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  1. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    And like most compelling arguments it’s predicated on bullshit. I’ve never once encountered bots monopolizing questing spots, they do the majority of their mob killing inside instances. As for open world nodes, even in the unlikely event that bots have stripmined them it actually makes...
  2. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    They claim to have "multiple detection methods for GDKP that are effective both inside and outside of dungeon or raid instances." Obviously these methods will be shit because Blizzard is incompetent, but it shows how keen they are to always throw the baby out with the bathwater. Let's go to...
  3. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    You mean they caved to the whining retards on the blizz forums, Reddit, etc. as usual. Looking forward to the era of speakeasy GDKPs because we all know how Prohibition turned out.
  4. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    This was exactly my experience in classic TBC, literally every Brazilian I had the misfortune of encountering was a full on fucking retard. If I was in a pug raid and someone breathed a single word of Portuguese I knew to leave group immediately to avoid certain disaster. It’s incredible how...
  5. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    This is how I see Pantheon in relation to EQ.
  6. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Lol at babies crying about percentage buffs at a level when your highest stat is barely over 100 anyway. If they ever want to invert the population balance they can just add a Bloodlust rune for shaman.
  7. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Doc Nirgon stealing Boozecube’s thunder rn.
  8. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Granting shit like 50-point Wrath talents at a level where the class doesn’t even have half its baseline spells from Vanilla yet is just a laughably absurd design choice. This is something I’d expect from kids just monkeying around with the settings on their own pserver, although I guess that...
  9. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    There’ll still be a shortage. Tanking is just a job most people don’t want to do.
  10. uniqueuser

    Star Citizen Online - The search for more money

    Graphics simps been dreaming of photorealistic games for decades now while gameplay is still stuck in the last century. Enjoy your camera-on-a-stick simulator.
  11. uniqueuser

    Was already fake 20 years ago, now it's gay and retarded to boot.
  12. uniqueuser


    Similar to my non-faggot brethren in this thread, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a single one of her songs in its entirety nor would I necessarily recognize it as hers even if I did, but given her work’s extreme popularity I can only assume the lyrics must be about females blaming others for...
  13. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    The more rules and restrictions imposed on player interactions in a game, the greater the faggotry that results from them inevitably failing in unexpected ways.
  14. uniqueuser

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    And just who do you think is designing modern games? Aside from that, MMOs/ARPGs aren't narrative-driven games so most players are in favor of/simply don't care about the implications of racial uniformity. Doing the same to a traditional CRPG undermines their primary purpose, which is to tell...
  15. uniqueuser

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    The concept of the cooldown itself is probably the single worst game mechanic ever devised. It's the pinnacle of lazy, callous design and has poisoned games across every genre for like 25 years now. Nothing is less fun than having every important decision you make tied to arbitrary timers that...
  16. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    World pvp might be one of the most pointless activities in wow but it’s still the least gay.
  17. uniqueuser

    Dave the Diver

  18. uniqueuser

    Snow White (2024)

    Will Vin Diesel be returning as one of the big honkies?
  19. uniqueuser

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Builders & Spenders (and resource management in general) is a retarded concept for a type of game that's only about perpetually blowing your load all over everything.
  20. uniqueuser

    Snow White (2024)

    They probably could've flipped that description and gotten away with casting some dark-as-midnight Ethiopian and throwing a bleached white weave on her.
  21. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    If they attempt it again I hope someone who previously never even considered griefing rises to the occasion and pulls the same stunt.
  22. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Real hardcore there. At least when the same shit happens on Blizzard HC their tears will be ignored.
  23. uniqueuser

    Sound of Freedom (2023)

    Retard missed the opportunity to blame it on climate change too.
  24. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    He's this generation's Leeroy Jenkins, if Leeroy were fake, gay, and brutally autistic. Lash him to the tranny and feed them both into it.
  25. uniqueuser

    Superman: Legacy (2025)

    It's been like what, over 75 years now? Have you faggots really not had your fill of men in capes and spandex tights?
  26. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Probably because it's copium for obsessives who believe hardcore is such Serious Business® that they can't fathom anyone wanting to upend it on a whim just for the lulz.
  27. uniqueuser

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    That's how you actually turn the friggin frogs gay.
  28. uniqueuser

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Lol the guy's name was Teenyviolin too, just chefskiss.jpg This incident just makes a mockery of these garbage MMOs that are always patronizing you with bullshit lines like "it's up to you to save the day, adventurer!" when the only way for one man to make a difference in the virtual world is...
  29. uniqueuser

    Star Citizen Online - The search for more money

    @Tuco just doing his part to ensure we can't have nice things. Unless my sarcasm detector is broken. Does RSI sell insurance for those too?
  30. uniqueuser

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Doubtful, you're still here after all these years. I'm sure you'll have many stories about the various ways you took it up the front and back holes in a videogame to share with the other shills while huddled around a trashcan fire in the camps.
  31. uniqueuser

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Well now, if you aren't livestreaming this gay elf simulator while gargling Bud Light and riding a rainbow dildo you're not much of an accelerationist then.
  32. uniqueuser

    Over the past few decades, advancing technology has led gamemakers to believe they could upstage Hollywood at visual storytelling by creating "interactive movies", but the nature of games is at direct odds with this concept. Films require authorial control, while games require player agency, and...
  33. uniqueuser

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    They figured any additional lies would look too suspicious so they limited it to just the one.
  34. uniqueuser

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Yes, the games have sucked shit for a long while now. The only thing that's changed in recent years is they now suck shitdicks. In other words, games were already bad, but now they're bad and gay. Given that gay = bad it follows that games = bad + gay = bad + bad = double bad Therefore, games...
  35. uniqueuser

    Sound of Freedom (2023) Yes, articles like that really exemplify the Left's ability to make impartial, level-headed cultural critiques. I haven't watched the movie but from what I've seen it doesn't meet the criteria of a...