rofl it keeps going
Chanur Shit Posting Professional <Aristocrat╭ರ_•́> 29,277 47,776 Feb 2, 2014 #16,902 Fuck yes Seattle recovery!
Brahma Obi-Bro Kenobi-X 12,822 48,082 Feb 2, 2014 #16,903 I see what's happening. The whole Broncos team put ALL their money on Seattle to win. They will own Vegas.
I see what's happening. The whole Broncos team put ALL their money on Seattle to win. They will own Vegas.
Gravel Mr. Poopybutthole 41,141 138,491 Feb 2, 2014 #16,906 Fuck you, Bruce Willis. Game sucks, and I'm watching it alone. What a dick.
Jx3 Riddle me this... 1,039 173 Feb 2, 2014 #16,907 Bruce Willis apparently isnt watching the same game I am. "Great game right?"
A azeth 6,216 8 Feb 2, 2014 #16,909 Sutekh_sl said: Yup, all peyton's fault. Click to expand... id say so
Sutekh Blackwing Lair Raider 7,489 107 Feb 2, 2014 #16,910 YEAH WELCOME HOME CHUCK NADD! You did your country proud by killing innocent people who are in no way shape or form a threat to our country.
YEAH WELCOME HOME CHUCK NADD! You did your country proud by killing innocent people who are in no way shape or form a threat to our country.
C Commander Vimeseh_sl shitlord 2,122 3 Feb 2, 2014 #16,911 Does John Fox get fired after this? I mean I don't think I've seen a worse performance on such a big stage from a team in well.... just about ever.
Does John Fox get fired after this? I mean I don't think I've seen a worse performance on such a big stage from a team in well.... just about ever.
Sutekh Blackwing Lair Raider 7,489 107 Feb 2, 2014 #16,912 Commander Vimeseh_sl said: Does John Fox get fired after this? I mean I don't think I've seen a worse performance on such a big stage from a team in well.... just about ever. Click to expand...
Commander Vimeseh_sl said: Does John Fox get fired after this? I mean I don't think I've seen a worse performance on such a big stage from a team in well.... just about ever. Click to expand...
Springbok Karen <Gold Donor> 9,605 14,274 Feb 2, 2014 #16,913 Man, Denvers entire team has sucked a big dick tonight. Feels like I'm watching New England post spy-gate.
Man, Denvers entire team has sucked a big dick tonight. Feels like I'm watching New England post spy-gate.
Jx3 Riddle me this... 1,039 173 Feb 2, 2014 #16,914 They are a different color than americans. Good enough reason!
P penalty_sl shitlord 832 0 Feb 2, 2014 #16,916 First time I've ever stopped watching a SB out of boredom. Denver is just so bad.
Gravel Mr. Poopybutthole 41,141 138,491 Feb 2, 2014 #16,917 Sutekh seems awfully butthurt about his 5th #1 favorite team.
Regime LOADING, PLEASE WAIT... <Aristocrat╭ರ_•́> 17,222 41,141 Feb 2, 2014 #16,919 Must suck knowing your little brother Eli is better than you.
Springbok Karen <Gold Donor> 9,605 14,274 Feb 2, 2014 #16,920 Oh, and Russ Wilson wins a SB before that little fagbot in San Francisco. Can I get a "LOOOOOOOL".