I've been away, what happened to hodj? Certainly the most annoying poster I've ever argued with.
Long story short, he attempted to say Kentucky was not a Southern state--and the resulting argument broke him. Below is an in depth chronology if you want to follow his melt down.
Kind of started here, in the shaw (Quote link below).
I have no southern heritage, Kentucky is a northern state and my family is mostly from Ohio.
At which point Ary and co trolled him through the Zimmerman thread for around 10 pages, all very entertaining. Then Ary went to the political thread to ask me my opinion, knowing that Hodj, being the obssesive compulsive ADHD star he is, would be unable to stop himself from dragging me into the debate.
Political thread branch....
It begins here, but eventually, a few pages later, I dig up some of my old research on Southern Economics and lay into him. At which point, the argument reverts to the Zimmerman thread. (Below.)
Back to Zimmerman thread....
Eventually Hodj makes his last stand in the
Kentucky Where Art Thoughthread, which was created to contain his random, spastic like posting. And for the next 100+ pages attempts every idiotic debate tactic that first year undergrad learns in order to make himself look super smart but every reductionism, straw man and accusation of fallacy was driven into the ground by everyone.
He went nuts, began accusing people of stalking and homophobia, and began just spamming the pages which large cut outs. After the debate was over, he tried to post normally in the Athiesm thread, but Tuco made a small, good hearted remark towards him and he displayed some epic PTSD at which point the throws out random credentials of his eductaion to show how smart he is, and blows up on everyone accusing them of using any thread as an excuse to "bandwagon" against him. (Starts on page 178 in that thread, unmodified posts per page.)
Have fun if you want to read through it all!