Warhammer 40k: Darktide


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Snagged a grenade launcher!

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So the shovel is the wep for Ogryn? I tried the shield but the damage too low for me. I am coming from VT2 zealot and need that cleave. The slasher is working best for me, nade box throw at heavies then gauntlet for range elites. Idk whats best at range if its ripper, stubber or gauntlet. The other grenade launcher thing is for hordes only imo.

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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
So the shovel is the wep for Ogryn? I tried the shield but the damage too low for me. I am coming from VT2 zealot and need that cleave. The slasher is working best for me, nade box throw at heavies then gauntlet for range elites. Idk whats best at range if its ripper, stubber or gauntlet. The other grenade launcher thing is for hordes only imo.

View attachment 444479

I'm going gauntlet. Just wipes the floor with everything. As for shield, I think it will be invaluable on the harder levels later.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I've been clearing the 4 pip difficulty ones with the cleaver just fine. Just gotta abuse the punch to stagger ragers and other heavy melee guys, and take the 50% more/less damage talent so you can tank the big boss mobs when needed.

I can't imagine ever giving up the raw damage the cleaver has. Even on level 4 it can oneshot armored dudes with a charged attack to the face.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
4.5Gig patch.

1.0.7 update
offers many improvements and fixes to issues identified over the past few days. In particular, there is a focus on improving the stability of the game, game rebalancing, and deepening customization. This is a summary below, with more detailed patch notes to follow in the Fatshark forums.

  • Fixed a significant amount of crashes - matchmaking crashes both on server and client.
  • Fixed “stuck in position 1” queuing issue
  • Addressed many of the lack of XP in progression issues
  • Fixed crashes that could occur when tabbing out while watching a cinematic
  • Fixed crashes when a player fell out of bounds
  • Fixed issues in the credit store where it was impossible to buy things with in-game currency
  • Fixed issues where the third-person camera would follow the player when falling out of bounds.
  • Fixed issues where the Tigrus Mk II Heavy Eviscerator damage stat did not work as intended, damage defaulted to 50%. Now should scale damage properly.
  • Fixed issues where the start animation of a heavy attack with the Thunder Hammer could get stuck.
  • Fixed multiple crashes caused by the Beast of Nurgle.
  • Fixed crashes that could occur when leaving the Mourningstar to head on a mission when having a specific trait equipped.
  • Fixed crashes that could occur with certain weapon traits.
  • Fixed issues where a player could complete the 'Up Close and Personal' Penance without meeting the appropriate criteria.
  • Fixed issues where Veteran Sharpshooter's 'Covering Fire' did not work correctly.
  • Fixed issues with Zealot's talent descriptions not matching what they actually do.
  • Fixed various issues where if you look straight down, the third-person character's head will twist and rotate 180 degrees.
  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes spawn with both weapons in hand.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ogryn's Grenade Box collides with the primary weapon on block.
  • Fixed an issue with the Armory where the stock may occasionally be refreshed prematurely before the timer should have elapsed.
  • Added codes to be displayed alongside errors.
  • Fixed an issue where "Toughness damage reduction" effects didn't work vs. melee damage. (both talents and coherency effects)
  • Fixed an issue where Zealots "Regain toughness while in melee" talent didn't trigger properly.

Rebalancing/Gameplay tweaks

  • Veteran talent balance pass, bleeding.
  • Zealot talent balance pass, toughness, and bleeding updates.
  • Ogryn balance pass and grenade amounts adjusted.
  • Ogryn club, attack combo adjusted. Damage values increased against certain enemy types.
  • Ogryn shovel increased mobility
  • Adjusted pacing w/ enemy characters, hordes, and spawns
  • Additional Psyker gameplay adjustments, including removal of a 'push' charge cost for the Force Sword
  • Bump up for autoguns and autopistols
  • Ranged Minions attack attributes adjusted

Player Interactions
  • Changed revive/rescue/pullup states to be 3rd person

Deepening Customization
  • Added Chirurgeon of the Mourningstar
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
The patch I got had new cosmetics, crafting, and was 1.08?

You are correct sir!

1.0.8 update
focuses on continuing to improve the stability of the game along with the introduction of new features. Below is a complete outline of the changes in this update.

New Features
  • Crafting Feature
    • UI for interacting with the workshop is available
    • Consecrate functionality is available for players.
    • Players can earn crafting materials from missions via pickups.
    • Hadron’s Workshop as an interaction point is also available.
    • Armoury Exchange updated - Buy Character and Weapon Skins in the store!

Quality of Life
  • Added EOR (end-of-round) Cards to show better what you unlock.
  • Sire Melk’s Requisitorium should provide better items overall by only having pristine/mastercrafted items.
  • Made Zealot’s Penance tier 1 and 2 pants more distinct.

  • We’ve added better interfacing for some cases where invalid names are entered during character creation, making it clearer that the chosen name/input is not accepted.
  • Fixed unlocalized strings in the settings menu.
  • Fixing some localization on some cosmetics items.
  • Improved item sorting by rarity - should now consider item rating too (shouldn't crash now either!).

