Joy was pretty good. Passengers was super dumb, Hollywood almost never gets sci fi right. Mother! idk, I didn't finish that and didn't watch Red Sparrow.
it was actually what passed for "woke" in 1990. the noble savage was a thing back then. i liked the movie, but goodfellas was clearly a much more riveting film, it was one of those "gamechanger" films i have talked about many times. if no Goodfellas, you wouldnt have had a Reservoir Dogs and then no Pulp Fiction.Marty's already working on another one, with DiCaprio and DeNiro no less. I think all the rose colored glasses shit with The Irishman just comes from nostalgia over Goodfellas. Yeah, Goodfellas was amazing, they should have given him all the awards the year that came out. Instead they gave them all to Kevin Costner, because it's not an award for art, it's an industry recognition thing. Heaping praise on mediocre work doesn't make up for them shitting the bed when it came to Goodfellas.
also fuck Pain and Gain, another movie about how hard life is for Hollywood insiders and how amazing they are for overcoming obstacles like getting old
You probably saw the name of Francis Lawrence who directed the second, third and fourth Hunger Games movies as well as Red Sparrow. The guy is an austrian born in Vienna and totally unrelated to Jennifer Lawrence, who is the daughter of a construction worker and of a summer camp manager from Kentucky. Doesn't that scream Hollywood royalty ?The one thing about hunger games that really stuck out to me wasn't anything about the movie itself. It was fine, you know. Not great, not horrible, it was perfectly adequate for the type of movie that it is.
But in the credits, there is a Lawrence listed as either the first or second producer. Usually I ignore credits entirely but for some reason I watched those credits. I saw that and had one of those "oh, that explains that" moments.
It's a bit surprising that Parasite can be nominated in both the best film and the best foreign film categories... though I think it did happen before ?
The title is Pain and Glory and, considering it's a Spanish film, your little tirade is a bit silly. I have not seen the film yet, but I know it's in part based on Almodovar's life, so I am going to guess being a gay man in a catholic dictatorship might not be the greatest thing and that being part of a vibrant counterculture scene in the '80s usually comes with some drama attached (drugs, AIDS, remnants of the dictatorship, etc).
You probably saw the name of Francis Lawrence who directed the second, third and fourth Hunger Games movies as well as Red Sparrow. The guy is an austrian born in Vienna and totally unrelated to Jennifer Lawrence, who is the daughter of a construction worker and of a summer camp manager from Kentucky. Doesn't that scream Hollywood royalty ?
While I am at it, what transformed Lawrence from an actress to a star is her academy award nomination for the leading part in Winter's Bone.
While I am at it, what transformed Lawrence from an actress to a star is her academy award nomination for the leading part in Winter's Bone.
While I am at it, what transformed Lawrence from an actress to a star is her academy award nomination for the leading part in Winter's Bone.
Your theory is interestingFucker , but I don't find particularly surprising that an actress who did 3 movies a year when she was in her early 20s works at a slower pace in her late 20s (and is a millionaire). In 2019 she only was in a supporting part in Dark Phoenix, but also got married. She will be in a couple movies in 2020, most notably as the main character in the next Paolo Sorrentino movie, so yeah...
szila thinks art house films that cost 20 dollars to produce are the same as a 200 million dollar blockbuster.Who?
No idea what uncut gems is actually about, but its getting flak for portraying jews with negative stereotypes. Not to go all Mario, but I suspect that, and Adam Sandler being a known hack, is going to keep it out of the running because it doesn't have a lot of promotion outside of that.Oh yeah - no Uncut Gems in Best Picture. Bullshit right there.
Oscar voter admits not watching a bunch of the 2016 films in new 'brutally honest' ballot
The anonymous Academy member backs Leonardo DiCaprio to finally win a gong for The
pretty boring year in movies. although most years i only have seen like 10% of oscar movies, this year i've seen like 80% of them thanks to A-List and more mainstream noms. no "slavery is bad, mmmk" or "being straight is not normal" movies
like most years i guess this will be one we mostly forget movie wise, except for End Game, Joker, and maybe Midsommar, Lighthouse, Uncut Gems, and Parasite.
Uncut Gems seems to have been completely ignored.
also fuck Pain and Gain, another movie about how hard life is for Hollywood insiders and how amazing they are for overcoming obstacles like getting old