Search results

  1. Flobee

    LK-99 Room-temperature Superconductor

    Instead of clogging other threads figured I would post this here. I dunno if it is going to be real or not but figure it is worth following just in case. Overview: In simple terms the main constraint on conductors is loss of energy via heat dissipation. A...
  2. Flobee

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    Far too early to have an opinion but I've been hanging out in the lead dev's Twitch recently and they just sent out the first description of the game. Guy(Shawn) running this is the same one doing the interviews with OG EQ devs. Himself being an EQ designer. He's saying a lot of the stuff...
  3. Flobee

    Eric Weinstein's Geometric Theory of Everything

    I've been following Eric Weinstein closely since he first announced he was sitting on this theory on the Joe Rogan Experience. Eric has his own podcast 'The Portal' where the below was posted. I won't pretend to understand what he is presenting here (looks like alien hieroglyphs to me) however...