Recent content by kanof

  1. K

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    One Drop Winner Daniel Colman Didn't Talk To Media Because He Sees Poker 'As A Very Dark Game' Fedor Holz is an absolute Machine. Him and Dan Coleman are two to watch very closely. He is 9th in lifetime winnings for poker... If you just count the last 7 months! oh, and he is 22.... The...
  2. K

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Hah. This guy and his right hand man are buddies of mine. Too bad he stole this from other realtor's whom he saw doing it like two weeks before. It just goes to show people... Remember, the key to success is a better publicist.
  3. K

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    he said 'liters'. so the guy put a photo of pop to mention they should have meant in the animal shelter advert a "litter" of kittens... not 'liters' of kittens. Although liters of kittens would inevitably taste like sadness and your own Body odor.
  4. K

    First World Problems

    A neighboring city got 5 inches of rain yesterday... 3 of our apartments flooded. So I actually had to spend a hard day pushing contractors and dictating plans to get them remodeled in short order.
  5. K

    Answer the question above you, no matter what it is

    Carrot. Do you risk your own capital shadow trading a client that is remarkably accurate/wealthy?
  6. K

    Flash/Browser Games Thread

    You couldn't in theory run out of files to choose from... You would corrupt your OS before you ran out of files and would then be 'game over' once you froze up your OS.
  7. K

    Flash/Browser Games Thread

    I have a feeling we as a community could dominate the leaderboards of this... lose/lose
  8. K

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    My grand town of Fargo finally made Rerolled.... We are officially on the map. Fargo is Ironically a HUGE private jet hub. most people flying private between Europe and the West coast normally stop off in Fargo to do customs/refueling as its just cake and no random BS like MSP, ORD, etc...
  9. K

    EQ Never

    Pardon how Naive I am... what is with the Troll/2-6-03 we will not forget?
  10. K

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    - His name is Robert Paulson. His name is Robert Paulson. And he did the internet a mitvah!
  11. K

    Your Own Photography

    - Reason you are riding the chair down? I know you snowboarders can only sit on the side of the hill, but can't you slide to the bottom?j/k
  12. K

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    After 10 years of browsing FOH, and raiding with some of you and progressing through EQ and WoW.... I figured there has finally been enough drama to sign up... All it took was a Millie, a Sam, a Plane of Time, a couple manginas, the implosion of the best forum ever, and the oddly timed...