2021 NFL Offseason: QB Carousel Imminent -- Retirement Boogaloo


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
I'm sick of those star QB's thinking they are the bees knees. Their egos are out of control, being fed by agents, managers, posses and other yes-men, often also by baby-mamas, making them think that they alone are the team. If they wanna play HC or a GM, quit being a player and see if someone hires you. All they want is power but no accountability. If a QB or any other player goes to an owner with a list of personnel suggestions the two words out of owner's mouth should be "fuck off" and nothing else. What has Wilson really done after that pass play at 1 yard line? Not a single conference final game in 6 years and only a couple of division games. Their o line sucks balls and he has no weapons to speak of and he runs around on every other play like his life depends on it. Watson is just a delusional Cam Newton 2.0 with a massive contract. Thanks Bill O'Brien
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El Presidente
It seems like it's really difficult for people to understand the difference between can't, shouldn't, and won't
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Yay, mlb thread muurloen is starting to come around.

It's very likely he won't be traded because it's almost impossible for the Texans to get worthwhile value given his position and they have much more leverage than Watson does.

That doesn't mean it's technically impossible, though.
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Yay, mlb thread muurloen is starting to come around.

It's very likely he won't be traded because it's almost impossible for the Texans to get worthwhile value given his position and they have much more leverage than Watson does.

That doesn't mean it's technically impossible, though.

confused jeff bridges GIF

My stance this whole time has been he is impossible to move right now, and probably next year. Beyond that he will be easy to trade with out the team taking a massive hit to their cap and the Texans can, likely, reap a shit ton of picks to have a chance at rebuilding.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
It seems like it's really difficult for people to understand the difference between can't, shouldn't, and won't

This. I think everyone agrees he most likely won't be traded, but people have this thing where they say something stupid and then feel the need to defend it forever and then declare victory once everyone gets tired of telling them they're dumb.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
confused jeff bridges GIF

My stance this whole time has been he is impossible to move right now, and probably next year. Beyond that he will be easy to trade with out the team taking a massive hit to their cap and the Texans can, likely, reap a shit ton of picks to have a chance at rebuilding.
It's not technically impossible to move him right now. Period. Even when accounting for the picks they'll have to sign and necessary minimum contracts. They could do enough cuts -- cooks alone is 12 million or so. Do you really think the NFL teams inquiring about him are so dumb that they would try if it were actually technically impossible?

No one's saying that the Texans could get worthwhile value for him. Just that it's feasible for a deal to be constructed that would be legal under the cap.

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El Presidente
It's not technically impossible to move him right now. Period. Even when accounting for the picks they'll have to sign and necessary minimum contracts. They could do enough cuts -- cooks alone is 12 million or so. Do you really think the NFL teams inquiring about him are so dumb that they would try if it were actually technically impossible?

No one's saying that the Texans could get worthwhile value for him. Just that it's feasible for a deal to be constructed that would be legal under the cap.
This pretty much. The extra 6M cap hit for trading him is something they can definitely get around if they really wanted to. Or they could wait till June, defer part of the cap hit to the following season and actually reduce their cap hit for this upcoming season by a good chunk. That seems very unlikely, but who knows, maybe they play chicken long enough and they finally cave this summer. But the point is they could definitely trade him if they wanted to. That's the whole point. Our resident Houston friend doubling down on how it's impossible because of cap reasons is just wrong.
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New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Hey look you fucking shit stains.

In that video they say absolutely nothing about not moving him because they "can't" due to cap restrictions, which has been your entire argument about why he won't be moved. You are still wrong. Again, doesn't mean he is being traded, but your reasoning isn't why.

Fuck I was hoping your MLB retardation wouldn't spill over here.


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New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Holy shit guys, I just realized something. According to Muurloen Muurloen thought process, none of the teams in the red will be able to play next year. I mean, they are over the cap so it is impossible to do anything to fix it!

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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Holy shit guys, I just realized something. According to Muurloen Muurloen thought process, none of the teams in the red will be able to play next year. I mean, they are over the cap so it is impossible to do anything to fix it!

View attachment 337938
Now you are being a hyperbolic prick.

I am sorry your smooth brain can't grasp the concept that moving Watson this year handcuffs the Texans immensely. Sure they can find league minimum players to fill their roster, its highly unlikely that they will find impactful players in doing so.

Sure those teams that are over the cap can make cap saving cuts here and there, but their movement is limited.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Now you are being a hyperbolic prick.

I am sorry your smooth brain can't grasp the concept that moving Watson this year handcuffs the Texans immensely. Sure they can find league minimum players to fill their roster, its highly unlikely that they will find impactful players in doing so.

Sure those teams that are over the cap can make cap saving cuts here and there, but their movement is limited.
But if they would move Watson why would they care about being a dumpster fire this year? No shit they're not going to get any impact players. It's called a rebuild.

You know how you get impact players when your cap situation sucks? You draft until your cap situation gets better. Getting more draft picks would facilitate that.

They were 4-12 last year with Watson so it's unlikely they could do anything to be a contender next year anyway. They're already handcuffed WITH Watson by having traded away draft picks and giving out some poor contracts.

Again, it makes sense for the Texans to call Watson's bluff on sitting out because he's a top five level QB, not because it's impossible to trade him.
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New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Now you are being a hyperbolic prick.

I am sorry your smooth brain can't grasp the concept that moving Watson this year handcuffs the Texans immensely. Sure they can find league minimum players to fill their roster, its highly unlikely that they will find impactful players in doing so.

Sure those teams that are over the cap can make cap saving cuts here and there, but their movement is limited.
I know it's hard for your smooth brain to understand this, but do you see that Eagles team down there? Guess what they just did with their QB. Do you have any idea how big of a dead cap hit they took?

Your lack of understanding of all of this is amazing,
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El Presidente
Now you are being a hyperbolic prick.

I am sorry your smooth brain can't grasp the concept that moving Watson this year handcuffs the Texans immensely. Sure they can find league minimum players to fill their roster, its highly unlikely that they will find impactful players in doing so.

Sure those teams that are over the cap can make cap saving cuts here and there, but their movement is limited.
And again nothing you just now said means that they literally can't trade him. Which was your original assertation. You specifically said it was impossible to trade him. You were wrong. All this shit with you trying to save face by showing that it's bad for him to be traded has nothing to do with anything since nobody is claiming that they should trade him, just that it's possible. Also, do you feel like your team's front office's recent track record indicates somehow that they'll do the smartest possible thing? Maybe they'll panic at the last minute and trade him for 2 aging players and a 3rd round pick.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
lol a kilo of coke is nothing.

In my home city narcotics detectives just made a 7 kilo fentanyl bust, and the street value estimated was only 400,000$.

A kilo of white is only 30k. More like Fitzmagic and 100 kilos. (i know u were being sarcastic but it is fun to think about NFL deals in terms of drug money lol)
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
lol a kilo of coke is nothing.

In my home city narcotics detectives just made a 7 kilo fentanyl bust, and the street value estimated was only 400,000$.

A kilo of white is only 30k. More like Fitzmagic and 100 kilos. (i know u were being sarcastic but it is fun to think about NFL deals in terms of drug money lol)
Yeah, I know it's not much but that's the point, since it's the Texans making the deal! Every other team could get more.
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New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Hey look at that, $5M in savings for the Texans.

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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
I know it's hard for your smooth brain to understand this, but do you see that Eagles team down there? Guess what they just did with their QB. Do you have any idea how big of a dead cap hit they took?

Your lack of understanding of all of this is amazing,
Glad you are smart enough to come up with your own wording and not use others.

Wait a second.
I am sorry your smooth brain....
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