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  1. S

    Warhammer 40k

    Its not just that. If they are going to retcon it, at least write some god damn lore to at least pretend its not just shoehorned in because of modern politics. Primaris marines are a classic example. They want to sell more marines, so they at least write an entire backstory as to why. They...
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    Warhammer 40k

    Taken from the comments of that tweet. Says everything. Such a silly move, when your models cost this much, you're so reliant on your customers good will. Although this might explain why early previews of the new custodes codex all say they've taken a massive step back in power.
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    Lost Ark Online

    This was a nice surprise to get upgraded to quality 100, shame its on the paladin's weapon not the zerkers!
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    Lost Ark Online

    Trouble = slow. Berserker clears the crap out of everything in like a minute per level, Paladin is just so damn slow by comparison, using the chaos dungeon skills.
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    Lost Ark Online

    I've honestly got to disagree. I've had a bunch of fun playing, even casually, and quite enjoy that I can play for an hour or two max each day, get my content done, and then log off. Given that doing things like chaos dungeons on my paladin is painful (compared to my berserker), getting rested...
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    Lost Ark Online

    Insane. Congratulations!
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    Lost Ark Online

    I logged back in at the start of the anniversary boosts to dick around, after having not played for ages, in search of a way to kill some spare time before my first kid arrives in April. When I quit the first time around I had 90 island spirits, pretty much every collectible done, etc... I was a...
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    Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (CRPG)

    I agree with the point re gear, but those 3 Drukhari at the start can be skipped via what seems like an unfailable athletics check just beneath them, and you can still get the loot on the jet bike by waiting for them to path away from it and grabbing it when no-one is close.
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    Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (CRPG)

    Holy shit. They do Grim Dark awesomely.
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    Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (CRPG)

    She's high risk/reward - if you get the item that adds +wp with every kill, the one that adds +psy level with phenomena, she can be doing single target nukes for >400dmg by about turn 4 of any combat ... and then sometimes she assplodes into a bloodletter of Khorne, and you've now got a problem...
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    Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (CRPG)

    Idira with pain feedback is all kinds of insane If you use Cassia with the talent that always lets her have a half turn first, where she can use the ability that leads in with Idira getting an extra turn before her normal turn, and if you are able pre-cast a nuke to open the fight, she can...
  12. S

    Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (CRPG)

    That's with a save from the zone before The solution I found, in case anyone else gets stuck there, is to kill those neutral chars before they get a turn. Its dicey pending your initiative, but it meant I got through.
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    Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (CRPG)

    My first playthrough is now stuck on an un-fixable bug…
  14. S

    Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (CRPG)

    Really enjoying the grim dark nature, and on Daring, its challenging on a first play through. Cassia with the ability that builds stacks which you can convert into end of combat +dmg means she can chain cast 140+ dmg nukes about three turns in if you use Jae to keep pushing her AP My main...
  15. S

    Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (CRPG)

    Arguably worse, because they take a surprisingly long time, and grinding out the rep with the navy to get your ship up seems inordinately difficult outside of colonies. You never just annilate them in the way you could at least in WOTR
  16. S

    Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (CRPG)

    I'm enjoying it, the universe feels very 40k, the bugs aren't too often, though they are a little jarring at times. The most annoying part is void travel/void battles, both which take forever
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    Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (CRPG)

    The NPCs also appear to be able to shoot you whereever you position your team, behind heavy cover etc, yet the same is very much not true when shooting back
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    Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (CRPG)

    Weirdly, I think I fixed it by using a different brower when I pre-ordered it. Chrome wasn't working, so just logged into another browser and it had no problems
  19. S

    Warhammer 40k

    40k seems to have a larger player base, so if you've not got a group of friends that you'll be regularly playing with, it'll probably give you more options at the store. Weshammer on Youtube is pretty good for lore, and if you want a quick dump, his video: is a good starting point Army wise...
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    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Evoc wizard with enhanced element feat fire is pretty OP at clearing packs, even on tactician. And you can drop those things on your party without it hitting them (unlike most AEs). And x2 on spirit guardians aura. That thing melts undead in particular. Just be careful not to pop the radiant...
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    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Honestly, the amount of things in this game that you keep discovering, by just doing things slightly differently or in a slightly different order in a second playthrough...
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    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    BG3 Hentai scene.
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    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Funny part is, because of EA I didn't let him do it on my first run through. I've finished my balanced run, now trying tactician. It's definitely a different playstyle, especially things like beating Commander Zhalk (have to use disarm command, buff up the flayer, etc)...
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    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    The music at some moments of this game is really quite epic There is an ability that you can get that summons a pack of ghouls, and their ability to paralyse on hit is overpowered as hell. You summon up a pack, and within a turn or two you can CC most monsters. Combine that with a wizard...
  25. S

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    They've tweaked enough that I've seen plenty of new things in Act 1 compared to EA. Yeah, normal mode is 40, so must be a tactician thing. I've got to say, the mobs definitely hit a lot more and harder than in EA, and target your soft back line more. Some really good QOL changes
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    Total War: Warhammer

    Chaos Dwarves are pretty fun to play, and have a lot of different avenues to balance their economy down, but they do feel super powerful by the mid game. By turn 90 on Very Hard I'd confederated all 3 other nations via the tower (which just gets faster as you confederate each one, as it improves...
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    The Pale Blue Eye (2022)

    Watched it lasst night with he wife. Honestly, it just feels... weak? The twists are kind of pointless, and we never really got all that invested in the characters. The main twist felt like they were trying too hard to do something unexpected. Shame.
  28. S

    Warhammer 40k: Darktide

    Yeah, without shield on Malice+ the Og gets shredded super fast.
  29. S

    Everquest RPG (Tabletop) - All PDF Download Links

    Hi @Zaide, I went to download the files from your googledrive but it says its expired - any chance you could re-upload? I read through the PoH one you hosted separately, loved the lore they included in there!
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    Lost Ark Online

    I started LA the day it launched (I'd bought the platinum founders pack, then didn't actually have time to play), done my chaos dungeons every day, guardians, etc. I didn't have a clue how the economy worked, but I've made a reasonable amount (and wasted a reasonable amount) of gold. I'm at 1404...