime she came close she would say the same thing and I got the impression she was actively shying away from it. Literally had the same issue with masturbation as well. Ultimately I didn't have the fortitude you did to stick it out and the sex...
  15. Dalven

    Everquest - Selos Server - 20th Anniversary Casual Server

    Surely one of you nerds with an Amtrak medal can come in here and tell us why you've been unjustly banned. Or better yet, someone from Faceless should pay Ice T again to make a video about it.