This show is fucking terrible, and the worst part about how terrible it is is that everyone involved thinks they are doing something life changing and important. My wife accidentally left the talk show portion running and holy fuck are these a bunch of pretentious douche bags. The writers and shit, not the actors.
On a personal note;
I am also uncomfortable with the graphic depictions of what are supposed to be underage individuals engaging in sexual activities. It isn't a line I am ready to cross and for me may be a line too far with Netflix. I don't consider myself prudish, I know teenagers have sex and abortions but I don't need to see it. I don't need to see characters take a shit in the name of realism, I don't need to see what are supposed to be minors fucking. Last time I checked if I was watching actual minors fucking I would be participating in a crime. The depiction is just too much for me, maybe it's be cause have kids and a younger sister... It just seems wrong to me, a step too far in the wrong direction for the wrong reasons. Maybe it's just me but it really bothered me, I'm getting old, I'm starting to care about shit again, and I don't like it.