Fixes & Tweaks
  • Fixed an instance where players could not use weapon special when ADS with the Lucius Mk III Helbore Lasgun.
  • Fixed issues with some audio on the Excise Vault Spireside-13 mission.
  • Turned down the light emitted by the Zealot. The Zealot calmed down, and their overly bright aura will serve as a flashlight no longer.
  • Fixed it so the Convict Garb no longer clips when having a specific face.
  • Fixed an issue with some gloves not looking correct while sprinting.
  • Fixed an issue where several of the enemy stagger animations clipped a lot.
  • Can now use weapon special when ADS on Headhunter Autoguns and Braced Autoguns.
  • Fixed some flickering in some prologue cinematics.
  • The camera would jump through geometry when switching between players in spectator mode. Now, it’ll jump between players to remove those unsightly geometry collisions.
  • Weirdly, ammo increased indefinitely when reloading during the prologue, which could cause a crash. This was fixed, and you can reload as much as you need.
  • Fixed some issues with buffering melee attacks when playing as Ogryn. No attack was triggered when players held the button "too early" in a chain. We have now adjusted this a little to make the overall feel better.
  • Better Variety of grunts when pushing multiple enemies. We know you love a good grunt.
  • Some voice-over was unintentionally canceled by players placing world markers or using the comms wheel - we fixed that for ya.
  • Players can no longer stand on top of the elevator in Chasm Logistratum and render the mission impossible to complete.
  • Re-entering an airlock after using it no longer triggers the ‘group up’ VO, as this is no longer the objective.
  • Fixed an issue where stacking crit bonuses would break the crit calculation, rendering the weapon unable to crit. Say “crit” one more time…
  • Fixed the Force Staff sometimes having a +x% reload speed property - despite not being reloadable. It’s a staff, after all—no need to reload it.
  • Fixed an issue with the Accatran Mk VIIa Lasgun, where shots would disappear after traveling around 45 meters / 147.6 feet / 49 yards / 0.0045 Swedish Miles.
  • Made some minor tweaks to the minion melee movement.
  • Tweaked ranged minions range switch from melee to ranged override when players are kiting them not to occur too close to players.
  • Fixed some broken stagger animations for various minions and some sound tweaks.
  • Fixed animation on fuel hose NPC character being frozen at the beginning of the level 18 Path of Trust cutscene.
  • Prologue cinematic fix for Zolas wound not looking like a wound, but something…else.
  • Made some voice-over tweaks so that we always play a line when deploying a health pack or ammo crate.
  • Fixed issue causing two, or sometimes fewer, items to appear in the credits store on refresh.
  • Improved stability of end-of-round rewards finalizing.

Balance Adjustments
  • Setup separate weapon-specific dodge curves for light melee weapons, tune-up separate zealot baseline:
    • Setup separate dodge curve for Zealot class, increase baseline dodge distance to 2.75m over 0.4s (was 2.5m over 0.4s).
    • Increase dodge slide friction speed threshold to 5.5m/s (from 4.5) - we don't break down as hard on dodge-sliding.
    • Setup weapon specific curves for agile dodge profiles to allow customized behavior:
      • For Atrox Tactical Axes and Maccabian Duelling Swords: Custom curve 2.75m over 0.35s with fine-tuned end of curve for chaining.
      • For Catachan Mk III Combat Blade: Custom curve 2.9m over 0.35s with fine-tuned end of curve for chaining.

We keep working on Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, and will keep optimizing the experience. We’re nowhere near done, and hope you appreciate the improvements we’ve already managed to implement. Please let us know your thoughts, and keep sharing your feedback. We appreciate you all.

Thank you.
The Darktide Team
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FoH nuclear response team
Infographic for stats and icons.


  • DT Weapon Icons.pdf
    157.4 KB · Views: 22
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FoH nuclear response team
The more I play this the better it gets. It seems to be much more engaging and challenging compared to V2 due to the drab colors and horde stacking. I could see elites from miles away in V2 but they'll sneak up on you pretty easy in this one.

Hope they keep stuff rolling out at a good rate.
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A nice asshole.
So the shovel is the wep for Ogryn? I tried the shield but the damage too low for me. I am coming from VT2 zealot and need that cleave. The slasher is working best for me, nade box throw at heavies then gauntlet for range elites. Idk whats best at range if its ripper, stubber or gauntlet. The other grenade launcher thing is for hordes only imo.

View attachment 444479
Launcher 100%, staggers or outright kills anything on hit then the secondary explosion is great damage and CC. And it has 100% accuracy at any range, just have to get good at leading sometimes.
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idk how the fuck u go about getting this heavyweight champion one for ogryn

one of your team mates would surely kill one of the elite ogryns (4 required) before u lined it up, and good luck getting those 4 elites togethre in the first place?