If Whiters hit is a penalty, what is that?
Kreugen Vyemm Raider 6,599 793 Jan 19, 2014 #15,702 if the helmets actually touch it's not a helmet to helmet hit. Duh.
D Duppin_sl shitlord 3,785 3 Jan 19, 2014 #15,703 Kirun_sl said: If Whiters hit is a penalty, what is that? Click to expand... Prepping the excuses already I see.
Kirun_sl said: If Whiters hit is a penalty, what is that? Click to expand... Prepping the excuses already I see.
Chanur Shit Posting Professional <Aristocrat╭ರ_•́> 29,250 47,696 Jan 19, 2014 #15,704 That guy is going to have to relearn tying his shoe's after that hit.
M Mystrak_sl shitlord 30 0 Jan 19, 2014 #15,706 Wiziwig.tv | Live sports schedules. Watch free streams and the best sports events live on your pc. The lag10 seems to be the best non laggy for me, and the commercials are a riot since they are foreign.
Wiziwig.tv | Live sports schedules. Watch free streams and the best sports events live on your pc. The lag10 seems to be the best non laggy for me, and the commercials are a riot since they are foreign.
Cinge Ahn'Qiraj Raider 7,347 2,421 Jan 19, 2014 #15,710 How embarrassing seahawks, letting a QB run like that on you.
Chanur Shit Posting Professional <Aristocrat╭ರ_•́> 29,250 47,696 Jan 19, 2014 #15,712 Fucking Kaeperbro long striding.
Gravel Mr. Poopybutthole 41,083 138,095 Jan 19, 2014 #15,713 Those long strides. So long. Set up the Niners perfectly for another field goal.
kudos <Banned> 2,363 695 Jan 19, 2014 #15,715 Selix_sl said: Is this live stream anywhere? Click to expand... MyP2P | MyP2P.eu | Free Live Sports on your PC, Live Football, MLB, NBA, NHL and more FirstRowSports dont click ads or dont install anything if it asks. You won't get HD but I've used these sporadically throughout the years.
Selix_sl said: Is this live stream anywhere? Click to expand... MyP2P | MyP2P.eu | Free Live Sports on your PC, Live Football, MLB, NBA, NHL and more FirstRowSports dont click ads or dont install anything if it asks. You won't get HD but I've used these sporadically throughout the years.
Ameraves New title pending... <Bronze Donator> 13,787 15,162 Jan 19, 2014 #15,718 Not sure he got in, but don't see how they overturn it
Djay Trakanon Raider 2,339 382 Jan 19, 2014 #15,719 NFL meets GAME OF THRONES PULS 4 OPENING - YouTube
Ambiturner Ssraeszha Raider 16,109 19,673 Jan 19, 2014 #15,720 Wilson really shitting the game up, confirming he's the most overrated player in the NFL