2.1 Computer speaker thread...


<Gold Donor>
So Ive had this Boston Acoustics 7800 for like 5 yrs now, I bought it off a dude at work which got rid of his desktop and decided to get rid of these for $50.


And they were great. I never used the surround speakers, just used it as a 2.1. Great sound, cant even crank it full because its too fucking loud. And since most of our music is on the computer these days anyway we basically use it as a sound system. Its located in the living room and we use the shit out of it. Even if were hanging outside swimming, etc.. We turn it up a little louder and it serves the purpose of providing sounds outside, basically all summer long its on all day long with some music playing. The speakers were very clear from mids to highs even at high volumes. The bass box was tight and never boomy or rattly sounding.

But one of the speakers died. The one that died was the control speaker. Oddly the controls still work, but no sound. Thinking it was just the speaker, I fund a pair of the RH/LH main speakers on ebay for $30 and ordered them, but after plugging them in it still did not work, so im assuming its something fucked with the amp that it connects to on the back of the sub.

So now Im in the market for a new set of 2.1 Anyone have any thoughts of some which would come close to these? I want good sound quality, and be able to match the overall loudness of the above set. I was checking around and was interested in the Klipch Pro Media 2.1 set. But did not purchase yet.



Death and Taxes
I was given a Klipsch ProMedia 4.1 Computer Speaker System from my dads coworker about 8 years ago. They are phenomenal and like you described, they're loud as hell. Can't even touch the upper levels of sound just because of how loud they can get. The 2.1 system is going to be extremely similar if not identical/better than the 4.1 system. I couldn't recommend that set enough.

Here is a review of the same system (just wireless)http://www.maximumpc.com/article/new...wireless_twist

Here is another set to look into as well, I've read good things:http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Gaming...Corsair+SP2500


<Gold Donor>
Wow those corsairs look pretty sweet. Ive never heard of those until now, I will have to read up a bit about them, thanks.


<Gold Donor>
No, not yet, just have not had the time to fuck with it lately. Been super busy at work and home lately. But I did read up on that Corsair set and im kind of leaning that way. Either that or the Klipch.