Clearly a forward pass, lol.
Daezuel Potato del Grande 24,340 54,729 Feb 2, 2014 #16,602 This is almost just like watching the Niners.
Vandyn Blackwing Lair Raider 3,656 1,382 Feb 2, 2014 #16,604 Elurin_sl said: Seahawks offense still looks pretty incompetent. I'd say the Mannings come out after halftime and blow it up. Click to expand... It's keeping Peyton off the field, I'd say that's pretty competent.
Elurin_sl said: Seahawks offense still looks pretty incompetent. I'd say the Mannings come out after halftime and blow it up. Click to expand... It's keeping Peyton off the field, I'd say that's pretty competent.
Chanur Shit Posting Professional <Aristocrat╭ರ_•́> 29,280 47,794 Feb 2, 2014 #16,605 Looks forward to me. Think Fox wasted that challenge.
R Robert Baratheon_sl shitlord 1,658 0 Feb 2, 2014 #16,606 Fire whoever in the booth told him to challenge that.
Gravel Mr. Poopybutthole 41,148 138,567 Feb 2, 2014 #16,607 Shit, I wanna play ping pong with Arnold.
Quineloe Ahn'Qiraj Raider 6,978 4,464 Feb 2, 2014 #16,610 didn't find a working live stream yet, anyone help me out? nvm, I can actually watch this one.. FOX Sports live games and streaming video | FOX Sports Go even if its spanish... why is it spanish?
didn't find a working live stream yet, anyone help me out? nvm, I can actually watch this one.. FOX Sports live games and streaming video | FOX Sports Go even if its spanish... why is it spanish?
jooka marco esquandolas <Bronze Donator> 15,247 6,610 Feb 2, 2014 #16,611 Since we are just fans and not a ref it will clearly be Denver ball.
Zzen Potato del Grande 2,971 3,681 Feb 2, 2014 #16,612 Not sure what's worse, that challenge or that Ellen commercial.
M Mystrak_sl shitlord 30 0 Feb 2, 2014 #16,617 Quinloe, should be able to find one here. I'm watching the flash goldstream I think. | NFL Superbowl XLVIII | Watch live and free: Seattle Seahawks vs Denver Broncos
Quinloe, should be able to find one here. I'm watching the flash goldstream I think. | NFL Superbowl XLVIII | Watch live and free: Seattle Seahawks vs Denver Broncos
Chanur Shit Posting Professional <Aristocrat╭ರ_•́> 29,280 47,794 Feb 2, 2014 #16,618 Yeah that was great defense unfortunately.
Flipmode EQOA Refugee 2,094 313 Feb 2, 2014 #16,620 Broncos need to do something with this possession though.