Recent content by Kuro

  1. Kuro

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    MMO cancer infected every other genre. We're patient zero for all the garbage micro transactions, daily/weekly chores, and companies wanting you to play one game for the rest of your life.
  2. Kuro


    WTF, where will I play World of Warcraft Cataclysm classes now!?
  3. Kuro

    Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2

    People who like Warhammer were already going to buy, you have to appeal to people who hate Warhammer and wish death upon the average player, marketing 101 yo
  4. Kuro

    Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2

    It's okay, Gavinmad's default stance towards everyone is that they should die
  5. Kuro

    Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2

    Well you see the Space Marines are TransHuman...
  6. Kuro

    MTG thread

    What have I done with the last thirty years of my life
  7. Kuro

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    He also just... Has a magical artifact leg in that same art, thereby making the wheelchair pointless.
  8. Kuro

    Star Wars: Outlaws

    SciFi and Fantasy have both fallen, we must return to Westerns
  9. Kuro

    Warhammer 40k

    That assumes they're competent enough to actually intentionally select the best units. Their in house testing is lining both armies up 6 inches away from each other and shouting pew pew pew
  10. Kuro

    Warhammer 40k

    Yeah, the long term impact of this is just more weird porn
  11. Kuro

    Anarchy Online New Graphics Engine

    I'm going to bet there's a solid % chance this eventually runs smoother than the actual game.
  12. Kuro

    Anarchy Online New Graphics Engine

    Also one of the few publishers that figured out that tank players just want to be huge as fuck
  13. Kuro

    Anarchy Online New Graphics Engine

    Agent is a class devs need to either have giant balls or a serious drug addiction to actually push live. Bureaucrat also hilarious. "What does he do?" "Permanent Charms baby! Make your own wage slave!" Fixer was the EQ druid quarantine class.
  14. Kuro

    Anarchy Online New Graphics Engine

    I will basically always buy in at the start of any FunCom game because their devs are absolutely insane in the best ways and the world would be a different place if they could actually hire anyone capable of coding.
  15. Kuro

    Civil War (2024)

    Clearly California and Texas band together after reaching 80% Mexican population